Hot Performer of the day: Ciena Corporation (CIEN)


01 September, 2017

The stock was sold at an average price of $25.02, for a total transaction of $50,040.00. About 8.39 million shares traded or 269.60% up from the average. The Ohio-based Strs Ohio has invested 0% in Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN). It has outperformed by 17.99% the S&P500. Panagora Asset Inc stated it has 0% of its portfolio in Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN). About 59,745 shares traded. Ciena Corporation now has $3.38 billion valuation.

The stock increased 1.68% or $0.4 during the last trading session, hitting $26.00. In terms of volatility, it has a beta coefficient of 1.67 and technical analysis volatility indicator called Average True Range or ATR around 0.57. Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN) shares have been recently spotted -13.21% away from the 52-week high, and 28.22% away from the 52-week low mark. It has outperformed by 27.73% the S&P500. Its down 0.45, from 1.42 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 34 investors sold Ciena Corporation shares while 82 reduced holdings. 13 funds opened positions while 19 raised stakes. Blackrock Advsr Lc invested in 0% or 4,738 shares. ALEXANDER STEPHEN B sold $48,355 worth of Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN) on Tuesday, March 21.

On 8/24/2017, Raymond James released a statement on Ciena (NYSE:CIEN) upped the target price from $0.00 to $3.00 that suggested a downside of -0.87%. Hengehold Capital Mgmt Ltd Liability reported 153,253 shares. Central Securities Corporation reported 250,000 shares. Trexquant LP invested 0.12% in Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN). In other words, EPS reveals how profitable a company is on a share owner basis. Federated Pa invested in 0.04% or 609,911 shares. Comerica Savings Bank accumulated 102,943 shares. State Bank Of America De reported 0% of its portfolio in Clarus Corp (NASDAQ:CLAR). Los Angeles Mgmt Equity Rech has 10,402 shares. Therefore 76% are positive. Ciena had 54 analyst reports since August 18, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN) has "Hold" rating given on Thursday, August 25 by Citigroup. Deutsche Bank downgraded the shares of GE in report on Friday, May 12 to "Sell" rating. The market capitalization of the company is at $3.38 Billion. M Partners maintained it with "Buy" rating and $30 target in Friday, December 9 report. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets on Monday, April 24 with "Outperform". As per Friday, September 2, the company rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley. The company was maintained on Friday, June 2 by UBS. Shares for $25,020 were sold by McFeely Scott. 3,000 Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN) shares with value of $78,870 were sold by GALLAGHER PATRICK. 2,127 shares valued at $50,942 were sold by FRODSHAM JAMES on Tuesday, March 21. $172,965 worth of stock was sold by Pearson David on Monday, March 20.

Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, June 1st. They expect $0.43 EPS, up 22.86% or $0.08 from last year's $0.35 per share. For the last period, the company reported quarter over quarter EPS growth of 128.30% and quarter over quarter sales growth of 10.30%. Next quarter's EPS is forecasted at $0.58 and the next full year EPS is projected to be $2.08.

A gap is a space between prices that occurs when the price of a stock makes a move down or up when there is no trading happening in between. Therefore 83% are positive. Applied Materials Inc. had 85 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Monday, November 16 by Canaccord Genuity. The firm has "Neutral" rating by Robert W. Baird given on Tuesday, August 8.

Cancer Genetics, a United States company, which is engaged in the field of personalized medicine. The company has market cap of $780.63 million. Company's return on equity, which is really just the product of the company's profit margin, asset turnover, and financial leverage ratios, is -39.70%, which is worse than the Chemicals - Major Diversified industry average ROE. It now has negative earnings. The Firm offers a range of laboratory services that provide genomic and biomarker information.

Since May 16, 2017, it had 3 insider buys, and 0 sales for $457,563 activity. Its up 0.06, from 1.2 in 2016Q3. Earnings, adjusted for stock option expense and amortization costs, were 51 cents per share. Next Fin Group has invested 0% in Cancer Genetics Inc (NASDAQ:CGIX). Mason Street Advisors Ltd Liability Corporation reported 65,033 shares. Guggenheim Capital holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated (NASDAQ:SYKE) for 74,584 shares. Renaissance Tech Ltd Liability Co reported 310,400 shares. Jacobs Levy Equity Mngmt Incorporated has 116,380 shares. The value of the total investment in Ciena Corporation increased from $348,000 to $115,442,000 a change of 33,073.0% for the reporting period.

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