Investors Bancorp, Inc. (ISBC) VP Sells 120000 Shares of Stock


05 June, 2017

The Firm operates through three divisions: Medical Imaging, Ultrasound, and Security and Detection.

Analysts expect Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) to report $0.27 EPS on August, 7.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 12.50 % from last quarter's $0.24 EPS. $0.52 is the ADY. Hope Bancorp's dividend payout ratio is now 43.24%.

More important recent Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) news were published by: which released: "Butler, Old National Bank team up to launch business center" on May 02, 2017, also published article titled: "Old National Bancorp (ONB) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for May 30, 2017", published: "BRIEF-OLD NATIONAL BANCORP PROMOTES TODD CLARK TO CHIEF INFORMATION ..." on May 22, 2017. April 28, 2017 is the announcement. The stock now has an average rating of "Hold" and an average price target of $16.21. 442,068 shares of the company's stock traded hands. Raymond James upgraded Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) on Tuesday, March 29 to "Outperform" rating. It has outperformed by 12.19% the S&P500. Dimensional Fund Advisors L P stated it has 10.32 million shares or 0.09% of all its holdings. $223,200 worth of Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) was sold by Sandgren James A on Wednesday, February 15. 70,000 Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) shares with value of $1.25M were sold by JONES ROBERT G.

Hope Bancorp, Inc, formerly BBCN Bancorp, Inc, is the holding company of Bank of Hope. The firm has a market cap of $2.13 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 14.62 and a beta of 1.16. ONB's profit would be $36.06M giving it 14.91 P/E if the $0.27 EPS is correct.

Hope Bancorp Company Profile Hope Bancorp, Inc, formerly BBCN Bancorp, Inc, is the holding company of Bank of Hope. Brown Advisory holds 0% in Canaccord Genuity Group Inc (TSE:CF) or 13,310 shares. Therefore 20% are positive. Boston Private Wealth LLC boosted its position in shares of Old National Bancorp by 4.8% in the third quarter. The rating was maintained by Wood on Tuesday, August 2 with "Market Perform". The firm earned "Neutral" rating on Monday, July 11 by Piper Jaffray. The stock of Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) has "Mkt Perform" rating given on Tuesday, November 22 by Raymond James. FIG Partners also issued estimates for Hope Bancorp's FY2017 earnings at $1.32 EPS, Q1 2018 earnings at $0.36 EPS, Q2 2018 earnings at $0.38 EPS, Q3 2018 earnings at $0.40 EPS, Q4 2018 earnings at $0.41 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $1.56 EPS.

Stock market analysts and brokers have recently amended their target prices on shares of Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB). 25 funds opened positions while 69 raised stakes. Pacer Advisors Inc. now owns 11,373 shares of the savings and loans company's stock valued at $137,000 after buying an additional 960 shares in the last quarter. The legal version of this news story can be accessed at Comerica Bank owned about 0.14% of Investors Bancorp worth $6,444,000 as of its most recent SEC filing. Stockholders of record on Friday, April 28th were issued a dividend of $0.12 per share. Hightower Limited Company has invested 0.03% of its portfolio in Canaccord Genuity Group Inc (TSE:CF). The fund owned 443,513 shares of the savings and loans company's stock after buying an additional 3,020 shares during the period. 14,610 were accumulated by State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue. Tower Rech Lc (Trc) holds 0.01% in Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) or 3,178 shares.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ:ONB) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, April 25th. Equities analysts predict that Investors Bancorp, Inc. will post $0.63 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

Fj Capital Management Llc, which manages about $217.40 million and $673.44 million US Long portfolio, upped its stake in Shore Bancshares Inc (NASDAQ:SHBI) by 269,800 shares to 1.04 million shares, valued at $15.84 million in 2016Q4, according to the filing.

Since February 3, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 2 sales for $1.48 million activity. It is down 8.54% since May 29, 2016 and is downtrending. Sterling Cap Mngmt Lc holds 68,006 shares. Snyder Capital Management L P owns 252,286 shares or 1.27% of their United States portfolio. Parametrica Management Ltd now owns 16,027 shares of the savings and loans company's stock worth $230,000 after buying an additional 4,537 shares during the period.

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