Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) EPS Analysis


07 July, 2017

Motco sold 65,064 shares as Wells Fargo & Co New (WFC)'s stock declined 8.66%.

Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) reported sales (ttm) of 54.92 Billion, whereas, 20 number of analysts estimated the mean sale of 22820.1 million. The stock declined 0.52% or $0.29 reaching $55.29 per share. About 4.19M shares traded.

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) opened at 55.56 on Friday. It has underperformed by 7.03% the S&P500. Atlanta Capital Management Co L L C, a Georgia-based fund reported 2.95 million shares. Cnb Finl Corp Pa now has $377.98M valuation. Prudential Inc holds 9.90 million shares. It has outperformed by 40.63% the S&P500. Another trade for 7.13 million shares valued at $383.92M was sold by BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. Peak6 Invs Lp owns 32 shares for 0% of their portfolio.

More notable recent Brown-Forman Corporation (NYSE:BF.B) news were published by: Businesswire.com which released: "Wilby Retires from Brown-Forman" on July 07, 2017, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: "Brown-Forman: Too Pricey" published on February 14, 2017, Seekingalpha.com published: "Brown-Forman Is Just Fine On Its Own" on May 29, 2017. Its up 0.05, from 0.95 in 2016Q3. 55 funds opened positions while 80 raised stakes. 91,177 are owned by Bancorporation Of Ny Mellon. Lynch And Associates In has 16,772 shares for 0.65% of their portfolio. Thompson Management holds 0.09% or 8,437 shares in its portfolio.

SEI Investments Company provides investment processing, investment management and investment activities solutions. During the same period in the previous year, the company posted $0.99 EPS. Parsec stated it has 4,276 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Tarbox Gp owns 10,984 shares. The Illinois-based Keeley Asset Management Corp has invested 1.49% in the stock. Wealthtrust Axiom Limited Liability Corporation invested in 0.35% or 17,688 shares.

Since the beginning of the calendar year, the stock is 0.82%. Ckw Fincl Grp, Hawaii-based fund reported 3,744 shares. Wedge Capital Mgmt L Limited Partnership Nc has 0% invested in CNB Financial Corp (NASDAQ:CCNE) for 14,400 shares.

Analysts await Rowan Companies PLC (NYSE:RDC) to report earnings on August, 1. CMO's profit will be $18.96M for 13.06 P/E if the $0.20 EPS becomes a reality. Concentric Wealth Management LLC purchased a new position in Wells Fargo & Company during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $4,901,000. Straub Francis X III bought $24,620 worth of CNB Financial Corp (NASDAQ:CCNE) on Wednesday, February 22. Palo Capital Inc.'s holdings in Wells Fargo & Company were worth $2,340,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. Over the last three months, the shares of the company have changed 1.05% and performed -0.87% over the last six months. Similarly, the company's last 5 years high P/E ratio is 13.82 and low P/E is 10.16, whereas, the industry's and sector's high P/E for the past year is 19.4 and 30.56 respectively and low P/E ratio for the last 5 years is 10.76 for the industry and 11.16 for the Sector. After $0.80 actual EPS reported by Old Dominion Freight Line for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 33.75% EPS growth.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.67 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.30, from 0.97 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 112 investors sold WFC shares while 836 reduced holdings. Rocky Mountain Advisers LLC raised its position in Wells Fargo & Company by 117.6% in the fourth quarter. About 2.16M shares traded.

Connors Investor Services Inc holds 1.53% of its portfolio in Penske Automotive Group, Inc. for 172,614 shares. Vetr raised shares of Wells Fargo & Company from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating and set a $58.06 price target for the company in a report on Monday, March 27th. 256,900 are owned by Davidson Invest Advsrs. Beese Fulmer Investment has 0.1% invested in Apache Corporation (NYSE:APA) for 5,893 shares. The Company's divisions are Private Banks, Investment Advisors, Institutional Investors, Investment Managers and Investments in New Businesses. Parsec Finance Inc has invested 0.38% of its portfolio in Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC). Com (PM) stake by 16.66% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Pcj Investment Counsel Limited has invested 0.09% in Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC). Kj Harrison And Partners accumulated 151,285 shares or 3.33% of the stock. Guardian Capital Lp has 1.49% invested in Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC). Therefore 94% are positive. Equities analysts anticipate that Wells Fargo & Company will post $4.15 EPS for the current year. 663,997 were reported by Cibc Ww Markets. As per Thursday, January 7, the company rating was initiated by Robert W. Baird. The firm has "Neutral" rating by Guggenheim given on Wednesday, April 26. The rating was maintained by Macquarie Research on Friday, September 25 with "Underperform". The stock has "Hold" rating by Jefferies on Monday, November 28. The firm has "Neutral" rating by Susquehanna given on Thursday, December 1. The firm has "Market Perform" rating by Cowen & Co given on Friday, July 31. The rating was maintained by Evercore on Wednesday, April 12 with "Outperform".

Since March 3, 2017, it had 1 buy, and 7 sales for $397.31 million activity. The stock was sold at an average price of $54.07, for a total value of $1,335,961.56. On Monday, June 12 the insider Pelos Petros G sold $1.34M. Boys Arnold & Inc has 0.32% invested in Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC). Mack Mary T sold $2.05 million worth of stock. 20,000 shares were sold by Hardison Hope A., worth $1.04 million on Tuesday, May 16. 9,050 shares valued at $499,108 were bought by SARGENT RONALD on Friday, May 5.

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