Liberty Interactive Corporation (QVCA) Receives $29.63 Average PT from Analysts


12 September, 2017

Salesforce Com Inc now has $70.22B valuation. Comerica Bank now owns 22,510 shares of the company's stock worth $481,000 after acquiring an additional 72 shares during the last quarter. About 208,268 shares traded. It is down 6.41% since September 11, 2016 and is uptrending.

Price T Rowe Associates Inc reported SC 13G/A form with the SEC for Liberty Interactive Corp.

In other news, Director Mark C. Vadon sold 511,074 shares of Liberty Interactive Group stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, November 15th. The Corsair Capital Management Lp holds 800,367 shares with $15.99M value, up from 757,697 last quarter. The stock declined 1.50% or $0.9 reaching $59.27 per share.

Since May 10, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 1 sale for $1.42 million activity.

Among 32 analysts covering Visa Inc.

Among 5 analysts covering Pacific Biosciences of California (NASDAQ:PACB), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 83% are positive. Antero Resources had 71 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. BidaskClub upgraded shares of Liberty Interactive Corporation from a "buy" rating to a "strong-buy" rating in a report on Wednesday, July 12th. As per Friday, July 7, the company rating was maintained by Aegis Capital. The stock of Liberty Interactive QVC Group (NASDAQ:QVCA) earned "Outperform" rating by FBR Capital on Friday, August 12. (NYSE:CRM) has "Buy" rating given on Thursday, May 19 by Goldman Sachs. The rating was maintained by Axiom Capital on Wednesday, May 11 with "Buy". The company was initiated on Tuesday, September 20 by Bank of America. The rating was maintained by Citigroup on Monday, August 14 with "Buy". Wells Fargo initiated the stock with "Outperform" rating in Thursday, October 22 report.

Short interest increased 1 over that timeframe. Its down 0.09, from 1.11 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 89 investors sold CRM shares while 255 reduced holdings. Blackrock Fund Advsr holds 3.89M shares or 0% of its portfolio. Riverbridge Prtnrs Limited Liability owns 338,589 shares for 0.48% of their portfolio. The hedge fund run by David Costen Haley held 57,800 shares of the diversified financial services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $876,000, up from 11,400 at the end of the previous reported quarter. About 4.43M shares traded or 7.00% up from the average., inc. Leuthold Group holds 107,907 shares. Sterling Limited reported 30,871 shares. Shell Asset Co owns 0.04% invested in Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR) for 54,817 shares. Los Angeles Cap & Equity accumulated 0% or 8,335 shares. Qs Investors Lc has invested 0% of its portfolio in PHH Corporation (NYSE:PHH). Iguana Healthcare Mngmt Ltd holds 0.34% or 150,000 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Royal Bankshares Of Canada has 0% invested in PHH Corporation (NYSE:PHH). The legal version of this piece of content can be viewed at

Wallace Capital Management Inc, which manages about $662.24M and $551.56M US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) by 3,723 shares to 105,608 shares, valued at $12.17 million in 2016Q4, according to the filing. (NASDAQ:AMSF). Fisher Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability Corp reported 0% stake. Finally, Waldron LP raised its stake in Liberty Interactive Corporation by 1.2% in the first quarter.

Short traders are feeling a little more bearish on shares of Liberty Interactive Corporation as implied by the uptick in short interest. Therefore 62% are positive. FBR Capital maintained Liberty Interactive Corporation - Series A Liberty Ventures (NASDAQ:LVNTA) on Friday, October 21 with "Outperform" rating. On Thursday, August 6 the stock rating was maintained by Axiom Capital with "Buy". If you are accessing this report on another site, it was illegally copied and reposted in violation of United States & worldwide copyright & trademark legislation. The firm has "Buy" rating by Barclays Capital given on Friday, August 7. The firm has "Neutral" rating by M Partners given on Friday, April 15. As per Monday, November 7, the company rating was maintained by Pivotal Research. Lastly, Citigroup downgraded the price objective on Liberty Interactive Corporation from $28.00 to $27.00 and fixed a "buy" recommendation for The corporation in a study report on early Mon, Aug 14th. around three Brokerage firms have recommended the share with a hold recommendation and nine have published a buy recommendation to the share. the share has a consensus rating of "Buy" and an consensus price target of $28.78.

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