The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) Analyst Coverage

Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter for The Advisory Board Company
Gabelli Funds Cut Its Position in Verizon Communications (VZ) as Share Value Declined; Advisory Board Co/The (ABCO) Shareholder Advent International Upped Its Holding

02 July, 2017

(ABCO) stake by 33.21% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. American Capital Management Inc, a New York-based fund reported 802,391 shares.#img1#. American Capital Management Inc. increased its position in The Advisory Board Company by 2.3% in the first quarter. Hanseatic Management Services Inc who had been investing in Itron Inc. for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $2.61B market cap company. The stock declined 1.88% or $1.3 reaching $67.75 on the news. About 94,832 shares traded. Lumentum Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:LITE) has risen 145.74% since June 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.16% the S&P500. The business's revenue was down 3.1% compared to the same quarter previous year. Its up 4.28% from 7.51 million shares previously. The institutional investor bought 3,399 shares of the business services provider's stock, valued at approximately $159,000. Glenmede Trust Company Na holds 0% of its portfolio in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) for 2,047 shares. The stock had a trading volume of 78,026 shares. About 94,072 shares traded. About shares traded. The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) has risen 63.68% since June 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 46.98% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.17 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.01, from 1.1 in 2016Q3. Sold All: 28 Reduced: 48 Increased: 60 New Position: 29. Finally, Confluence Investment Management LLC raised its position in The Advisory Board Company by 6.9% in the first quarter.

The Advisory Board Company, launched on August 9, 2001, is a provider of software and solutions to the healthcare and higher education industries. Moreover, Nomura Holding Inc has 0.08% invested in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO). Swiss National Bank reported 65,900 shares. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Systems stated it has 0% in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO). The stock rose 0.39% or $0.2 reaching $51.7 per share. (NYSE:VZ). Holderness Invs reported 52,785 shares stake. 24,980 are owned by Brown Advisory. Stifel Financial reported 0% of its portfolio in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO). Janus Cap Mgmt Limited Liability Company reported 0.07% of its portfolio in The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO). The Advisory Board Company accounts for 3.9% of Vista Equity Partners Management LLC's holdings, making the stock its 13th largest position.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 insider buys, and 17 selling transactions for $4.93 million activity. FELSENTHAL DAVID L also sold $562,984 worth of The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) on Monday, April 3.

The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) last posted its earnings results on Thursday, May 4th. Shares are trading at $51.35 a tad above $51.35, the stock's 50 day moving average and which is just over the 200 day moving average of $44.91.

Rivulet Capital Llc, which manages about $221.95M and $502.91 million US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Commscope Hldg Co Inc (NASDAQ:COMM) by 534,700 shares to 1.73 million shares, valued at $64.44 million in 2016Q4, according to the filing. The Advisory Board Company now has a consensus rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $47.92. Therefore 23% are positive. The value of the total investment in The Advisory Board Company went from $12,424,000 to $17,525,000 a change of $5,101,000 for the reporting period. The stock of The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO) has "Market Perform" rating given on Tuesday, July 19 by Raymond James. The firm has "Outperform" rating given on Wednesday, August 5 by Oppenheimer.

04/18/2016 - The Advisory Board Company was downgraded to "sector weight" by analysts at KeyBanc. The firm has "Outperform" rating given on Monday, March 27 by Robert W. Baird. Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of The Advisory Board Company from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research note on Wednesday, May 10th. The stock has "Neutral" rating by Citigroup on Monday, March 14. Finally, SunTrust Banks, Inc. downgraded shares of The Advisory Board Company from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating and set a $45.00 price objective for the a report on Friday, March 10th. (NASDAQ:ITRI) news were published by: which released: "Itron Names Joan Hooper Chief Financial Officer" on May 31, 2017, also published article titled: "Itron hires Dell exec as CFO and closes $100M Comverge deal", published: "Itron's (ITRI) New Meters to Boost Water Efficiency in Tonga" on June 07, 2017. More interesting news about Itron, Inc.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.34 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.09, from 1.26 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 55 investors sold DHR shares while 315 reduced holdings. 89 funds opened positions while 406 raised stakes. The stock of athenahealth, Inc (NASDAQ:ATHN) earned "Hold" rating by Topeka Capital Markets on Monday, October 26. (NASDAQ:XCRA) stake by 111,200 shares to 1.83 million valued at $14.00 million in 2016Q4. Blackrock Advsr Ltd Liability Corp invested 0% in Itron, Inc. Stephens Ar accumulated 13,621 shares. Prudential invested in 0.03% or 313,441 shares. Topeka Capital Markets maintained the shares of ATHN in report on Monday, July 27 with "Buy" rating. Da Davidson & has 818 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Vident Inv Advisory Limited Liability reported 0.28% stake. Jacobs Levy Equity Mgmt holds 93,050 shares or 0.06% of its portfolio. Ubs Asset Americas Incorporated invested in 0% or 9,199 shares. Axa, France-based fund reported 27,640 shares.

Among 22 analysts covering Verizon Communications Inc.

Among 15 analysts covering Danaher Corporation (NYSE:DHR), 11 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 73% are positive. The rating was downgraded by Zacks on Friday, August 7 to "Strong-Buy". The rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with "Hold" on Friday, August 7. (NYSE:VZ) rating on Wednesday, January 25. The company was maintained on Wednesday, November 2 by Stifel Nicolaus. Credit Suisse Ag invested in 2.24 million shares.

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