How Analysts Rated Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation (NASDAQ:BGFV) Last Week?

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Today's Brokerage Rating: FedEx Corporation (FDX), Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. (DKS)

08 July, 2017

The SI to Aeglea Biotherapeutics Incorporated's float is 0.35%. James Investment Research Inc. now owns 2,933 shares of the sporting goods retailer's stock worth $143,000 after buying an additional 200 shares in the last quarter. Eam Investors Llc sold 7,917 shares as Dick's Sporting Goods Inc. It has underperformed by 10.90% the S&P500.

Reliance Trust increased Te Connectivity Ltd (TEL) stake by 28.1% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Walleye Trading Limited Co holds 0% or 17,663 shares in its portfolio. James Investment Research Inc. increased its stake in Dick's Sporting Goods by 7.3% in the first quarter. The stock decreased 0.21% or $0.1 during the last trading session, reaching $47.7. It is down 57.96% since July 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 12.60% the S&P500. Dick's Sporting Goods Inc has a 12 month low of $35.87 and a 12 month high of $62.88. Two research experts recommended the company shares with a sell recommendation, around ten has issued a hold recommendation and twenty-two has issued a buy recommendation to the share. Therefore 67% are positive. Dick's Sporting Goods Inc. had 73 analyst reports since July 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Wednesday, November 2, the company rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Thursday, October 6 by Deutsche Bank.

Several equities research analysts have recently weighed in on the stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $14.57, for a total value of $27,173.05. The stock of Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation (NASDAQ:BGFV) has "Buy" rating given on Wednesday, November 2 by Deutsche Bank. The rating was upgraded by Wolfe Research on Tuesday, March 14 to "Outperform".

Analysts expect Outfront Media Inc (NYSE:OUT) to report $0.61 EPS on August, 3.They anticipate $0.02 EPS change or 3.39% from last quarter's $0.59 EPS. The rating was upgraded by RBC Capital Markets on Thursday, July 14 to "Outperform".

Investors sentiment increased to 1.21 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.06, from 0.93 in 2016Q3. 61 funds opened positions while 185 raised stakes. Hussman Strategic Advsrs accumulated 127,000 shares. Public Sector Pension Board owns 12,918 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Analysts have placed a $51.58 price target on Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc., suggesting a 30.12% gain from recent close. 42,837 were accumulated by Sg Americas Limited Liability. 49,905 were reported by Martingale Asset Lp. Amalgamated Savings Bank invested in 0.04% or 16,122 shares. Susquehanna Bancshares Inc reiterated a "positive" rating and issued a $65.00 price target (down from $70.00) on shares of Dick's Sporting Goods in a research report on Friday, March 10th. (NASDAQ:ASTE) stake by 44,003 shares and now owns 56,956 shares. Geode Cap Limited Company owns 466,831 shares for 0% of their portfolio.

Dick's Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, May 16th. D E Shaw holds 129,793 shares or 0% of its portfolio.

Dick's Sporting Goods, an omni-channel sporting goods retailer offering an assortment of sports equipment, apparel, footwear and accessories in its specialty retail stores primarily in the eastern United States. The firm has a market capitalization of $4.49 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 15.45 and a beta of 0.48. The Firm also owns and operates Golf Galaxy, Field & Stream and other specialty concept stores, and Dick's Team Sports HQ, an all-in-one youth sports digital platform offering free league management services, mobile applications for scheduling, communications and live scorekeeping, custom uniforms and FanWear and access to donations and sponsorships. It has a 11.98 P/E ratio.

Since March 10, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 2 selling transactions for $16.80 million activity. $15.82 million worth of stock was sold by STACK EDWARD W on Monday, March 13. Timessquare Cap Limited Liability Corporation, New York-based fund reported 244,970 shares. The average analysts gave this company a mean recommendation of 2.10. TE Connectivity had 19 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was upgraded by Stifel Nicolaus on Monday, February 8 to "Buy". The stock of Outfront Media Inc (NYSE:OUT) earned "Market Perform" rating by Wells Fargo on Tuesday, August 18. The stock has "Buy" rating by Citigroup on Friday, May 20. The firm has "Neutral" rating by B. Riley & Co given on Friday, December 18. It is positive, as 13 investors sold BGFV shares while 32 reduced holdings. Price T Rowe Assoc Md owns 724,560 shares. Scotia Cap Incorporated holds 0.05% or 41,460 shares in its portfolio. Korea Inv invested 0.01% in Dicks Sporting Goods Inc (NYSE:DKS). Eam Invsts Ltd Liability reported 138,207 shares stake. Fred Alger has invested 0% in Dicks Sporting Goods Inc (NYSE:DKS). Mckinley Mngmt Llc Delaware stated it has 0.01% of its portfolio in TE Connectivity Ltd (NYSE:TEL).

Since January 30, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 16 insider sales for $75.97 million activity. Shares for $974,642 were sold by CHIRICO EMANUEL. Stockholders of record on Friday, June 9th were given a dividend of $0.17 per share. 31,400 shares valued at $2.48 million were sold by Ott Robert J on Wednesday, May 31. Shares for $21,012 were sold by FRALEY JEFFREY L on Friday, May 26. Its down 22% from 1.38M shares previously.

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