Apogee Enterprises Inc (NASDAQ:APOG) Institutional Investor Sentiment Analysis


10 September, 2017

The company's P/E ratio is 14.86 and market capitalization is 1.25B. The Firm operates through four divisions: Architectural Glass, Architectural Services, Architectural Framing Systems and Large-Scale Optical Technologies. The short-interest ratio increased to 38.0 and the percentage of shorted shares was 0.15% on August 15. The Architectural Glass segment fabricates coated glass used in customized window and wall systems comprising the outside skin of commercial, institutional and multi-family residential buildings. Amalgamated Bancorp reported 0.01% stake.

Shares of Apogee Enterprises, Inc. The shares were sold at an average price of $55.04, for a total value of $1,029,578.24. Lowes Cos Inc now has $67.92 billion valuation. The stock decreased 1.69% or $3.95 on September 8, reaching $229.23. About 6.46 million shares traded or 71.35% up from the average. It has underperformed by 10.78% the S&P500.

Since May 1, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 1 sale for $5.60 million activity. Apogee Enterprises Inc (NASDAQ:APOG) has risen 21.13% since September 9, 2016 and is uptrending. They expect $1.05 EPS, up 36.36% or $0.28 from last year's $0.77 per share. APOG's profit would be $30.34 million giving it 10.79 P/E if the $1.05 EPS is correct.

Shares last traded at $45.33 a bit lower than the 50 day moving average which is $48.68 and which is quite a bit lower than the 200 day moving average of $53.91.

Traders are more bullish on Apogee Enterprises, Inc. recently if you take into consideration the fall in short interest. It has outperformed by 4.43% the S&P500. Pacad Investment Ltd. increased its position in shares of Apogee Enterprises by 500.0% in the second quarter. Falcon Point Capital Llc owns 456,309 shares or 3.27% of their USA portfolio. Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC bolstered its investment by buying 21,801 shares an increase of 52.9%.

As of the end of the quarter Lebenthal Asset Management, LLC had disposed of a total of 2,290 shares trimming its stake by 4.7%. Bank of Montreal Can now owns 5,066 shares of the company's stock worth $226,000 after buying an additional 145 shares during the period. After the recent moves, investors may also look to see if the stock has entered oversold or overbought territory and could be ripe for a bounce. It also reduced its holding in Corcept Therapeutics Inc. Comerica Bank now owns 50,460 shares of the industrial products company's stock worth $2,659,000 after purchasing an additional 18,565 shares in the last quarter. 11,672 shares valued at $936,115 were sold by Maltsbarger Richard D on Tuesday, May 30.

Among 26 analysts covering Lowe's Companies Inc. Out of 8 Wall Street analysts rating Callon Petroleum, 7 give it "Buy", 0 "Sell" rating, while 1 recommend "Hold". Therefore 100% are positive. As per Tuesday, November 24, the company rating was upgraded by Atlantic Securities. Imperial Capital maintained it with "Outperform" rating and $18.0 target in Friday, September 30 report. The stock of Lowe's Companies, Inc. HSBC downgraded SK Telecom Co Ltd (ADR) (NYSE:SKM) on Wednesday, April 27 to "Hold" rating. The company was maintained on Thursday, December 8 by RBC Capital Markets. The rating was downgraded by JP Morgan on Monday, November 2 to "Neutral". The company was maintained on Wednesday, August 19 by S&P Research. More interesting news about Apogee Enterprises Inc (NASDAQ:APOG) were released by: Startribune.com and their article: "Apogee buying Pella subsidiary for $195 million." published on May 01, 2017 as well as Businesswire.com's news article titled: "Apogee Closes on Acquisition of EFCO Corporation for ~$195 Million" with publication date: June 12, 2017.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.15 in 2016 Q4. This represents a $0.56 annualized dividend and a yield of 1.03%. 103 funds opened positions while 341 raised stakes. 627.42 million shares or 0.25% less from 629.02 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Cardinal Capital Mngmt invested 1.31% in Lowe's Companies, Inc. (NYSE:MTZ) by 81,041 shares to 258,873 shares, valued at $9.90M in 2016Q4, according to the filing. The short interest to Apogee Enterprises's float is 16.78%. (NYSE:LOW). Quantbot Technologies Limited Partnership holds 215,674 shares or 1.7% of its portfolio. Rosenbaum Jay D has invested 0.49% in Lowe's Companies, Inc. Envestnet Asset Mgmt Incorporated invested in 12,185 shares. Emerald Mutual Fund Advisers Tru invested in 651,371 shares. During the same period previous year, the firm posted $0.61 earnings per share. Principal Grp Inc Inc reported 233,020 shares. Nationwide Fund Advsr holds 17,625 shares. The Kentucky-based Teachers Retirement Systems Of The State Of Kentucky has invested 0.01% in Apogee Enterprises Inc (NASDAQ:APOG). Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) stated it has 13,670 shares.

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