Vetr Inc. Downgrades Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) to Buy


08 August, 2017

On average, equities analysts expect that Bristol-Myers Squibb Company will post $2.97 EPS for the current fiscal year. The Chemical Bank holds 63,081 shares with $3.69M value, up from 42,599 last quarter. The stock rose 0.81% or $0.45 reaching $55.95. The company had a trading volume of 5,126,033 shares.

Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE:BMY) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, July 27th. It has underperformed by 39.89% the S&P500. The RSI computes momentum as the ratio of higher closes to lower closes: stocks which have had more or stronger positive changes have a higher RSI than stocks which have had more or stronger negative changes. The Chilton Capital Management Llc holds 94,253 shares with $5.51 million value, down from 101,741 last quarter. On Friday, January 22 the stock rating was upgraded by Berenberg to "Buy".

Columbus Hill Capital Management Lp decreased Allergan Plc stake by 68,637 shares to 199,595 valued at $41.92 million in 2016Q4. Platinum Group Metals Limited (USA) (NYSEMKT:PLG) has declined 58.54% since August 7, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 74.40% the S&P500. Vetr raised shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb from a "buy" rating to a "strong-buy" rating and set a $64.33 price objective on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, July 26th. Therefore 9% are positive. As per Friday, May 27, the company rating was initiated by BMO Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with "Sell" on Sunday, July 23. The firm has "Hold" rating given on Thursday, July 27 by Piper Jaffray. The rating was maintained by UBS on Friday, April 29 with "Buy". Morgan Stanley downgraded the shares of BMY in report on Friday, August 5 to "Equal-Weight" rating. Supplemental Annuity Collective Of Nj has 0.7% invested in Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) for 25,211 shares.

Since February 27, 2017, it had 1 buying transaction, and 6 insider sales for $9.91 million activity. The insider Schmukler Louis S sold 15,000 shares worth $851,220.

In related news, Director Theodore R. Samuels II bought 6,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, August 2nd. The Florida-based Ariel Limited Liability Co has invested 0.13% in Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY). Investors of record on Friday, July 7th were issued a dividend of $0.39 per share. Its most recent closing price has a distance of 0.95% from SMA20 and is 1.95% above than SMA200. Blue Chip Partners Inc. now owns 2,156 shares of the biopharmaceutical company's stock worth $120,000 after buying an additional 15 shares during the last quarter. 126 funds opened positions while 468 raised stakes. Blue Finance Incorporated accumulated 18,655 shares. Southeast Asset Advisors owns 6,150 shares. Price T Rowe Assocs Md stated it has 0.43% in Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY). Schroder Management Gp owns 169,274 shares or 0.02% of their United States portfolio. Keel Point LLC boosted its stake in shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb by 0.3% in the first quarter. Employees Retirement Sys Of Texas reported 496,300 shares.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Leerink Swann Cuts Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) Price Target to $61.00" was originally reported by The Cerbat Gem and is owned by of The Cerbat Gem. Davenport & Limited Company invested in 0.97% or 1.15 million shares. 19,554 are owned by Winslow Evans Crocker Inc. (NYSE:SXI). California Public Employees Retirement Sys invested in 0% or 17,200 shares.

Several other institutional investors have also added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. 4,041 were reported by Northstar Group.

It tells an investor how quickly a company is increasing its revenues. Its down 0.15, from 0.97 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 40 investors sold HZNP shares while 69 reduced holdings. Hgk Asset Management, New Jersey-based fund reported 255,604 shares. Glenmede Co Na holds 0.13% or 562,865 shares in its portfolio. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited has 0% invested in Caesars Entertainment Corp (NASDAQ:CZR) for 2,076 shares. Broderick Brian C invested in 26,750 shares. Swiss National Bank holds 82,100 shares. Balasa Dinverno & Foltz holds 0.12% or 11,622 shares.

Omeros Corporation (OMER) stock moved with shift of 0.97% in the past week. Clough Capital Ptnrs LP reported 399,209 shares. Nuveen Asset Mngmt holds 0% or 27,898 shares in its portfolio. Chilton Management Ltd Liability stated it has 94,253 shares or 0.58% of all its holdings.

Among 7 analysts covering First Interstate Bancsystem (NASDAQ:FIBK), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Gentherm Inc had 11 analyst reports since July 29, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Wednesday, May 31 by FBR Capital. Creditors will loan money at a cheaper rate to a profitable company than to an unprofitable one; consequently, profitable companies can use leverage to increase stockholders' equity even more.

"Targeting innate immunity pathways represents a potentially differentiated approach in immuno-oncology created to initiate and augment immune responses that may help the body's natural defenses better recognize and attack tumors", said Thomas Lynch, MD, executive vice president, chief scientific officer at BMS, in a company press release. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Monday, June 6 by Goldman Sachs.

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