Zacks Investment Research Lowers Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc


17 July, 2017

(HVT) has $470.94 million valuation. The stock increased 0.23% or $0.05 on July 11, reaching $21.45. The value of the investment in Haverty Furniture Companies, In went from $519,000 to $483,000 a change of 6.9% quarter over quarter. (NYSE:CRM) has risen 7.78% since July 17, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 17.97% the S&P500. Its up 13.06% from 11.23M shares previously. (NYSE:HVT) was sold by BURDETTE STEVEN G. It is down 14.59% since July 12, 2016 and is uptrending. The company had a trading volume of 45,440 shares. It has underperformed by 2.11% the S&P500. Bank of Montreal Can boosted its position in Haverty Furniture Companies by 5.3% in the first quarter.

Several research analysts have issued reports on the company. HVT's profit will be $4.01 million for 29.34 P/E if the $0.19 EPS becomes a reality.

The share price of Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc.

Among 2 analysts covering Haverty Furniture (NYSE:HVT), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 87% are positive. Meeder Asset Mngmt invested 0% in Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. ValuEngine upgraded shares of Haverty Furniture Companies from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research report on Friday, June 2nd. The firm has a market cap of $453.00 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 15.60 and a beta of 1.13. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 78.37% of the company's stock. Shares for $338,451 were sold by HAVERTY RAWSON JR. The Riverbridge Partners Llc holds 338,589 shares with $23.18M value, up from 238,293 last quarter. Blackrock holds 0% of its portfolio in Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. (NYSE:HVT) was sold by Pine Hill Associates - LLC on Friday, March 10. About 23,891 shares traded. Accern also assigned media headlines about the company an impact score of 50 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is somewhat likely to have an impact on the stock's share price in the near term. Haverty Furniture Companies presently has a consensus rating of "Buy" and an average price target of $25.50. (NYSE:HVT) on Tuesday, June 6.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.97 in 2016 Q4. (NYSE:HVT). Royal Savings Bank Of Canada, Ontario - Canada-based fund reported 29,732 shares. Great West Life Assurance Can reported 27,677 shares. (NYSE:HVT) or 14,500 shares. Public Employees Retirement Association of Colorado owned about 0.05% of Haverty Furniture Companies worth $264,000 at the end of the most recent quarter. After posting $0.28 EPS for the previous quarter, Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc.'s analysts now forecast -28.57 % negative EPS growth. Gallagher Richard Dewey had sold 1,963 shares worth $49,998 on Wednesday, May 10. First Trust Advisors L P stated it has 21,404 shares. Investment Counselors Of Maryland Llc owns 462,473 shares or 0.58% of their United States portfolio. California State Teachers Retirement reported 0% stake. Bowling Management Ltd Liability has 0.09% invested in Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. (NYSE:HVT) for 69,877 shares. Ameriprise stated it has 98,490 shares. Susquehanna Intll Grp Incorporated Llp holds 26,556 shares or 0% of its portfolio.

The stock increased 0.22% or $0.05 on July 14, reaching $22.3. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, January 27 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. The Company's divisions include U.S.; Asia; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa; MetLife Holdings; Brighthouse Financial, and Corporate & Other. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two have issued a hold rating and two have issued a buy rating to the stock. Morgan Stanley has "Overweight" rating and $465 target. The rating was maintained by Global Equities Research with "Buy" on Thursday, September 3. The stock of Metlife Inc (NYSE:MET) earned "Buy" rating by Wells Fargo on Wednesday, April 19. Its up 0.01, from 0.93 in 2016Q3. 122 funds opened positions while 279 raised stakes. Burt Wealth Advsrs has 229 shares. Citigroup reported 0% stake. Apriem Advsrs has 3,613 shares for 0.23% of their portfolio. Stifel holds 982,431 shares or 0.22% of its portfolio. Gemmer Asset Mgmt Ltd Com holds 423 shares. Los Angeles Cap Management And Equity Rech reported 0.58% in Metlife Inc (NYSE:MET). $112,800 worth of Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc.

Wall Street brokerages expect that Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. 61 are owned by Jfs Wealth Limited Liability Company. Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Pub School Empls Retrmt System stated it has 63,008 shares. Duncker Streett And has invested 0% in Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA).

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