Harley-Davidson, Inc. (HOG) Holdings Decreased by Vanguard Group Inc

2018 Harley Davidson CVO and Special lineup
Kiltearn Partners Llp Has Raised Its Harley Davidson (HOG) Holding; Daruma Capital Management Has Lifted Enpro Inds (NPO) Position By $8.17 Million

25 August, 2017

The Daruma Capital Management Llc holds 718,907 shares with $48.43M value, up from 596,933 last quarter. Mainsource Financial Group Inc. now has $851.95 million valuation. About 266,757 shares traded. (NASDAQ:MSFG) has risen 51.30% since August 24, 2016 and is uptrending. Mai has 0.08% invested in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG) for 19,752 shares. Edgestream Partners L.P. purchased a new stake in shares of Harley-Davidson during the first quarter worth about $257,000. The Kiltearn Partners Llp holds 2.66 million shares with $155.12 million value, up from 2.48 million last quarter. Cibc Ww Inc has 0% invested in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG) has risen 20.11% since August 24, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 3.41% the S&P500. Dreman Value L L C has 0.16% invested in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG).

Ratings analysis reveals 18% of Harley-Davidson's analysts are positive. Stifel Nicolaus cut their price objective on shares of Harley-Davidson from $61.00 to $55.00 and set a "hold" rating for the company in a report on Friday, July 14th. Deutsche Bank maintained the stock with "Hold" rating in Wednesday, October 21 report. Mackenzie Financial stated it has 0.15% in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). Buckingham Research downgraded the stock to "Neutral" rating in Friday, September 9 report. The rating was upgraded by Vetr to "Hold" on Monday, August 24.

On July 12 the company was downgraded to "Market Perform" from "Buy" in a report from Bernstein.

The company's P/E ratio is 13.82 and the market cap is 8.23B. As per Friday, January 15, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets.

Since May 22, 2017, it had 1 buy, and 1 sale for $11 activity. On Thursday, May 25 the insider Alstead Troy sold $520.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.8 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.07, from 0.86 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 45 investors sold Harley-Davidson Inc shares while 176 reduced holdings. 56 funds opened positions while 121 raised stakes. The hedge funds in our partner's database now hold: 151.02 million shares, down from 158.72 million shares in 2016Q3. Focused Wealth Mgmt stated it has 0.01% of its portfolio in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). Northern Tru Corp has invested 0.04% in CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX). Moreover, Hennessy Advisors has 0.08% invested in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG) for 45,000 shares. Mercer Capital Advisers Inc accumulated 1,000 shares. Foyston Gordon And Payne Inc accumulated 69,298 shares. Fisher Asset Management Ltd Llc has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). The dividend payment was $0.365 per share for the quarter which is $1.46 annualized. The stock rose 0.91% or $0.3 reaching $33.31 per share. Alphamark invested 0.04% in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft Fi has 0.16% invested in Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG). Great West Life Assurance Can accumulated 678,974 shares.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.12 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.01, from 0.79 in 2016Q3. (NYSE:NPO) for 12 shares. Fdx Advsr reported 44,227 shares. Cleararc Cap has 0.05% invested in CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX). Benjamin F Edwards Company Inc holds 8,829 shares. (NYSE:NPO) for 1,200 shares. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Cibc World has invested 0.01% in CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX). (MSFG) stake by 72.1% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Franklin Street Nc, North Carolina-based fund reported 27,025 shares. Huntington Financial Bank owns 82 shares or 0% of their U.S. portfolio. Wexford Ltd Partnership has invested 0.05% in EnPro Industries, Inc.

Among 22 analysts covering Harley-Davidson (NYSE:HOG), 4 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. HOG was included in 70 notes of analysts from July 22, 2015. Morgan Stanley downgraded CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX) on Wednesday, February 1 to "Underweight" rating. The stock has "Buy" rating by Tigress Financial on Friday, April 21. Everence Capital Management invested in 0.07% or 4,305 shares. It also reduced Texas Capital Bancshares Inc (NASDAQ:TCBI) stake by 102,550 shares and now owns 953,905 shares.

Analysts await CarMax, Inc (NYSE:KMX) to report earnings on September, 22 before the open. Bower Steven R. had bought 1,000 shares worth $71,510. 5,715 shares were sold by THAYER CHARLES J, worth $195,396 on Monday, March 6.

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