Inc. Raises Position in AbbVie Inc. (ABBV)


27 August, 2017

Carret Asset Management Llc sold 6,382 shares as Abbvie Inc (ABBV)'s stock rose 6.17%.

AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) saw unusually large options trading activity on Monday. Alerus Financial NA increased its stake in AbbVie by 0.8% in the first quarter. About 3.87 million shares traded. AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) has risen 10.63% since August 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.07% the S&P500. APH's SI was 4.41 million shares in August as released by FINRA. Its down 79.95% from 498,200 shares previously. With 1.28 million avg volume, 4 days are for Amphenol Corporation New (NYSE:APH)'s short sellers to cover APH's short positions. The SI to Alio Gold Incorporated's float is 0.3%. The stock decreased 0.20% or $0.02 on August 25, reaching $10.15. The shares were sold at an average price of $70.00, for a total transaction of $3,206,000.00. Amphenol Corporation (NYSE:APH) has risen 31.78% since August 27, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 8.65% the S&P500.

Since February 28, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 9 selling transactions for $27.88 million activity. Deutsche Bank initiated AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) rating on Tuesday, March 15. GONZALEZ RICHARD A also sold $4.63M worth of AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) shares. Toth Financial Advisory Corp increased its position in shares of AbbVie by 2.6% in the first quarter. On Friday, March 10 Michael Robert A. sold $335,068 worth of AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) or 5,132 shares.

Among 6 analysts covering Sienna Senior Living Inc. Therefore 0 are positive. Abbvie Inc had 47 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Morgan Stanley has "Equal-Weight" rating and $65 target. Investors of record on Friday, July 14th were issued a dividend of $0.64 per share. The firm has "Sector Perform" rating by Scotia Capital given on Friday, February 17. (NASDAQ:Z) earned "Buy" rating by Benchmark on Wednesday, November 4. Jefferies Group LLC reaffirmed a "buy" rating on shares of AbbVie in a research report on Friday, May 26th. Jefferies maintained AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) rating on Friday, July 14. Credit Suisse maintained it with "Hold" rating and $7400 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock of AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) has "Buy" rating given on Wednesday, July 22 by SunTrust.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.85 in 2016 Q4. The company reported $1.42 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $1.40 by $0.02. It improved, as 86 investors sold ABBV shares while 555 reduced holdings. 99 funds opened positions while 531 raised stakes. Fundx Inv Grp Ltd Liability has 0.42% invested in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV). Moreover, Fred Alger has 0% invested in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) for 200 shares. Rafferty Asset Management Lc invested 0.01% in Two Harbors Investment Corp (NYSE:TWO). Wellington Mgmt Group Inc Llp accumulated 28,283 shares.

Nomura Asset Management Company Ltd increased Dominion Res Inc Va New (NYSE:D) stake by 13,950 shares to 164,597 valued at $12.61M in 2016Q4. The Usca Ria Llc holds 122,205 shares with $7.65M value, up from 43,241 last quarter. Shelter Mutual Ins Com has invested 1.97% in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV). Trust Of Vermont reported 35 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Chevy Chase Tru Holding invested 0.49% in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV).

Graybill Bartz & Assoc Ltd holds 2.19% of its portfolio in Pimco Income Strategy Fund II for 270,295 shares. Moreover, Stonebridge Cap Management has 0.45% invested in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) for 17,233 shares. Bath Savings Trust Co now owns 8,152 shares of the company's stock valued at $532,000 after buying an additional 175 shares during the period. Moreover, Texan Cap Mgmt has 0.24% invested in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) for 8,171 shares. First Western Co, California-based fund reported 23,753 shares. The company has market cap of $24.37 billion.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.98 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.04, from 0.81 in 2016Q3. 10 invested in 23,504 shares. Another trade for 40,000 shares valued at $2.61 million was made by Schumacher Laura J on Friday, March 10. Bb&T Secs Ltd Liability Com accumulated 42,506 shares or 0.04% of the stock. If you are accessing this report on another site, it was illegally stolen and republished in violation of United States & worldwide trademark & copyright law. 22,400 were reported by Employees Retirement Systems Of Texas. Beck Mack Oliver Ltd Liability Co reported 0.16% stake. Neuberger Berman Group Limited Liability Company invested 0.2% in Amphenol Corporation (NYSE:APH). Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now owns 187,625 shares in the company, valued at approximately $13,133,750. Freestone Capital Limited Liability Corp has invested 0% in AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV). Beaumont Fincl Prns Ltd Llc owns 5,032 shares. Iowa State Bank now owns 71,888 shares of the company's stock valued at $4,684,000 after buying an additional 2,496 shares during the last quarter. In the last three months, insiders have sold 490,491 shares of company stock valued at $34,684,639. Another trade for 46,000 shares valued at $3.47M was sold by Booker Martin.

Among 7 analysts covering Amphenol (NYSE:APH), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Zillow Inc had 19 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned "Sell" rating on Wednesday, April 6 by Societe Generale. The firm earned "Hold" rating on Tuesday, September 1 by Zacks. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of CME in report on Monday, June 19 with "Buy" rating. They issued an "outperform" rating and a $95.00 price target for the company. The stock has a market capitalization of $114.01 billion, a PE ratio of 17.59 and a beta of 1.50. The company was maintained on Friday, March 10 by Goldman Sachs. CLSA maintained the stock with "Underperform" rating in Thursday, July 14 report.

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