KBC Group NV Invests $1.92 Million in Boyd Gaming Corporation (BYD)


31 August, 2017

It has outperformed by 18.26% the S&P500.

Rehan Jaffer decreased its stake in Boyd Gaming Corp (BYD) by 22.73% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. The Caxton Associates Lp holds 720,600 shares with $14.54M value, up from 75,000 last quarter. Rnc Capital Management Llc bought 3,647 shares as the company's stock rose 2.80% with the market. It closed at $129.66 lastly. It has outperformed by 19.22% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.2 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.05, from 1.24 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 22 investors sold BYD shares while 50 reduced holdings. 35 funds opened positions while 54 raised stakes. The fund owned 230,849 shares of the company's stock after buying an additional 188,208 shares during the period. Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) has risen 35.92% since August 27, 2016 and is uptrending. Blackrock has 9,863 shares.

More news for Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) were recently published by: Nasdaq.com, which released: "Are Options Traders Betting on a Big Move in Boyd Gaming (BYD) Stock?" on August 28, 2017. Aperio Gru Ltd Liability Corporation invested 0.18% of its portfolio in Medtronic plc. (Rating Scale: 1.0 Strong Buy, 2.0 Buy, 3.0 Hold, 4.0 Sell, 5.0 Strong Sell). Secor Capital Limited Partnership owns 0.22% invested in Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) for 88,218 shares. Texas Permanent School Fund owns 0.02% invested in Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) for 59,890 shares. Ser Corporation reported 31 shares. Oxford Asset Mngmt owns 21,281 shares. Equities research analysts anticipate that Boyd Gaming Corporation will post $1.12 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Guardian Life Ins Of America, a New York-based fund reported 966 shares. The stock's average target of $24.77 is -4.66% below today's ($25.98) share price.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Boyd Gaming Corporation (BYD) Shares Bought by Marshall Wace North America L.P." was reported by Dispatch Tribunal and is the property of of Dispatch Tribunal. Therefore 67% are positive.

Ratings analysis reveals 75% of Boyd Gaming Corporation's analysts are positive. Deutsche Bank maintained Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) rating on Wednesday, December 7.

Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, July 27th. Deutsche Bank maintained it with "Buy" rating and $23 target in Wednesday, November 2 report. The firm has "Overweight" rating given on Tuesday, January 17 by Morgan Stanley. The company was initiated on Wednesday, February 15 by Telsey Advisory Group. The company made Return on equity of 45.40% in last 12 months period. Telsey Advisory Group maintained the stock with "Outperform" rating in Wednesday, May 3 report. The legal version of this piece of content can be viewed at https://stocknewstimes.com/2017/08/29/kbc-group-nv-invests-1-92-million-in-boyd-gaming-corporation-byd.html.

Caxton Associates Lp decreased Banco Macro Sa (NYSE:BMA) stake by 84,752 shares to 28,235 valued at $1.82M in 2016Q4. It also reduced Dunkin Brands Group Inc (NASDAQ:DNKN) stake by 30,000 shares and now owns 20,000 shares.

Since March 6, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 6 sales for $6.21 million activity. 25,510 shares were sold by BOUGHNER ROBERT L, worth $643,107 on Monday, May 22. 90,478 shares were sold by LARSON BRIAN A, worth $2.18 million on Thursday, May 4.

Montag & Caldwell Llc increased Fleetcor Technologies Inc (NYSE:FLT) stake by 3,444 shares to 7,744 valued at $1.10 million in 2016Q4. The number of shares now owned by investors are 111.13 mln. It has no change, as 40 investors sold ADS shares while 196 reduced holdings. only 55 funds opened positions while 124 raised stakes. Another trade for 15,000 shares valued at $368,363 was sold by BOYD WILLIAM R. STEWART MARTA R also sold $255,304 worth of Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE:NSC) shares. LOCKHART MICHAEL D sold $117 worth of stock or 1 shares.

Among 25 analysts covering Norfolk Southern Corp. Therefore 52% are positive. Trimas had 16 analyst reports since August 5, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. SunTrust maintained the stock with "Buy" rating in Monday, June 13 report. The stock has "Neutral" rating by Roth Capital on Wednesday, August 5. Cantor Fitzgerald maintained the stock with "Buy" rating in Monday, May 29 report. Stifel Nicolaus downgraded the stock to "Hold" rating in Friday, May 13 report. The stock of Norfolk Southern Corp. Morgan Stanley downgraded the shares of BYD in report on Tuesday, June 20 to "Equal-Weight" rating. The firm earned "Outperform" rating on Thursday, May 4 by Imperial Capital. Oppenheimer initiated the shares of ADS in report on Tuesday, April 11 with "Underperform" rating. On Sunday, July 30 the stock rating was maintained by Roth Capital with "Hold". The company was reinitiated on Monday, October 12 by JP Morgan.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.24 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.43, from 0.77 in 2016Q3. Citigroup invested in 148,910 shares. 197.51 million shares or 1.15% more from 195.27 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Bridgewater Limited Partnership stated it has 0.04% of its portfolio in Medtronic plc. Corporate insiders own 29.16% of the company's stock. Parametric Associates Ltd reported 391,972 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Tiaa Cref Investment Mgmt Ltd Liability Company owns 366,127 shares or 0.01% of their United States portfolio. Amica Pension Fund Board Of Trustees holds 6,041 shares or 0.17% of its portfolio. Arcadia Corp Mi has 469 shares. Nj State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan has 0.31% invested in Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE:NSC) for 14,500 shares. Montecito Financial Bank holds 0.03% or 765 shares. The company reported $0.26 EPS for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $0.30 by $0.04. Hartford Invest Management accumulated 0.47% or 351,603 shares. Cls Lc accumulated 100 shares. The Wisconsin-based North Star Asset has invested 0.04% in Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE:NSC). Fayez Sarofim has 14,159 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Bank Of Nova Scotia has invested 0% in Norfolk Southern Corp.

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