Citrix Systems, Inc. (CTXS) Stake Held by Osborn Williams & Donohoe LLC


03 August, 2017

The stock of Citrix Systems, Inc. The average 1-year price target for (MU) reveals an average price target of $43.24 per share. About 618,190 shares traded. Citrix Systems Inc. has $104 highest and $56 lowest target. It has outperformed by 9.72% the S&P500.

Pembroke Management Ltd increased Hemisphere Media G (HMTV) stake by 10.5% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. The Fortaleza Asset Management Inc holds 3,945 shares with $352,000 value, up from 55 last quarter. Ventas Inc now has $23.32B valuation.

The stock increased 0.15% or Euro 0.14 on August 1, reaching Euro 92.84. About 403,643 shares traded. Compugen Ltd. (USA) (NASDAQ:CGEN) has declined 29.94% since August 2, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 13.26% the S&P500.

Strong Sell. Investors might also notice that two months ago the Buy recommendations (0) were less than Sell recommendations (1). Its the same as in 2016Q3.

Several institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in CTXS. Creative Planning, a Kansas-based fund reported 2,830 shares.

Aperio Group LLC boosted its position in shares of Citrix Systems, Inc. (NYSE:T). Edmp Inc stated it has 69,606 shares. Credit Suisse maintained Citrix Systems, Inc.

Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) soared 11.94% year-to-date. $1.22M worth of Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) shares have seen a move of 11.06%. Bank of Montreal Can increased its position in shares of Citrix Systems by 35.6% in the second quarter.

Pinebridge Investments Lp increased Citrix Sys Inc Com (CTXS) stake by 98.05% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Victory Capital Management Inc holds 0% of its portfolio in Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS). Adage Cap Prns Grp Ltd reported 75,300 shares.

Since February 28, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 4 sales for $1.53 million activity. DEMO MURRAY J sold 1,000 shares worth $83,550. Westpac holds 1.15M shares. Citrix Sys Inc now has $11.83B valuation. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, eleven have assigned a hold rating and seven have given a buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 45% are positive. BidaskClub cut Citrix Systems from a "hold" rating to a "sell" rating in a research report on Friday, July 28th. The firm earned "Underweight" rating on Wednesday, July 27 by Morgan Stanley. The firm has "Hold" rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Sunday, July 30. On Thursday, October 22 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with "Sector Perform". Retirement Of Alabama holds 0.04% in Citrix Systems, Inc. The company was maintained on Thursday, July 21 by Mizuho. (NASDAQ:CTXS) also leans strongly towards the neutral end of the spectrum. Highland Capital Ltd Company stated it has 0.05% of its portfolio in Citrix Systems, Inc. The company was maintained on Thursday, April 21 by Cowen & Co. The rating was maintained by M Partners on Thursday, April 21 with "Buy". Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board owns 3,570 shares or 0% of their USA portfolio. Sei Investments Co (NASDAQ:SEIC) was raised too.

Among 14 analysts covering Ventas Inc. Old Mutual Global Invsts (Uk) Limited holds 1.14 million shares or 1.76% of its portfolio. Therefore 32% are positive. Compugen had 8 analyst reports since August 5, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital on Monday, April 18 with "Overweight". As per Friday, November 6, the company rating was maintained by Argus Research. The stock of Ventas, Inc. The firm earned "Hold" rating on Friday, July 7 by Jefferies. FBR Capital has "Mkt Perform" rating and $42 target. The firm earned "Market Perform" rating on Thursday, August 20 by William Blair. (NASDAQ:CTXS) on Wednesday, March 29. The rating was downgraded by Mizuho on Monday, November 21 to "Neutral".

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.25 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.14, from 1.02 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 67 investors sold VTR shares while 205 reduced holdings. 115 funds opened positions while 706 raised stakes. 317.01 million shares or 0.82% more from 314.44 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Balyasny Asset Limited Liability Company has 0.07% invested in Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB). Hbk Investments L P, Texas-based fund reported 201,400 shares. First Long Island Lc holds 2.6% of its portfolio in Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) for 129,822 shares. (NYSE:T) for 117,042 shares. The biggest holder now is Mr. Mark B. Templeton who owns 353,809 shares (0.23% of those outstanding), whilst Mr. David J. Henshall holds 288,229 (0.19% of shares outstanding) and Mr. Robert M. Calderoni holds 253,430 (0.17% of shares outstanding).

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