Which Insider sold 1399 Shares Of Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC)?

Analysts’ Opinions on Marathon Petroleum Why Are They Positive
Trading summary on Chesapeake Energy Corporation (CHK)

06 September, 2017

According to Financial Times, The 4 analysts offering 12 month price targets for Arcos Dorados Holding Inc have a median target of 10.30, with a high estimate of 11.00 and a low estimate of 7.00. FinnCap maintained the stock with "Corporate" rating in Monday, March 27 report. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with "Hold" on Friday, June 2. As per Monday, June 12, the company rating was maintained by Needham. Finally, Jefferies Group LLC set a $65.00 target price on shares of Marathon Petroleum Corporation and gave the company a "buy" rating in a report on Friday, August 25th. The rating was upgraded by UBS to "Neutral" on Tuesday, November 1. The company was maintained on Friday, August 4 by Piper Jaffray. Investors of record on Wednesday, August 16th will be paid a $0.40 dividend.

C M Bidwell & Associates Ltd increased Marathon Petroleum (MPC) stake by 14.56% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Lee Financial Co grew its stake in Marathon Petroleum Corporation by 2.4% during the 2nd quarter. The stock sank -14.02% last month and is down -25.08 this year.

Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE:MRO) ended its day at $11.27 with the rising stream of 1.35% and its total traded volume was 7.79 million shares less than the average volume. It has outperformed by 29.50% the S&P500. Therefore 34% are positive. Royal Bank Of Canada reaffirmed a buy rating and set a $71.00 price target on shares of Marathon Petroleum Corporation in a research report on Thursday, August 31st. Jefferies maintained the stock with "Buy" rating in Friday, August 25 report. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan on Wednesday, December 7 to "Overweight". On Tuesday, July 11 the stock rating was maintained by FinnCap with "Corporate". (USA) (NYSE:RCI) earned "Sector Perform" rating by IBC on Wednesday, April 5. Stifel Nicolaus has "Hold" rating and $1100 target. The forecast of 18 surveyed investment analysts covering the stock advises investors to Buy stake in the company. Bernstein downgraded Repsol SA (ADR) (OTCMKTS:REPYY) on Thursday, September 8 to "Underperform" rating. As per Thursday, July 13, the company rating was maintained by Credit Suisse. It also reduced its holding in Kimberly Clark Corp (NYSE:KMB) by 105,350 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 73,636 shares, and cut its stake in Progressive Corp Ohio (NYSE:PGR). Arris Intl Inc was raised too.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.88 in Q4 2016. This represents a $0.20 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.77%. Sold All: 66 Reduced: 252 Increased: 231 New Position: 116. 75 funds opened positions while 136 raised stakes. The active investment managers in our partner's database reported: 395.20 million shares, down from 402.74 million shares in 2016Q3.

Marathon Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:MPC) previously released its fiscal periodic earnings information on Early Thur, Jul 27th. Capital Investment Advisors LLC now owns 6,420 shares of the oil and gas company's stock valued at $336,000 after buying an additional 19 shares during the last quarter.

The top 5 institutional holders, in ascending order, are as follows: BLACKROCK INC. with 50.5 million shares, VANGUARD GROUP INC with 39.26 million shares, STATE STREET CORP with 27.46 million shares, BOSTON PARTNERS with 9.13 million shares, and KENSICO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CORP with 9.05 million shares. Icon Advisers Co accumulated 148,350 shares. Mufg Americas Hldgs Corp holds 0.05% of its portfolio in Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) for 28,550 shares. Spirit Of America Management Corporation New York stated it has 46,550 shares. The stock declined 0.54% or $0.28 reaching $51.51 on the news. Kornitzer Mngmt Ks holds 0.18% or 195,000 shares. Palmer C. Michael had sold 4,000 shares worth $213,000 on Wednesday, May 24. Epoch Prtn Inc holds 0% or 18,677 shares in its portfolio. Good Life Advisors LLC now owns 6,708 shares of the oil and gas company's stock valued at $363,000 after buying an additional 35 shares during the last quarter. Moreover, Advisor Ptnrs Limited has 0.11% invested in Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE:MRO). Daiwa Inc has invested 0% of its portfolio in Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC). Of those insider trades, 6,360 shares of Marathon Petroleum Corporation were purchased and 26,399 shares were sold.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 insider buys, and 3 selling transactions for $1.81 million activity. Its down 0.06, from 0.99 in 2016Q3. Capital Investment Advisors has an ownership of 6,420 stocks of the oil and gas firms shares valued $336,000 following purchasing an extra 19 shares through out the previous quarter, Good Life Advisors lifted its holdings in Marathon Petroleum Corporation by 0.5% through out the Fiscal Q2. Stephens Inc Ar reported 15,749 shares. Thrivent For Lutherans invested in 0.42% or 5.38M shares. A P/B ratio of less than 1.0 can indicate that a stock is undervalued, while a ratio of greater than 1.0 may indicate that a stock is overvalued.

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