United Bank Inc. Boosts Position in Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP)


26 July, 2017

Princeton Capital Management Inc decreased Union Pacific Corp (UNP) stake by 43.69% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. The institutional investor owned 3,829 shares of the railroad operator's stock after buying an additional 1,250 shares during the period. American National Bank boosted its position in Union Pacific Corporation by 757.5% in the first quarter. Citigroup Inc. restated a "buy" rating and issued a $120.00 price target on shares of Union Pacific Corporation in a research report on Monday, July 10th. Cim Investment Mangement Inc. now owns 16,553 shares of the railroad operator's stock valued at $1,716,000 after buying an additional 9,569 shares during the period. Year to Date (YTD) performance of Union Pacific Corporation (UNP) is -0.02 percent while its Performance (Week) is -4.94 percent and Performance (month) is at -3.47 percent. The Bank Of Nova Scotia holds 173,918 shares with $18.03M value, up from 57,308 last quarter. Silvercrest Asset Gp Lc holds 0.44% of its portfolio in Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) for 378,180 shares. Credit Suisse maintained Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) rating on Friday, February 19. Finally, Parallel Advisors LLC purchased a new position in Union Pacific Corporation during the fourth quarter valued at about $230,000. Rand Wealth Ltd Com invested in 10,318 shares or 0.14% of the stock.

Union Pacific Corporation was covered by a number of analysts recently, 8 rated the stock as Buy, 8 rated Outperform, 14 rated Hold, 0 gave an Underperform and 1 rated sell. Icon Advisers Inc accumulated 6,800 shares or 0.05% of the stock. The stock's 50 day moving average is $108.73 and its 200-day moving average is $107.99. Union Pacific Corporation has a 1-year low of $87.06 and a 1-year high of $115.15. Now the P/E of Union Pacific Corporation (UNP) stands at 19.02. Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) has risen 31.45% since July 24, 2016 and is uptrending. After $0.40 actual earnings per share reported by HP Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 5.00% EPS growth. Schaper Benz Wise Inv Counsel Wi reported 1.73% of its portfolio in Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP). The firm had revenue of $5.25 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $5.19 billion. During the same quarter in the prior year, the business posted $1.17 earnings per share. The business's quarterly revenue was up 10.1% compared to the same quarter past year.

For the past 5 years, Union Pacific Corporation's EPS growth has been almost 8.6%.

The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, June 30th. The stock's Dividend Yield stands at 2.31%. Union Pacific Corporation has $131 highest and $78 lowest target.

COPYRIGHT VIOLATION WARNING: This story was originally published by Stock Observer and is the property of of Stock Observer. If you are accessing this article on another publication, it was illegally copied and republished in violation of global copyright and trademark law. The legal version of this story can be read at https://www.chaffeybreeze.com/2017/07/25/union-pacific-corporation-unp-getting-somewhat-favorable-media-coverage-report-shows.html. Lamb Weston had 4 analyst reports since November 16, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) has "Hold" rating given on Thursday, July 6 by RBC Capital Markets. The stock of Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) has "Buy" rating given on Friday, January 22 by Stifel Nicolaus. Deutsche Bank AG lowered shares of Union Pacific Corporation from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating and reduced their target price for the company from $132.00 to $110.00 in a report on Friday. The Connecticut-based Graham Cap Mgmt Limited Partnership has invested 0.04% in Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP).

Among 28 analysts covering Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ), 15 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 13 Hold.

Among 23 analysts covering Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP), 12 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 10 Hold. The company has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $110.80.

In related news, EVP Cameron A. Scott sold 17,604 shares of the stock in a transaction on Friday, July 7th.

If we give momentary look over stock price target, the analysts were fairly in stock's favor assigning high price target of Sell and average price target of "1" Analyst and current price is Consensus. Following the transaction, the executive vice president now owns 95,470 shares of the company's stock, valued at $10,272,572. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through this link. Insiders own 0.20% of the company's stock.

Union Pacific Corporation is a railroad operating firm in the United States.

08/11/2016 - Atlantic Equities began new coverage on Union Pacific Corporation giving the company a " rating. The Company's business mix includes Agricultural Products, Automotive, Chemicals, Coal, Industrial Products and Intermodal.

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