EPS for VeriFone Systems Inc (PAY) Expected At $0.23


03 June, 2017

Horrell Capital Management Inc sold 25,000 shares as the company's stock declined 10.59% while stock markets rallied. The Nwq Investment Management Company Llc holds 308,273 shares with $5.47M value, down from 633,750 last quarter. Nq Mobile Inc now has $328.18 million valuation. The stock rose 1.74% or $1.48 reaching $86.35 per share. The formula which was developed by hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt, is meant to spot high quality companies that are trading at an attractive price. It has outperformed by 4.58% the S&P500.

Among 26 analysts covering Verifone Systems Inc. The Company is engaged in designing, manufacturing, marketing and supplying a range of payment solutions and complementary services. It now has negative earnings. It provides solutions and services for the retail point-of-sale (POS) that enable various forms of commerce. Panagora Asset invested 0.01% of its portfolio in VeriFone Systems Inc (NYSE:PAY). Whittier Of Nevada Inc has invested 0% in VeriFone Systems Inc (NYSE:PAY). 108.75 million shares or 6.28% more from 102.33 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported.

About 369,074 shares traded. Ameriprise Financial invested 0.01% of its portfolio in VeriFone Systems Inc (NYSE:PAY). It has underperformed by 48.63% the S&P500. Price T Rowe Associate Md invested in 309,696 shares or 0% of the stock. The company presently has an average rating of "Hold" and an average target price of $22.25. PAY was included in 7 notes of analysts from September 2, 2016.

VeriFone Systems, Inc. (PAY) has the market capitalization of $2.02 Billion. The rating was maintained by Compass Point with "Neutral" on Tuesday, December 13. The firm earned "Market Perform" rating on Friday, January 6 by BMO Capital Markets. Zacks Investment Research downgraded VeriFone Systems from a "hold" rating to a "sell" rating in a research report on Thursday, March 2nd. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with "Sector Perform" rating in Friday, March 10 report. On Monday, August 31 the stock rating was maintained by SunTrust with "Buy".

VeriFone Systems (NYSE:PAY) opened at 17.75 on Monday. American International Group Inc. increased its position in shares of VeriFone Systems by 0.5% in the third quarter. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.48 EPS. PAY's profit would be $25.78 million giving it 19.88 P/E if the $0.23 EPS is correct.

Equities analysts expect VeriFone Systems Inc (NYSE:PAY) to post sales of $471.9 million for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. (NYSE:KKR), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 71% are positive.

03/10/2017 - Verifone Systems, Inc. had its "equal-weight" rating reiterated by analysts at Morgan Stanley. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with "Buy" on Wednesday, June 8. L.P. (NYSE:KKR) rating on Wednesday, July 27. The company was maintained on Friday, December 11 by Stifel Nicolaus. Wedbush maintained it with "Outperform" rating and $35 target in Thursday, February 4 report. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Credit Suisse given on Friday, August 5. The firm earned "Neutral" rating on Tuesday, August 25 by Piper Jaffray. The rating was downgraded by Guggenheim to "Neutral" on Monday, November 16. Wunderlich initiated F5 Networks, Inc. The stock of Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:FFIV) has "Neutral" rating given on Thursday, April 21 by Citigroup. Northcoast Research also issued estimates for VeriFone Systems' Q2 2018 earnings at $0.33 EPS, Q3 2018 earnings at $0.39 EPS and Q4 2018 earnings at $0.50 EPS. Breaking those down we see that the ratings are as follows: 15 Strong Buy, 0 Rated Buy, 12 Rated Hold and 1 Rated Sell. California State Teachers Retirement System now owns 233,329 shares of the business services provider's stock worth $3,673,000 after buying an additional 1,900 shares during the period.

Several hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the stock. Train Babcock Advsr Limited Liability Corp invested in 15,645 shares. (NASDAQ:FFIV). Trexquant Invest LP invested in 14,200 shares. 300,799 were accumulated by Palisade Management Ltd Liability Corporation Nj. Timber Hill Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0% or 29,642 shares in its portfolio. Huntington Retail Bank holds 188 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Laurion Mgmt Lp holds 130,900 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Loring Wolcott Coolidge Fiduciary Advisors Limited Liability Partnership Ma holds 0% in F5 Networks, Inc. 44,700 were accumulated by State Treasurer State Of Michigan. Manufacturers Life Insur Company The owns 31,929 shares. Castleark Management Ltd Company reported 0.15% stake. (NASDAQ:BLKB). Pioneer Invest Mgmt accumulated 138,631 shares or 0.03% of the stock. National Bank & Trust Of New York Mellon holds 1.41 million shares. Dimensional Fund Advisors Limited Partnership has 2.01 million shares for 0.02% of their portfolio.

Since March 13, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 3 selling transactions for $1.01 million activity. CHOU TIMOTHY C K sold $249,430 worth of stock.

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