Red Cross responders from Virginia helping in Harvey relief

Houston Flood Relief Fund | Emergencies & Disasters - YouCaring
Red Cross responders from Virginia helping in Harvey relief

03 September, 2017

The American Red Cross held a "Just In Time" training class for anyone willing to help out with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

"The people that you are helping need it so badly, especially when they're flooded out like they are having in Texas". An additional $10 million, through the Walmart Foundation, will go to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, which Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner established earlier this week through the Greater Houston Community Foundation, as well as Feeding America, Convoy of Hope, Team Rubicon, and the Salvation Army.

Jaggers said the American Red Cross will be offering a training boot camp from noon to 4 p.m. September 8 for anyone who wants to volunteer locally or nationally. Domino's stores in south Texas unaffected by the floods have been donating thousands of pizzas to shelters, first-responders and others in the impacted regions. "We need volunteers in Texas and then, because so many of our volunteers will be deployed, we need volunteers to step up here", she said.

The Red Cross is sponsoring a meeting Saturday, Sept. 2, at noon for people who want to volunteer.

Marshall said the list of volunteers are not broken down by counties and he doesn't know how many of them come from the tri-county area. I encourage everyone including my mellogang and fellow colleagues to do what they can to help the people of Texas.

Della, who is a board member of the Red Cross Southern Maryland chapter and used to work for Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. The volunteers left in emergency response vehicles Monday morning and will be distributing food and water to victims.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Bullock's pledge went directly to the Red Cross.

As Red Cross volunteers continue to head to the epicenter of Harvey's destruction, they're also asking for your help.

"We have volunteers and staff that are trained and we could be up and running in 12 hours", she said.

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