Artemis Investment Management LLP Sells 117954 Shares of Lam Research Corporation (LRCX)


04 September, 2017

The Professional Advisory Services Inc holds 10,964 shares with $16.07M value, down from 12,426 last quarter. Stockholders of record on Wednesday, September 13th will be issued a dividend of $0.45 per share. About shares traded. Envestnet Inc (NYSE:ENV) has risen 12.71% since September 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 36.65% the S&P500.

Janus Capital Management LLC raised its stake in shares of Lam Research Corporation by 13.7% in the first quarter. Tyrus Capital Sam sold 100,000 shares as Goldcorp Inc New (GG)'s stock declined 20.41%. Redmond Asset Management Llc who had been investing in Lam Research for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $26.96 billion market cap company. The stock increased 8.43% or $0.0007 on September 1, reaching $0.009. Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) has risen 107.86% since September 2, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 91.16% the S&P500. Its up 0.05, from 1.01 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 39 investors sold LRCX shares while 225 reduced holdings. Soros Fund Management LLC bought a new stake in shares of Lam Research Corporation during the first quarter worth $71,978,000. Cowen and Company reaffirmed an "outperform" rating and set a $185.00 target price (up from $150.00) on shares of Lam Research Corporation in a report on Thursday, July 27th. 16,314 are owned by Advantus Cap Management. Cipher Limited Partnership, New York-based fund reported 2,811 shares. Gmt Capital Corp reported 639,300 shares stake. Parkwood Ltd Liability Corp holds 0.08% of its portfolio in Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) for 4,712 shares. Raymond James Financial Serv Advisors has invested 0% in Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX). State Of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D reported 0.12% of its portfolio in Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX). BidaskClub raised shares of Lam Research Corporation from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a report on Wednesday, July 12th. Regions has 16,183 shares. Eminence Capital Lp owns 1.80 million shares or 2.2% of their United States portfolio. Credit Suisse Ag holds 0.05% of its portfolio in Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) for 522,486 shares. Employees Retirement Sys Of Texas reported 22,000 shares. Tru Invest reported 5,395 shares or 0.63% of all its holdings. Alps Advisors accumulated 4,464 shares. Waddell & Reed accumulated 2.69M shares.

Candlewood Investment Group Lp holds 96.36% of its portfolio in Pacific Ethanol Inc for 7.18 million shares.

Since March 2, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 7 insider sales for $21.88 million activity. On Thursday, May 18 NEWBERRY STEPHEN G sold $3.01 million worth of Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) or 20,047 shares. 2,770 shares were sold by LORD PATRICK J, worth $430,320.

In other Lam Research Corporation news, COO Timothy Archer sold 8,942 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, June 12th. Anstice Martin B sold 48,000 shares worth $5.80M. Another trade for 1,903 shares valued at $226,343 was sold by Bettinger Douglas R. 80,009 shares were sold by Gottscho Richard A, worth $9.96 million. Finally, TIAA CREF Investment Management LLC raised its stake in shares of Lam Research Corporation by 3.6% in the first quarter. Therefore 83% are positive. Lam Research Corp now has $27.11B valuation. $151.25's average target is -8.87% below currents $165.98 stock price. KeyCorp reaffirmed an "overweight" rating on shares of Lam Research Corporation in a report on Thursday, July 27th. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Robert W. Baird given on Thursday, October 6. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with "Underperform" rating in Thursday, October 22 report.

The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, October 4th. The firm has "Underperform" rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Thursday, October 22. The rating was maintained by Needham with "Buy" on Friday, June 16. As per Friday, October 9, the company rating was maintained by Needham. Citigroup Inc. reissued a "buy" rating and issued a $200.00 price objective on shares of Lam Research Corporation in a report on Wednesday, May 17th. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Tuesday, October 25 by Goldman Sachs. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Friday, July 7 by Morgan Stanley.

More notable recent Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) news were published by: which released: "Lam Research closes acquisition of Coventor" on August 31, 2017, also with their article: "Lam Research Just Disclosed A New Material Risk - China" published on August 21, 2017, published: "Lam Research Corporation Announces Participation at Upcoming Conference" on August 30, 2017. Stephens Inc. AR boosted its position in Lam Research Corporation by 6.8% in the first quarter. The shares were sold at an average price of $155.41, for a total value of $116,557.50. 1,100 shares were sold by Arora Anil, worth $41,250. Shares for $32,400 were bought by Bergman Judson on Friday, March 31. Select Sector Spdr Tr (XLK) was raised too.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.06 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.20, from 1.2 in 2016Q3. 20 funds opened positions while 41 raised stakes. 76,468 are held by Comerica Comml Bank. Twin Capital Mgmt Inc reported 57,570 shares or 0.39% of all its holdings. Norinchukin Bancorporation The stated it has 0.19% in Priceline Group Inc (NASDAQ:PCLN). Mirae Asset Global Invests holds 0.98% or 426,227 shares. The Company designs, manufactures, markets, refurbishes and services semiconductor processing systems that are used in the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs). Ci Invs Inc holds 0.03% or 27,700 shares. 400 are owned by Independent Consultants Inc. The fund owned 912,520 shares of the semiconductor company's stock after selling 176,570 shares during the period. Millennium Management Limited Company owns 126,755 shares. Axa has 265,200 shares for 0.13% of their portfolio. Renaissance Gp Incorporated Lc holds 1.41% or 328,905 shares in its portfolio. 299 are held by Plante Moran Advsr Limited Com. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage holds 1,349 shares.

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