Wedbush Reports That They Have Upgraded Norwegian Cruise Line (NASDAQ:NCLH) Shares

Norwegian Cruise Line to Soar 20% as It Gets Passed Something Anemic, Says Analyst
Market Highlights for the day: Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ: NCLH) | Services

29 May, 2017

The company has market cap of $995.30 million. The stock declined 1.51% or $0.62 reaching $40.34 per share. State Street has 2.84M shares. RedHill Biopharma Ltd - ADR (NASDAQ:RDHL) has declined 9.09% since May 26, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 58.40% the S&P500.

Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc decreased Norwegian Cruise Line Hldgs (NCLH) stake by 51.12% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Utah Retirement, Utah-based fund reported 29,000 shares. Finally, Janus Capital Management LLC increased its stake in shares of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings by 14.3% in the first quarter. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC's holdings in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings were worth $554,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC. The stock rose 0.81% or $0.41 reaching $51.09.

About 1.23M shares traded.

Media coverage about Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NASDAQ:NCLH) has been trending somewhat positive on Sunday, AlphaOne Sentiment Analysis reports. It has underperformed by 10.34% the S&P500. Of the analysts surveyed by Reuters that track Insmed Incorporated (INSM), 1 of them rate its stock a hold. Caesarstone Sdot-Yam had 21 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Sterne Agee CRT initiated the stock with "Buy" rating in Tuesday, June 7 report. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Thursday, August 18 by JP Morgan. The stock has "Outperform" rating by Wedbush on Friday, May 26. The rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs to "Neutral" on Wednesday, February 24. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, October 19 by SunTrust. The stock has a market cap of $11.59 billion, a P/E ratio of 18.63 and a beta of 1.16. The stock has "Neutral" rating by SunTrust on Monday, March 7. (NASDAQ:NTAP) has "Buy" rating given on Tuesday, October 27 by Maxim Group.

Anchor Bolt Capital Lp increased Dow Chem Co (NYSE:DOW) stake by 46,597 shares to 607,465 valued at $34.76 million in 2016Q4. Barclays Public Limited Company owns 175,191 shares. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating and set a $56.00 target price for the company in a research report on Wednesday, April 26th.

On average, analysts expect that Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings will report full year sales of $1.31 billion for the current year, with estimates ranging from $5.25 billion to $5.35 billion. The company is expected to issue its next quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, August 8th.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH) has insider ownership of 1.00% and institutional ownership of 87.57%. The stock of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH) has "Sell" rating given on Wednesday, December 9 by Goldman Sachs. The rating was initiated by Macquarie Research with "Neutral" on Tuesday, October 4. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Friday, August 12 by UBS. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with "Buy" on Thursday, February 11. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Wednesday, July 20 by Stifel Nicolaus. Sterling Capital Mgmt Ltd Liability Company reported 2.04 million shares. Winslow Asset Incorporated reported 1.28% stake. Zions Bancorporation (NASDAQ:ZION) was raised too.

Since March 1, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 insider sale for $3.58 million activity. Stuart Andrew sold $3.58M worth of stock.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings earned a media sentiment score of 0.06 on AlphaOne's scale. Its down 0.06, from 1.01 in 2016Q3. Moreover, Advisors Asset has 0% invested in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH).

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NCLH) Position Raised by Mn Services Vermogensbeheer B.V." was first published by The Cerbat Gem and is owned by of The Cerbat Gem. The company reported $0.40 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.37 by $0.03. The Texas-based Sta Wealth Mngmt Ltd Liability has invested 0.13% in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH). Profund Advisors Ltd Liability Corporation holds 14,959 shares or 0.03% of its portfolio. Waterfront Cap Prtnrs Ltd Co accumulated 425,066 shares. Marsico Capital Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0.38% or 201,761 shares in its portfolio. Driehaus Capital Mngmt Limited Liability Company holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Cisco Systems, Inc. Telemus Lc accumulated 12,000 shares or 0.07% of the stock. The lowest target is $42.0 while the high is $45.0. Finally, SunTrust Banks, Inc. increased their price target on Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings from $43.00 to $54.00 and gave the company a "hold" rating in a report on Friday, February 24th. Credit Suisse Ag stated it has 0.01% of its portfolio in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH). The Illinois-based Tyvor Capital Llc has invested 3.22% in the stock. Timber Hill Ltd reported 0% of its portfolio in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:NCLH).

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