Were Analysts Bearish Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT) This Week?


27 August, 2017

In related news, CFO Sandip Kapadia sold 1,431 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, July 3rd. The Beaconlight Capital Llc holds 57,082 shares with $8.68 million value, down from 102,264 last quarter. Energy Transfer now has $20.70B valuation. Cornercap Investment Counsel Inc acquired 13,145 shares as Pharmerica Corporation (PMC)'s stock declined 5.51%. About 1,960 shares traded. PharMerica Corporation (NYSE:PMC) has declined 3.31% since August 27, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 36.98% the S&P500. Over the past week, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc". The stock rose 0.95% or $1.71 reaching $181.83. About 172,225 shares traded. The original version of this report can be accessed at https://www.truebluetribune.com/2017/08/25/intercept-pharmaceuticals-inc-icpt-upgraded-to-buy-at-bidaskclub.html. It has underperformed by 31.22% the S&P500.

Among 2 analysts covering Imprimis Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:IMMY), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 56% are positive. Intercept Pharmaceuticals has a one year low of $96.63 and a one year high of $172.95.

The stock decreased 1.31% or $1.45 on August 25, reaching $109.44. Analysts have placed a $189.75 price target on Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc., suggesting a 81.28% gain from recent close. The firm has "Strong-Buy" rating given on Tuesday, September 22 by Vetr. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank now owns 1,047 shares of the biopharmaceutical company's stock valued at $118,000 after buying an additional 132 shares during the period. The rating was maintained by Needham on Monday, July 31 with "Hold". The firm has "Underweight" rating given on Thursday, August 13 by Morgan Stanley. As per Tuesday, September 22, the company rating was upgraded by Vetr. The stock has "Sell" rating by Laidlaw on Friday, August 5. Wedbush maintained Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT) on Tuesday, June 13 with "Buy" rating. The firm has "Buy" rating by Cowen & Co given on Monday, June 12. Pnc Gru owns 2,006 shares. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:REGN) was reduced too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.99 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.12, from 0.96 in 2016Q3. Jefferies Group LLC reissued a "buy" rating and issued a $275.00 price target on shares of Intercept Pharmaceuticals in a research note on Sunday, July 30th. 17 funds opened positions while 50 raised stakes. Legal And General Gp Public Ltd accumulated 0% or 1,825 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd Company owns 0.03% invested in Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT) for 3,652 shares. Fmr Limited Liability Corp reported 3.72 million shares. Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ICPT)'s Return on Assets (ROA) of -54.40% is an indicator of how profitable Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.is relative to their total assets. Amalgamated National Bank & Trust invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT). Everpoint Asset Management Lc has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT). Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IMMY) has declined 2.70% since August 26, 2016 and is downtrending. Allianz Asset Mgmt Ag has invested 0% in Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT). Polar Cap Limited Liability Partnership holds 0.06% or 33,500 shares. Ameriprise Financial has invested 0.15% of its portfolio in Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT).

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.75 in Q4 2016. It dived, as 64 investors sold ETP shares while 157 reduced holdings. 76 funds opened positions while 197 raised stakes. Following the transaction, the chief executive officer now owns 611,718 shares in the company, valued at approximately $80,012,714.40. Ghost Tree Capital Ltd accumulated 70,000 shares or 1.83% of the stock. First Manhattan Communications holds 37,742 shares or 0.03% of its portfolio. The company has market cap of $38.75 million. Tiedemann Wealth Management Ltd Liability Corporation stated it has 120,685 shares. Moreover, Tower Capital Limited Co (Trc) has 0% invested in Energy Transfer Partners LP (NYSE:ETP) for 818 shares. Point72 Asset Management Ltd Partnership owns 195,100 shares or 0.15% of their U.S. portfolio. Leavell Management Incorporated reported 15,175 shares. Omega Advisors, New York-based fund reported 839,661 shares. Td Asset Mngmt holds 4,000 shares.

Among 4 analysts covering Pharmerica (NYSE:PMC), 1 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. Pharmerica had 8 analyst reports since August 10, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:ICPT) earned "Mkt Perform" rating by FBR Capital on Wednesday, November 11. The firm has "Hold" rating given on Monday, August 17 by Zacks. As per Friday, January 22, the company rating was downgraded by Oppenheimer. Barrington Research has "Outperform" rating and $34 target. Goldman Sachs initiated the stock with "Neutral" rating in Wednesday, March 30 report. Its down 3.7% from 5.26M shares previously.

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