Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week


04 June, 2017

Whirlpool Corp now has $14.07 billion valuation. It closed at $185.54 lastly.

Whirlpool (NYSE:WHR) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Monday, April 24th. It has underperformed by 9.89% the S&P500. Greenhaven Assoc owns 8.18% invested in Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) for 2.67 million shares. MRLN's SI was 69,700 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its up 21.78% from 4.66 million shares previously.

Samson Oil & Gas Limited Adrs Adrs (NYSEMKT:SSN) had an increase of 72.09% in short interest. It closed at $79.06 lastly.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.67 in 2016 Q4. It has underperformed by 52.35% the S&P500.

Analysts await Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) to report earnings on July, 28. Analysts forecast EPS of $3.57, up exactly $0.07 or 2.00 % from 2014's $3.5 EPS. WHR's profit will be $267.39 million for 13.15 P/E if the $3.57 EPS becomes a reality. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business posted $2.63 EPS.

Since February 17, 2017, it had 1 buy, and 7 sales for $29.86 million activity. On Wednesday, March 15 the insider Liotine Joseph T. sold $1.12M. FETTIG JEFF M sold $21.74M worth of stock or 120,700 shares. 6,234 shares were sold by Berrozpe Esther F, worth $1.10 million. About shares traded. Marlin Business Services Corp. The company reported $2.50 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $2.65 by $0.15. Therefore 50% are positive. WHR was included in 13 notes of analysts from August 13, 2015. The firm has "Strong Buy" rating given on Monday, October 26 by Raymond James. The firm earned "Top Pick" rating on Monday, October 26 by RBC Capital Markets. JP Morgan upgraded Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) on Tuesday, March 15 to "Overweight" rating. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Friday, April 1 by M Partners. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Thursday, February 4 by Goldman Sachs. M Partners downgraded the stock to "Neutral" rating in Monday, October 17 report. The rating was downgraded by Goldman Sachs on Friday, January 27 to "Neutral".

(NYSE WHR) traded up 1.11% during trading on Friday, hitting $189.89. Its down 0.15, from 1.16 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 74 investors sold WHR shares while 186 reduced holdings. 77 funds opened positions while 186 raised stakes. Holderness Invests Co holds 0.2% in Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) or 1,225 shares.

Tradition Capital Management Llc increased Whirlpool Corporation (WHR) stake by 40.61% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Ascend Capital Limited Liability Corp reported 136,695 shares. Rhumbline Advisers owns 0.06% invested in Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR) for 121,206 shares. Moreover, Loomis Sayles & Lp has 0.06% invested in Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR). Cooke & Bieler LP now owns 600,186 shares of the company's stock worth $102,830,000 after buying an additional 168,436 shares during the last quarter.

Bahl & Gaynor Inc increased Whirlpool Corporation (WHR) stake by 46% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Strs Ohio holds 2,105 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Wolverine Asset Mgmt Ltd Liability Co accumulated 8,700 shares. It also reduced Verizon Communications Inc (NYSE:VZ) stake by 10,681 shares and now owns 277,244 shares. Quantum Capital Mgmt reported 1.29% of its portfolio in Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR). The stock has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $196.25. Manufacturers Life Ins The accumulated 0% or 2,174 shares. 51 funds opened positions while 152 raised stakes. 133.90 million shares or 0.79% less from 134.97 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Cibc Ww Markets stated it has 0% in Entergy Corporation (NYSE:ETR). Whirlpool Co. The company has a 50-day moving average price of $181.62 and a 200-day moving average price of $176.56. 796,842 were accumulated by Aqr Cap Management Lc. Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec owns 284,866 shares. Pioneer Investment Management Inc. owned about 0.13% of Whirlpool worth $16,782,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. Invest Counselors Of Maryland Ltd reported 9,183 shares stake. Hanson Mcclain Incorporated holds 26 shares or 0% of its portfolio.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.96 in 2016 Q4. Vantage Advsr Ltd Liability Corp stated it has 0% of its portfolio in Illumina, Inc. The New York-based Douglass Winthrop Advisors Llc has invested 0.01% in the stock. The Saba Capital Management Lp holds 173,095 shares with $2.57 million value, up from 53,490 last quarter. Ameritas Investment Prns has invested 0.02% in Tenet Healthcare Corp (NYSE:THC).

Entergy Corporation is a holding company. The stock has a market cap of $14.05 billion, a PE ratio of 16.34 and a beta of 1.91. The Firm is an integrated energy firm engaged in electric power production and retail electric distribution operations. It now has negative earnings. The Firm operates through two divisions: Abercrombie, which includes the Company's Abercrombie & Fitch and abercrombie kids brands, and Hollister, which includes the Company's Hollister and Gilly Hicks brands. Shares for $531,048 were sold by Peters James W. Creed Greg bought $179,347 worth of stock. 500 shares were sold by Rainer Sallie T, worth $36,730.

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