Were Analysts Bearish Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) This Week?


12 June, 2017

Blackrock Limited Liability Corp invested in 0.02% or 85,387 shares. About 79,891 shares traded. The company had revenue of $1.88 billion during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.81 billion. The stock rose 1.47% or $0.09 reaching $6.22 per share. About 265,941 shares traded. It has outperformed by 75.66% the S&P500. Northwestern Mutual Investment Management Company LLC's holdings in Alliance Data Systems were worth $2,815,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC. Finally, ValuEngine downgraded shares of Alliance Data Systems from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research report on Friday, June 2nd. The Company operates through three segments: LoyaltyOne, which provides coalition and short-term loyalty programs through the Business's Canadian AIR MILES Reward Program and BrandLoyalty Group B.V. (BrandLoyalty); Epsilon, which provides end-to-end, integrated direct marketing solutions, and Card Services, which provides risk management solutions, account origination, funding, transaction processing, customer care, collections and marketing services for the Business's private label and co-brand retail credit card programs. Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of Alliance Data Systems from a "hold" rating to a "sell" rating in a research note on Tuesday, April 25th. It has underperformed by 2.23% the S&P500.

Investors of record on Monday, May 15th will be paid a dividend of $0.52 per share. Its down 0.15, from 0.91 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 90 investors sold AAPL shares while 975 reduced holdings. FNY Partners Fund LP increased its stake in Alliance Data Systems by 163.0% in the first quarter. Texas Permanent School Fund accumulated 17,303 shares or 0.05% of the stock. The Nomura Holdings Inc holds 4,683 shares with $1.07 million value, down from 120,000 last quarter. Smithfield, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 598 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank's holdings in Alliance Data Systems were worth $2,951,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. The stock had a trading volume of 968,035 shares. L P raised its position in shares of Alliance Data Systems by 240.2% in the fourth quarter.

Point72 Asset Limited Partnership holds 0.03% of its portfolio in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) for 16,400 shares. The stock of Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) has "Neutral" rating given on Friday, December 9 by JP Morgan. On Tuesday, February 7 BALLOU ROGER H sold $146,261 worth of Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) or 648 shares. Moreover, Balyasny Asset Management Limited Liability Company has 0.03% invested in Imperva Inc (NASDAQ:IMPV) for 134,394 shares. ADS's profit will be $197.91M for 17.08 P/E if the $3.50 EPS becomes a reality. Virginia Retirement System Et Al accumulated 54,700 shares. Van Den Berg Mgmt I holds 19,233 shares or 0.52% of its portfolio. Essex Invest Mgmt Com Lc has invested 0.05% in Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS).

Since January 1, 0001, it had 3 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $60.43 million activity. Kennedy Bryan J bought $55,004 worth of stock or 238 shares. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has risen 62.48% since June 7, 2016 and is uptrending.

Alliance Data Systems Corporation is a well-known provider of data-driven marketing and loyalty solutions serving consumer businesses in a range of industries.

Bridgeway Capital Management Inc increased Alliance Data Systems Corp (ADS) stake by 128.46% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Therefore 80% are positive.

Alliance Data Systems has a dividend payout ratio of 11.8% indicating that its dividend is sufficiently covered by earnings. Susquehanna initiated the shares of ADS in report on Tuesday, April 26 with "Neutral" rating. The rating was initiated by Sterne Agee CRT on Thursday, December 17 with "Buy". The stock of Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS) earned "Neutral" rating by Credit Suisse on Friday, December 11. They set an "underperform" rating and a $185.00 target price for the company. CLSA maintained it with "Buy" rating and $128 target in Thursday, March 10 report. The Company's divisions include Commercial Airplanes; Defense, Space & Security, such as Boeing Military Aircraft (BMA), Network & Space Systems (N&SS) and Global Services & Support (GS&S), and Boeing Capital (BCC).

Alliance Data Systems Co. has a 12-month low of $185.02 and a 12-month high of $266.25. 75,000 shares were sold by SEWELL D BRUCE, worth $9.63 million. Moreover, Falcon Point Capital Llc has 2.69% invested in the company for 454,629 shares.

Investors sentiment increased to 2.05 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.19, from 1.4 in 2016Q3. 16 funds opened positions while 23 raised stakes. Ftb Advsr Incorporated reported 11 shares. Woodstock Corporation stated it has 112,739 shares or 1.78% of all its holdings. Gideon Cap Advsrs invested in 0.21% or 1,410 shares. Invesco has 0.01% invested in Quaker Chemical Corp (NYSE:KWR). Cramer Rosenthal Mcglynn Ltd Liability Co invested 0.01% in State Street Corp (NYSE:STT). Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Ltd stated it has 4,497 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Sterling Capital Mngmt Lc holds 0.5% or 243,502 shares in its portfolio. Da Davidson & Comm owns 37,638 shares. The business services provider reported $3.91 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $3.64 by $0.27. They expect $0.72 earnings per share, down 8.86% or $0.07 from last year's $0.79 per share.

Among 26 analysts covering Alliance Data Systems (NYSE:ADS), 14 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. State Street Corporation had 43 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel.

08/20/2016 - Alliance Data Systems Corporation had its " rating reiterated by analysts at Credit Suisse. The rating was upgraded by Seaport Global on Wednesday, January 13 to "Accumulate". The firm earned "Market Perform" rating on Friday, July 22 by BMO Capital Markets. As per Friday, August 7, the company rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank. Cowen & Co has "Outperform" rating and $327 target. On Thursday, November 17 the stock rating was initiated by Guggenheim with "Buy". The firm earned "Overweight" rating on Wednesday, October 26 by PiperJaffray. Needham maintained it with "Buy" rating and $56 target in Thursday, February 4 report.

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