CarMax Inc (KMX) Rating Reiterated by Bank of America Corporation

Institutional Ownership by Quarter for Car Max
Top Institutional Investors That Own CarMax Inc. (NYSE:KMX)

01 July, 2017

Given the stock's recent action, it seemed like a good time to take a closer look at the company's recent data. The SI to Idera Pharmaceuticals Incorporated's float is 8.96%.

Multiple company employees have indulged in significant insider trading. Novartis AG (ADR) (NYSE:NVS) has risen 7.67% since June 28, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 4.43% the S&P500.

Riverpark Capital Management Llc decreased Carmax Inc (KMX) stake by 79.35% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing.

COPYRIGHT VIOLATION NOTICE: "Q2 2018 Earnings Forecast for CarMax Inc (KMX) Issued By William Blair" was originally published by Chaffey Breeze and is the sole property of of Chaffey Breeze. The shares were sold at an average price of $61.41, for a total value of $3,070,500.00. The stock rose 0.27% or $0.17 reaching $62.26. About 899,126 shares traded.

CarMax (NYSE:KMX) last released its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, June 21st. It has outperformed by 9.47% the S&P500.

Idera Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical firm focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutics for oncology and rare diseases. The company has market cap of $271.91 million. The Firm utilizes two drug discovery technology platforms to design and develop drug candidates, which include Toll-like receptor targeting technology and third-generation antisense (3GA) technology. It now has negative earnings. Using TLR technology, the Company creates synthetic oligonucleotide drug candidates to act by modulating the activity of specific TLRs. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, four have given a hold rating, nine have assigned a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company's stock. (KMX), we can see that the stock moved 6.48% for the last five trades. Prudential owns 0.03% invested in CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX) for 268,475 shares. A recommendation of 1 or 2 would represent a consensus Buy. Flinton Capital Management LLC now owns 5,232 shares of the company's stock worth $310,000 after buying an additional 64 shares in the last quarter. Meridian Communication, a Arkansas-based fund reported 9,553 shares. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P. now owns 2,095 shares of the company's stock valued at $124,000 after buying an additional 49 shares in the last quarter. Sector Pension Invest Board stated it has 42,123 shares. Voya Lc reported 0% stake. Hendershot Investments accumulated 2.32% or 17,045 shares. Commonwealth State Bank Of Australia holds 0% or 1,496 shares.

Institutional investors now hold around $12.35 billion or 0% in KMX stock. Silvercrest Asset Grp Ltd owns 4,569 shares. That brings the Director's holdings to $2,329,891 as reported to the SEC. Clearbridge Investments, LLC controls 2,389 shares worth $141,000. Finally, Susquehanna Bancshares Inc set a $70.00 price target on shares of CarMax and gave the company a buy rating in a research note on Friday, April 7th. Therefore 46% are positive. Finally, Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft FI purchased a new stake in shares of CarMax during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $218,000.

On June 22 the stock rating was upgraded to "Outperform" from " in a report from RBC Capital. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Oppenheimer given on Tuesday, January 12. On Thursday, November 5 the stock rating was upgraded by Piper Jaffray to "Overweight". On Thursday, June 22 the stock rating was downgraded by Susquehanna to "Neutral".

On September 9, 2016 the stock rating was set at "Neutral" by Buckingham Research which was a cut from the previous " rating. The stock's market capitalization is 11.60B, it has a 52-week low of 45.06 and a 52-week high of 69.11. The insider Hill Edwin J sold $2.32M. The stock of CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX) earned "Underweight" rating by Morgan Stanley on Wednesday, February 1. CarMax had a ROE of 21.72% and a net profit margin of 4.07%. the business reported sales of $4.54 B for the period, compared with brokerage expectations of $4.46 B. For the same quarter a year ago, the public company disclosed $0.90 Earnings Per Share.

The Stock now has a consensus recommendation of 2.30. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 509,166 shares in the company, valued at $31,267,884.06. Vanguard Ftse Emerging Markets (VWO) was raised too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.79 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.07, from 0.86 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 53 investors sold KMX shares while 169 reduced holdings. 65 funds opened positions while 110 raised stakes. 198.07 million shares or 0.32% less from 198.70 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Amica Retiree Med Trust has invested 0.08% in CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX).

At the end of 3/31/2017 reporting period, 189 institutional holders increased their position in CarMax Inc. Ent Services owns 26 shares or 0% of their USA portfolio. STEENROD MITCHELL D sold $578,264 worth of CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX) on Friday, January 13. Twin Tree Management LP holds 0.02% or 29,127 shares. Ws Mngmt Lllp reported 1.86 million shares.

12/17/2015 - CarMax Inc had its "buy" rating reiterated by analysts at Stifel Nicolaus. Logan Cap owns 12,506 shares. Tocqueville Asset Management Ltd Partnership has 116,274 shares. Pitcairn holds 0.04% or 4,963 shares. Nationwide Fund owns 52,936 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio.

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