Plancorp LLC Has $781000 Position in Magellan Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:MMP)


20 July, 2017

The Cbre Clarion Securities Llc holds 124,474 shares with $9.41 million value, down from 166,949 last quarter.

Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. (NYSE:CPAC) now has a value score of B. This score ranks stocks based on various valuation metrics. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS now owns 63,760 shares of the pipeline company's stock valued at $1,275,000 after buying an additional 8,000 shares during the period. 190802 shares were traded on Dominion Midstream Partners, LP's last session.

Samson Capital Management Llc holds 6.71% of its portfolio in EQT Midstream Partners LP for 101,641 shares. Therefore 78% are positive. Wells Fargo upgraded the shares of CNNX in report on Wednesday, October 5 to "Outperform" rating. (NYSE:TSS) has "Buy" rating given on Wednesday, September 14 by Citigroup. Credit Suisse maintained Wolseley plc (LON:WOS) rating on Wednesday, July 27. Imperial Capital maintained the shares of CRZO in report on Friday, May 6 with "Outperform" rating. Martin Midstream Partners L.P. presently has a consensus rating of "Hold" and a consensus price target of $21.83. Zacks Investment Research cut Rice Midstream Partners from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a report on Wednesday, May 10th. Neuberger Berman Gru Ltd Liability Corp reported 901,700 shares stake. Barclays Capital maintained CF Industries Holdings, Inc. The company's revenue was up 12.3% on a year-over-year basis.

Wolseley plc is the holding company of the Wolseley Group of companies. Eminence Capital Lp who had been investing in Expedia Inc Del for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $23.50 billion market cap company. The Firm is engaged in the distribution of plumbing and heating products and building materials. The P/E ratio is one of the most common ratios used for figuring out whether a company is overvalued or undervalued. The Company's divisions include Gathering and Transmission. If the Golden Cross is greater than 1, then the 50 day moving average is above the 200 day moving average - indicating a positive share price momentum. (NYSE:CF) has declined 0.63% since July 19, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 18.39% the S&P500. Rice Midstream Partners had a return on equity of 12.79% and a net margin of 58.46%.

On average, analysts expect that EnLink Midstream Partners, will report full year sales of $1.38 billion for the current fiscal year, with estimates ranging from $4.63 billion to $6.40 billion.

04/20/2015 - Dominion Midstream Partners, LP had its " rating reiterated by analysts at JP Morgan. TheStreet lowered shares of Rice Midstream Partners from a "b-" rating to a "c+" rating in a report on Friday, July 14th. On Monday, April 4 the stock rating was downgraded by Wunderlich to "Hold". On Friday, April 21 the stock rating was initiated by Macquarie Research with "Neutral". (NYSE:CF) earned "Neutral" rating by UBS on Thursday, June 16. The stock of Summit Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:SMLP) has "Neutral" rating given on Monday, August 17 by Robert W. Baird. (NASDAQ:MMLP) insider Ruben S. Martin acquired 906 shares of the business's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, July 17th.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.08 in 2016 Q4. Natl Pension Serv reported 427 shares or 0% of all its holdings. 41 funds opened positions while 127 raised stakes.

CONE Midstream Partners LP is a master limited partnership formed by CONSOL Energy Inc. and Noble Energy, Inc.

07/23/2015 - D.A. Davidson began new coverage on Dominion Midstream Partners, LP giving the company a " rating. Bradley Foster And Sargent Ct stated it has 293,505 shares. This defines the most likely future of the stock price of Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. Tph Asset Mgmt Lc accumulated 11,145 shares. Sun Life holds 4 shares. The New York-based Heronetta Management L.P. has invested 3.7% in the stock. Another trade for 40,830 shares valued at $1.27M was bought by WEBSTER STEVEN A.

The Piotroski F-Score is a scoring system between 1-9 that determines a firm's financial strength. Catalyst Advsr Llc owns 1,268 shares. Cim Invest Mangement holds 0.21% or 15,402 shares in its portfolio.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "Rice Midstream Partners LP (RMP) Expected to Post Earnings of $0.33 Per Share" was first published by BNB Daily and is owned by of BNB Daily. Glob Endowment Mngmt LP holds 0.19% of its portfolio in Expedia Inc (NASDAQ:EXPE) for 10,780 shares. After $0.98 actual EPS reported by Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -10.20% negative EPS growth. HITE Hedge Asset Management LLC now owns 1,121,873 shares of the oil and gas producer's stock valued at $27,576,000 after buying an additional 748,125 shares in the last quarter. It also upped Delphi Automotive Plc (NYSE:DLPH) stake by 5,723 shares and now owns 702,637 shares.

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