Insiders and Institutional Investors Selling Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:COG)

Cabot Oil & Gas Announces Asset Divestiture
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:COG) Sees Unusual Trading Volume in Its Shares

10 September, 2017

Southport Mgmt Lc owns 40,000 shares or 1.25% of their U.S. portfolio. Henderson Gp Public Ltd owns 31,306 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation has a 1-year low of $18.48 and a 1-year high of $26.74. The SI to Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation's float is 3.84%. Williams Capital reissued a "buy" rating and issued a $32.00 target price on shares of Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation in a research note on Friday, April 28th. It has underperformed by 15.45% the S&P500. 4,290 were reported by Cwm Ltd Liability Company. Hartford Investment Co invested in 112,753 shares or 0.05% of the stock. The Steadfast Advisors Lp holds 102,500 shares with $2.39M value, down from 211,031 last quarter. The stock decreased 2.52% or $0.67 on September 8, reaching $25.97.

About 15,363 shares traded. Alliant Energy Corporation (NYSE:LNT) has risen 11.22% since September 9, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 7.39% the S&P500. Columbus Hill Capital Management L.P. now owns 3,755,626 shares of the oil and gas exploration company's stock worth $89,797,000 after acquiring an additional 2,154,232 shares in the last quarter. Zafgen Inc had 17 analyst reports since August 25, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel.

On August 1 the company was set at "Overweight" by Morgan Stanley which was a boost from the previous "Equal-weight" rating. The ex-dividend date was Tuesday, August 8th. As per Wednesday, August 19, the company rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus.

Oasis Petroleum Inc. (NYSE:COG) scores higher than Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:OAS) on 5 of the 9 measures compared between the two companies. Tower Research Capital Llc Trc bought 4,376 shares as the company's stock rose 10.26% with the market. Sell-side analyst recommendations point to a short term price target of $29.47 on the company shares.

Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the development, exploitation and exploration of oil and gas properties. The current price change puts the market capitalization at $12.38 bln. It now has negative earnings. The Company's assets are concentrated in areas with known hydrocarbon resources, which are conducive to multi-well, repeatable drilling programs.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.27 in Q4 2016. It improved, as 47 investors sold Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation shares while 144 reduced holdings. 90 funds opened positions while 228 raised stakes. 153.71 million shares or 0.22% less from 154.05 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Eulav Asset Mgmt has invested 0.04% in Primerica, Inc. Css Limited Il owns 5,300 shares or 0.01% of their United States portfolio. 63,631 were reported by Mason Street Advisors Lc. Livforsakringsbolaget Skandia Omsesidigt owns 26,595 shares. Menta Cap Ltd Liability Corporation invested 0.03% of its portfolio in Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:COG). The oil and gas exploration company reported $0.14 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $0.15 by $0.01. Fjarde Ap holds 81,843 shares. Blair William And Il holds 36,632 shares. Sanders Capital LLC increased its holdings in Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation by 34.7% in the 1st quarter. Rockefeller Fincl reported 0.79% in Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:COG). Prudential owns 30,513 shares. $90,136 worth of stock was sold by Roemer Todd M on Friday, May 5.

Since May 11, 2017, it had 1 insider purchase, and 4 insider sales for $1.73 million activity. (NYSE:PRI) for 13,875 shares.

Sanders Capital Llc decreased Vanguard Intl Equity Index F (VEU) stake by 174,348 shares to 263,036 valued at $12.26 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Kraft Heinz Co stake by 18,800 shares and now owns 116,400 shares. Buckeye Partners LP (NYSE:BPL) was reduced too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.06 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.31, from 0.79 in 2016Q3. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 46,495,862 shares of the oil and gas exploration company's stock worth $1,111,717,000 after buying an additional 1,653,616 shares in the last quarter. 139 funds opened positions while 483 raised stakes. Nomura reported 28,148 shares. Savings Bank Of America Corp De stated it has 0% of its portfolio in Primerica, Inc. Arrow Corporation holds 2,960 shares. Tarbox owns 86 shares or 0.01% of their U.S. portfolio. Security Commercial Bank Of Sioux City Iowa Ia reported 0.81% in QUALCOMM, Inc. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) reported 111,543 shares stake. Neuberger Berman Group LLC now owns 9,729,535 shares of the oil and gas exploration company's stock valued at $251,022,000 after buying an additional 387,192 shares during the period. Amer Century Cos has invested 0.08% in Crown Castle International Corp. Cornercap Investment Counsel accumulated 75,785 shares. (REIT) (NYSE:CCI). Peak6 Invs Limited Partnership stated it has 49,955 shares or 0.03% of all its holdings. (NYSE:PRI), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Tuesday, November 3 by Topeka Capital Markets. The company was initiated on Thursday, February 25 by SunTrust. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, eight have assigned a hold recommendation, eleven have assigned a buy recommendation and one has given a strong buy recommendation to the company. The firm has "Buy" rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Thursday, July 20. GMP Securities reinitiated it with "Buy" rating and $39 target in Wednesday, September 28 report. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with "Buy" on Tuesday, March 29. (NYSE:PRI) on Monday, April 24 to "Market Perform" rating. The stock spiked 10.46% last month and is up 15.24 this year.

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