Reynolds American Inc. (RAI) Is An Earnings Contender


28 May, 2017

Keybank National Association Oh holds 0.02% or 52,679 shares. Lmm Llc sold 3.54M shares as Apple Inc (AAPL)'s stock rose 12.78%. Apple Inc now has $799.85B valuation. The stock was trading on below-average volume. Shares have risen 22.52% over the trailing 6 months. (NYSE:SPN) has declined 25.14% since May 26, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.22% the S&P500. Eton Park Capital Management L.P. acquired a new stake in Reynolds American during the fourth quarter valued at about $194,032,000. Tower Ltd Liability Com (Trc) has invested 0.05% of its portfolio in Reynolds American, Inc. Monetary Grp holds 2,500 shares or 0.06% of its portfolio. The stock rose 0.16% or $0.11 reaching $66.87. Auger Michael P. had sold 7,804 shares worth $473,519. Finally, Morgan Dempsey Capital Management LLC increased its position in Reynolds American by 26.4% in the third quarter. It has outperformed by 16.77% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.84 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.11, from 1.03 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 89 investors sold RAI shares while 298 reduced holdings.

British Columbia Investment Management Corp raised its stake in shares of Reynolds American, Inc. Moreover, Alphamark Advsrs Limited Liability has 0.02% invested in Reynolds American, Inc. (NYSE:RAI) for 472,611 shares. The Company's segments include RJR Tobacco, which consists of the primary operations of its subsidiary, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company; Santa Fe, which consists of the primary operations of its subsidiary, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc, and American Snuff, which consists of the primary operations of its subsidiary, American Snuff Company, LLC. (NYSE:RAI). Moreover, Virtu Financial Limited Liability has 0.04% invested in Reynolds American, Inc.

Shares of Reynolds American (NYSE:RAI) opened at 66.42 on Thursday. Robinson Capital Management Llc owns 53,700 shares or 0.39% of their United States portfolio. (NYSE:RAI). Bp Public Limited Liability reported 0.1% of its portfolio in Reynolds American, Inc. Chilton Limited Liability Company holds 6,919 shares. (NYSE:RAI) news were published by: which released: "Advisory: RAI board declares quarterly cash dividend; Susan Cameron elected ..." on May 04, 2017, also with their article: "Today's Research Reports on Tobacco Leaders: Reynolds American and Philip Morris" published on May 04, 2017, published: "What's in Store for Reynolds American (RAI) in Q1 Earnings?" on May 01, 2017. Amp has invested 0.2% in Reynolds American, Inc. Sumitomo Mitsui Tru invested 0.23% in Reynolds American, Inc. (NYSE:RAI). Jnba Fincl Advsrs owns 100 shares.

Johnson Financial Grp Inc owns 42,445 shares for 0.39% of their portfolio. (NYSE:RAI) shares. The insider Hawley Nancy H. sold 5,586 shares worth $338,938. (NYSE:RAI) by 1.4% during the first quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Advisor Ptnrs Ltd Llc stated it has 23,397 shares or 0.39% of all its holdings. Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co.

Analysts await Reynolds American, Inc.

Seadrill Ltd (NYSE:SDRL) have shown a low EPS growth of -16.20% in the last 5 years and has earnings growth of -64.60% yoy. During the same period previous year, the company earned $0.50 EPS. RAI's profit will be $917.74 million for 26.12 P/E if the $0.64 EPS becomes a reality. Finally, Bank of Montreal Can raised its stake in Reynolds American by 183.7% in the first quarter.

Among 16 analysts covering Reynolds American Inc. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, nine have given a hold rating and one has assigned a buy rating to the stock. Therefore 31% are positive. The rating was upgraded by S&P Research on Wednesday, July 29 to "Strong Buy". The firm has "Buy" rating by Zacks given on Thursday, September 17. (NYSE:RAI) earned "Neutral" rating by UBS on Thursday, August 25. Jefferies initiated the stock with "Buy" rating in Wednesday, September 21 report. They issued a "neutral" rating and a $67.00 price target on the stock. Royal Bank of Canada downgraded Reynolds American from an "outperform" rating to a "sector perform" rating and lifted their price target for the company from $54.00 to $60.00 in a report on Monday, February 13th. Credit Suisse maintained the shares of AAPL in report on Friday, September 11 with "Buy" rating. The firm has "Underperform" rating given on Wednesday, October 21 by Credit Agricole. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Friday, August 21 by Zacks.

Since March 3, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 9 sales for $12.48 million activity.

Mackenzie Financial Corp decreased Reynolds American Inc (RAI) stake by 77.73% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. (NYSE:CIT) for 407,554 shares. CALDWELL LISA J also sold $1.71 million worth of Reynolds American, Inc. Balasa Dinverno & Foltz LLC increased its stake in Reynolds American by 5.5% in the third quarter. On average, equities analysts expect that Reynolds American, Inc. will post $2.53 EPS for the current fiscal year.

In other news, insider Debra Ann Crew sold 17,393 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, March 6th. The insider Holton Martin L. III sold $2.34M.

Van Eck Associates Corp decreased Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quali (MFL) stake by 26,480 shares to 59,791 valued at $848,000 in 2016Q4.

Other large investors have also bought and sold shares of the company. Deere & Co (NYSE:DE) was reduced too. The stock has "Hold" rating by Berenberg on Tuesday, June 14. Therefore 93% are positive. Superior Energy Services had 80 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was initiated by Longbow on Wednesday, September 21 with "Buy". The rating was initiated by Berenberg with "Hold" on Tuesday, June 14. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, November 8 by CLSA. (NYSE:RAI). 151,150 are held by Utah Retirement Sys. The company was upgraded on Thursday, March 17 by Morgan Stanley. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Monetta Financial Service Inc reported 39,000 shares or 2.78% of all its holdings. The company is set at a mean analysts' recommendation of 2.50. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Oppenheimer given on Wednesday, November 4.

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