Boosts Rating On Landstar System, Inc. (LSTR)


01 September, 2017

The transportation company reported $0.89 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Zacks' consensus estimate of $0.88 by $0.01. Landstar System, Inc. (NASDAQ:LSTR) has risen 24.66% since August 30, 2016 and is uptrending. This is an increase from Landstar System's previous quarterly dividend of $0.09. $70.91's average target is -22.80% below currents $91.85 stock price. (NASDAQ:LSTR). Creative Planning holds 0% in Landstar System, Inc. It has outperformed by 7.96% the S&P500.

The stock of GTx, Inc. Janus Capital Management LLC controls 139,300 shares worth $11,931,000. Parsley Energy Inc now has $7.84B valuation. About 240,873 shares traded. It has outperformed by 9.39% the S&P500.

Landstar System, an asset-light well-known provider of integrated transportation management solutions.

The company now has a P/E ratio of 26.53 and the market cap is 3.85B. The Firm offers services to its clients across multiple transportation modes, with the ability to arrange for individual shipments of freight to enterprise solutions to manage customer's transportation needs. It has a 25.37 P/E ratio. The Firm operates in five divisions: Construction, Civil, Transportation, Rentals and Environmental.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.36 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.34, from 1.02 in 2016Q3.

Investors are a little more bullish on Landstar System, Inc. of late if you consider the motion in short interest.

Other hedge funds have also recently bought and sold shares of the company. 2,509 are owned by Panagora Asset Mgmt. Lpl Fincl Ltd Liability Company reported 8,956 shares stake. Picton Mahoney Asset Mngmt owns 14,100 shares for 0.1% of their portfolio. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management has invested 0% in Landstar System, Inc. Wexford Cap Lp holds 0.04% or 4,534 shares in its portfolio. Nationwide Fund holds 0.06% or 160,137 shares. (NASDAQ:LSTR). Bankshares Of America De accumulated 485,694 shares. GHP Investment Advisors Inc. now owns 37,473 shares of the transportation company's stock valued at $3,210,000 after buying an additional 2,394 shares in the last quarter. (NASDAQ:LSTR) shares were sold by Beacom Joseph J. It is without change, as 34 investors sold GTx, Inc. shares while 2 reduced holdings. only 0 funds opened positions while 0 raised stakes. Bb&T Ltd Llc invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Landstar System, Inc. (NASDAQ:LSTR). Winfield Associate Inc has 20 shares. Picton Mahoney Asset owns 0.1% invested in Landstar System, Inc. M&T Bank has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Landstar System, Inc.

Since March 2, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 2 selling transactions for $967,640 activity. 5,448 shares were sold by Stout L Kevin, worth $466,621. Gattoni James B sold $350,217 worth of stock or 4,000 shares.

On July 31 the stock rating was downgraded from "Buy" to "Hold" in an announcement from Deutsche Bank. Therefore 21% are positive.

A total of 14 analysts have released a report on Landstar System.

On August 30, 2017 the stock rating was changed to "Overweight" in a report from Stephens & Co. a boost from the previous " rating. All Landstar transportation services companies are certified to ISO 9001:2008 quality management system standards and RC14001:2013 environmental, health, safety and security management system standards. The firm earned "Speculative Buy" rating on Thursday, August 13 by Salman Partners. (NASDAQ:LSTR) has "Market Perform" rating given on Wednesday, January 13 by William Blair. Cowen & Co maintained Landstar System, Inc. Cowen & Co has "Outperform" rating and $74 target., Inc. has 12 buy ratings, 5 holds and 1 sells even after the stock tumbled -14.39% from its high of $48.99 to a $61.66 billion market value through last close. Jpmorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM) was raised too. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, six have assigned a hold rating and three have given a buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 75% are positive. Lumos Networks had 10 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has "Neutral" rating by Susquehanna given on Tuesday, December 20. The stock has "Underperform" rating by Raymond James on Tuesday, January 17.

The company's consensus rating on Reuter's scale slipped from 2 to 1.89 during a month.

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