Brokers Ratings on: Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD)


08 July, 2017

The SI to Ftd Companies Incorporated's float is 9.21%. The stock is now trading -0.13% below its SMA 50 and -4.02% below its SMA 200. Oncobiologics Inc (NASDAQ:ONS) has 0.00% since July 7, 2016 and is. It has underperformed by 91.59% the S&P500. Valley Advisers Incorporated has invested 0.13% in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD). The stock increased 0.27% or $0.26 during the last trading session, reaching $97.79. Arkansas-based Stephens Ar has invested 0.22% in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD). It has underperformed by 16.88% the S&P500.

WARNING: "Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD) is Starr International Co". During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.33 EPS. The legal version of this piece can be viewed at The institutional investor held 507,223 shares of the natural gas distribution company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $13.72M, down from 607,545 at the end of the previous reported quarter. More interesting news about Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD) were released by: and their article: "Enterprise Products Partners LP: Buy the Dip?" published on June 20, 2017 as well as's news article titled: "Enterprise Products Partners LP Expands Orla, Texas, Natural Gas Processing Plant" with publication date: June 30, 2017. Therefore 95% are positive. Enterprise Products Partners LP had 30 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. They issued an "outperform" rating for the company. Cutter & Company Brokerage Inc acquired 37,219 shares as Enterprise Products (EPD)'s stock declined 6.06%. The stock has "Outperform" rating by Credit Suisse on Monday, September 19. Virginia-based Tru Communications Of Virginia Va has invested 0.04% in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD).

Other equities analysts have also recently issued research reports about the company. Citigroup maintained it with "Buy" rating and $29 target in Tuesday, April 19 report. Their average price target spell out an upbeat performance - a 22% and would give EPD a market capitalization of almost $69.81B. The firm has "Overweight" rating given on Tuesday, January 31 by Barclays Capital.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.03 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.33, from 1.05 in 2016Q3. With 4.71M avg volume, 5 days are for Enterprise Products Partners L (NYSE:EPD)'s short sellers to cover EPD's short positions.

NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NRG) ended its day at $16.36 with the rising stream of -2.62% and its total traded volume was 4.21 million shares less than the average volume. Violich Mngmt stated it has 0.19% of its portfolio in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD). Glenview Trust Co raised its position in shares of Enterprise Products Partners 9.2% in the first quarter. Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD) has declined 0.18% since July 7, 2016 and is downtrending. Avalon Lc has invested 0.78% in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (NYSE:EPD). 15,723 are held by Fincl Architects. Energy Income Partners LLC purchased a new stake in Enterprise Products Partners L.P. during the fourth quarter valued at $484,791,000. Acadian Asset Mgmt Lc reported 0.02% in CRA International, Inc. Two analysts have provided estimates for Enterprise Products Partners L.P.'s earnings. The stock had a trading volume of 4,744,389 shares. San Francisco Sentry Gp (Ca) has 22,051 shares. Huntington National Bank has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in United Bancorp, Inc.

Williams Partners L.P.'s ROA is 2.33%, while industry's average is 0.57%. Axa reported 17,447 shares or 0% of all its holdings.

05/11/2016 - Sanford C. Bernstein began new coverage on Enterprise Products Partners L.P. giving the company a " rating.

Since February 3, 2017, it had 1 buying transaction, and 1 insider sale for $525,150 activity. 33,000 shares were bought by HACKETT JAMES T, worth $945,450. Smith Edwin E sold $420,300 worth of stock or 15,000 shares. This estimate is provided by 7 analysts. Therefore 95% are positive. The company was maintained on Wednesday, August 31 by Wunderlich. During the trading on 07/06/2017, Company's stock ranged from $27.11 to $26.90. The stock of Autohome Inc (ADR) (NYSE:ATHM) earned "Neutral" rating by JP Morgan on Wednesday, August 31. The rating was upgraded by B. Riley & Co to "Focus List" on Tuesday, November 10. The stock has "Buy" rating by DA Davidson on Thursday, July 23. The company was initiated on Monday, June 6 by Brean Capital. Briley has "Neutral" rating and $24 target.

Among 3 analysts covering Zargon Oil & Gas (TSE:ZAR), 0 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 2 Hold.

FTD Companies, a floral and gifting company. It now has negative earnings.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.96 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.15, from 1.53 in 2016Q3. 19 funds opened positions while 50 raised stakes. Its Average True Range (ATR) value figured out at 0.43. Welch Prtnrs Ltd Liability owns 376,437 shares. Advisor Prtn Limited Co stated it has 8,194 shares or 0.07% of all its holdings. Kings Point Cap Mngmt invested in 1.97% or 294,916 shares. Kcg Holding reported 0% in Marinus Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:MRNS). Conning Inc reported 0.83% stake. Fortive Corp was reduced too. Malaga Cove Cap Ltd Liability Corporation reported 0.42% in AVX Corporation (NYSE:AVX).

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