What's Ahead for Heico Corp (HEI) After Forming Wedge Up Pattern?


30 May, 2017

Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. bought a new stake in shares of Heico Corp during the first quarter valued at approximately $202,000. FineMark National Bank & Trust now owns 1,644 shares of the aerospace company's stock valued at $114,000 after buying an additional 432 shares in the last quarter. Cerner Corp now has $21.41 billion valuation. About 1.64M shares traded. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 26.19% of the company's stock. On average, equities research analysts anticipate that Heico Corp will post $2.08 earnings per share for the current year.

Among 9 analysts covering Heico Corporation (NYSE:HEI), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. It has outperformed by 28.38% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.19 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.02, from 1.17 in 2016Q3. Canaccord Genuity reissued a "buy" rating and issued a $80.00 target price on shares of Heico Corp in a research note on Monday, May 22nd. Marshall Wace Ltd Liability Partnership reported 0.01% in Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI). Old Mutual Customised Solutions (Proprietary) Ltd owns 7,700 shares or 0.14% of their United States portfolio. Hyman Charles D has 28,156 shares for 0.31% of their portfolio. EFG Asset Management Americas Corp. bought a new stake in shares of Heico Corp during the first quarter valued at approximately $216,000. Natl Bank Of America Corp De has invested 0% in Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI). Bell Retail Bank holds 0.11% of its portfolio in Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI) for 3,778 shares. Jpmorgan Chase And reported 400,317 shares. Ontario - Canada-based Royal Bancorp Of Canada has invested 0% in Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI). The correct version of this piece of content can be read at https://www.thestockobserver.com/2017/05/28/q3-2017-earnings-estimate-for-heico-corp-issued-by-jefferies-group-hei.html. Geode Cap Mgmt Ltd Liability Company invested in 0.01% or 141,482 shares. Westpac Banking holds 77,700 shares. 29,898 are owned by Bahl & Gaynor. $3.65M worth of Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI) was sold by IRWIN THOMAS S. Ardevora Asset Management Limited Liability Partnership has invested 1.07% in Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI).

Heico Corp Company Profile HEICO Corporation manufactures Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-approved jet engine and aircraft component replacement parts, other than the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their subcontractors. The company has a market capitalization of $6.28 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 37.02 and a beta of 0.52. The Firm also makes various types of electronic equipment for the aviation, medical, telecommunications and electronics industries. It operates through two divisions: Flight Support Group (FSG) and Electronic Technologies Group (ETG). Therefore 56% are positive. Canaccord Genuity maintained it with "Buy" rating and $80 target in Tuesday, May 23 report. Stephens started coverage on shares of Heico Corp in a research note on Thursday, April 13th. The stock has a consensus rating of "Hold" and an average price target of $84.50. SunTrust initiated the shares of HEI in report on Thursday, January 19 with "Buy" rating. Canaccord Genuity maintained Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI) on Thursday, August 27 with "Buy" rating. Jefferies maintained Heico Corp (NYSE:HEI) on Thursday, August 27 with "Hold" rating. The rating was initiated by SunTrust on Thursday, January 19 with "Buy". Credit Suisse upgraded the stock to "Outperform" rating in Thursday, December 15 report. KeyBanc Capital Markets downgraded the stock to "Sector Weight" rating in Friday, August 26 report. The rating was upgraded by Bank of America to "Buy" on Tuesday, December 22.

Since January 3, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 2 insider sales for $3.75 million activity. Schwitter Frank J sold 1,400 shares worth $102,020. Massachusetts Ma accumulated 0% or 127,807 shares. The aerospace company reported $0.53 EPS for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.50 by $0.03. Five equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 45% are positive. Sirius Real Estate Ltd had 4 analyst reports since December 9, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Monday, August 24 by Canaccord Genuity. The company was maintained on Tuesday, September 15 by Stifel Nicolaus. The stock of Cerner Corporation (NASDAQ:CERN) earned "Market Perform" rating by Avondale on Friday, February 10.

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