Essex Property Trust Inc (ESS) Declares Quarterly Dividend of $1.75


30 May, 2017

ESS's SI was 2.00M shares in May as released by FINRA. With 592,000 avg volume, 4 days are for Camden Property Trust (NYSE:CPT)'s short sellers to cover CPT's short positions. About 309,333 shares traded. Columbia Property Trust Inc (NYSE:CXP) has risen 8.42% since May 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 13.29% the S&P500.

Old National Bancorp decreased Verizon Communications Inc (VZ) stake by 5.37% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. SunTrust Banks, Inc.'s price target would suggest a potential upside of 0.27% from the company's previous close. The shares were sold at an average price of $234.26, for a total transaction of $1,229,865.00.

The stock increased 0.71% or $0.37 on May 26, reaching $52.82. About 112,253 shares traded. Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) has risen 46.20% since May 29, 2016 and is uptrending. Investors of record on Friday, June 30th will be paid a dividend of $1.75 per share. It increased, as 66 investors sold MRK shares while 603 reduced holdings.

A number of hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of ESS. TLP Group LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Essex Property Trust during the third quarter worth approximately $118,000. Carlton Hofferkamp Jenks Wealth Ltd Llc holds 20,760 shares or 0.33% of its portfolio. The real estate investment trust reported $2.94 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $2.89 by $0.05. Finally, Canaccord Genuity set a $255.00 price target on shares of Essex Property Trust and gave the company a hold rating in a research report on Monday, May 1st. Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale holds 0.05% in Columbia Property Trust Inc (NYSE:CXP) or 209,123 shares. State Treasurer State Of Michigan stated it has 0.04% in Essex Property Trust Inc (NYSE:ESS). Ashfield Prns Ltd Company has 0.22% invested in Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:MRK) for 11,037 shares. (NYSE:VZ). Sfe Investment Counsel invested 2.27% of its portfolio in Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:MRK). Eastern Fincl Bank has invested 1.11% of its portfolio in Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE:MRK) or 401,860 shares. Following the completion of the sale, the director now owns 3,698 shares of the company's stock, valued at $938,996.16. (NYSE:MRK) to report earnings on July, 28. They expect $0.28 earnings per share, down 41.67% or $0.20 from last year's $0.48 per share. MRK's profit will be $2.40 billion for 18.44 P/E if the $0.88 EPS becomes a reality. During the same period in the prior year, the firm posted $2.68 EPS. Columbia Property Trust had 13 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. (NYSE:MRK), 12 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 40% are positive. The stock of Merck & Co., Inc. As per Wednesday, September 2, the company rating was downgraded by TheStreet. On Tuesday, November 17 the stock rating was maintained by Argus Research with "Buy". SunTrust initiated the stock with "Hold" rating in Thursday, December 22 report. The rating was downgraded by Bank of America to "Neutral" on Wednesday, January 27. The firm has "Overweight" rating given on Monday, September 21 by JP Morgan. Its down 1.67% from 2.04M shares previously. It also upped Abbvie Inc (NYSE:ABBV) stake by 95,911 shares and now owns 1.09 million shares. Select Sector Spdr Tr (XLY) was raised too. Insiders sold 62,910 shares of company stock worth $15,250,364 in the last quarter. FNY Partners Fund LP acquired a new stake in shares of Essex Property Trust during the first quarter worth approximately $165,000. MCGUIRE WILLIAM B had sold 1,008 shares worth $85,902.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.99 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.25, from 0.99 in 2016Q3. Goldman Sachs Group Inc upgraded shares of Columbia Property Trust from a "sell" rating to a "neutral" rating and set a $22.00 price target on the stock in a research report on Wednesday, February 22nd. 47 funds opened positions while 108 raised stakes. Moreover, Balyasny Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability has 0.06% invested in Columbia Property Trust Inc (NYSE:CXP) for 484,827 shares. 30,369 are held by Pensionfund Dsm Netherlands.

Essex Property Trust (NYSE:ESS) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, April 27th. De Burlo Grp holds 55,850 shares. $23.17's average target is 6.92% above currents $21.67 stock price. Renaissance has invested 0.01% in Columbia Property Trust Inc (NYSE:CXP). Martingale Asset L P reported 7,510 shares. Hightower Ltd Liability Corp holds 23,634 shares. Bankshares Of New York Mellon invested in 0.02% or 3.61 million shares. Paloma Ptnrs Mgmt reported 12,461 shares. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue reported 49,110 shares or 0.1% of all its holdings. Advisors Asset Management Inc. now owns 654 shares of the real estate investment trust's stock valued at $151,000 after buying an additional 354 shares during the last quarter. Usca Ria Lc has 6,050 shares. The company has market cap of $27.59 billion. The Firm is engaged in the ownership, management, development, redevelopment, acquisition and construction of multifamily apartment communities. It has a 17.5 P/E ratio.

Columbia Property Trust, Inc. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, eight have assigned a hold rating and seven have issued a buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 33% are positive.

Other analysts have also issued reports about the company. The firm has "Buy" rating by BTIG Research given on Thursday, August 25. The rating was maintained by Piper Jaffray on Monday, August 22 with "Neutral". Goldman Sachs has "Sell" rating and $18 target. The rating was maintained by Argus Research on Wednesday, October 21 with "Buy". As per Tuesday, January 24, the company rating was upgraded by Oppenheimer.

Columbia Property Trust, Inc.

05/02/2016 - Essex Property Trust, Inc. was downgraded to " by analysts at Sandler O'Neill.

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