President Trump speaks with reporters during visit by Romanian leader

President Donald Trump and fired FBI Director James Comey
President Donald Trump and fired FBI Director James Comey

14 June, 2017

Trump will most likely be questioned about Thursday's testimony by former FBI Director James Comey.

Trump says Romania has been a great ally to the US and he's honored to host Iohannis for what the White House has said is a working visit.

Comey said he refused on all points, told senators of the detailed memos he had written after his conversations with Trump and said he hoped those conversations were taped because he is confident of their veracity. Trump's personal attorney, Marc E Kasowit, said the president was "eager to continue moving forward with his agenda, with the business of this country, and with the public cloud removed".

Comey appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday for the first time since he was sacked in the midst of an ongoing investigation into Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump also twice declined to confirm the existence of White House recordings of the conversations.

Trump said his team emerged "very happy" after Comey's testimony, while also offering a blunt assessment of Comey's testimony before the Senate intelligence panel.

Trump officially took questions from reporters for the first time in three weeks, standing next to Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

He, however, said that whatever Trump did was "a very disturbing thing, very concerning".

Trump also saluted the United States' relationship with Romania and praised its contribution to the global fight against terror.

The president had previewed his attacks against Comey in an early-morning tweet that broke his previous day's silence on his favorite social media megaphone.

Trump has claimed "total vindication" over the hearing's revelations, all while ripping the "false statements and lies" that surround the ongoing investigations on Russian Federation.

Comey gave ammunition to the president's side, too, particularly by admitting that he had orchestrated the leak of his account of his most critical meeting with Trump with the express objective of spurring the appointment of a special counsel, which he accomplished.

"WOW, Comey is a leaker!" He derisively repeated the "leaker" moniker when speaking to reporters in the Rose Garden.

Kasowitz also maintained that the testimony made clear that Trump "never, in form or substance, directed or suggested that Mr. Comey stop investigating anyone". Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the committee, both said Thursday they believed Comey's account of the events.

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