Markel Corp Holds Holding in Disney (DIS)


02 June, 2017

The firm exchanged a volume of 5.84 million shares at hands. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:HOV) has risen 51.90% since June 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 24.97% the S&P500. Five analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, twelve have given a hold rating and seventeen have issued a buy rating to the company. Therefore 55% are positive. Guggenheim raised shares of Walt Disney from a "neutral" rating to a "buy" rating and set a $128.00 price objective for the company in a research note on Tuesday, March 14th. BMO Capital Markets' price target indicates a potential downside of 11.99% from the company's previous close. The stock of Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) earned "Outperform" rating by FBR Capital on Friday, November 6. Macquarie Research downgraded the shares of DIS in report on Tuesday, January 5 to "Neutral" rating. The firm has "Hold" rating given on Monday, August 10 by Deutsche Bank. RBC Capital Markets upgraded the stock to "Outperform" rating in Friday, January 6 report. The stock has "Market Perform" rating by Bernstein on Friday, April 7. A rating of 3 would signify a consensus Hold recommendation. Wells Fargo has "Market Perform" rating and $111 target. BRAVERMAN ALAN N also sold $10.19M worth of Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) shares. $88.97 million worth of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) shares were sold by Koum Jan. 5,934 shares were sold by Cox Christopher K, worth $715,337.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.13 in Q4 2016. The entertainment giant reported $1.50 EPS for the quarter, beating the Zacks' consensus estimate of $1.45 by $0.05.

Several other large investors have also recently modified their holdings of DIS. Moreno Evelyn V purchased a new stake in shares of Walt Disney during the first quarter worth approximately $278,000. 166 funds opened positions while 593 raised stakes.

Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc. (EBIO) climbed 5.84% and its total traded volume was 1.35 million shares contrast to the average volume of 0.45 million shares.

Walt Disney (NYSE:DIS) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, May 9th. Florida-based Professional Advisory Svcs Incorporated has invested 3.4% in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Adell Harriman & Carpenter has 0% invested in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) for 55,359 shares. The stock now has Monthly Volatility of 1.19% and Weekly Volatility of 0.94%. Foster Motley Inc has invested 0.26% of its portfolio in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Maplelane Capital Limited Com owns 0.22% invested in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) for 50,001 shares.

Korea Investment Corp decreased Groupe Cgi Inc (NYSE:GIB) stake by 107,800 shares to 76,300 valued at $3.67 million in 2016Q4. Korea Investment Corp acquired 161,702 shares as Disney Walt Co (DIS)'s stock declined 2.31%. Fcg Limited Co holds 2,162 shares or 0.1% of its portfolio. Walt Disney now has $168.13B valuation. Point72 Asset Mngmt Lp invested 0.59% of its portfolio in Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS). Somerville Kurt F has 2,265 shares. Connor Clark & Lunn Invest Ltd invested in 0% or 8,100 shares.

Since December 8, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 12 insider sales for $13.39 million activity. Shares for $96,764 were sold by WOODFORD BRENT on Wednesday, December 21. More interesting news about Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) were released by: and their article: "I Still Can't Believe The Walt Disney Company Spent $500 Million on Maker Studios" published on May 26, 2017 as well as's news article titled: "Why The Walt Disney Company Shareholders Have Nothing to Worry About" with publication date: May 19, 2017. Another trade for 1,893 shares valued at $208,295 was sold by LEWIS AYLWIN B.

Gabelli Funds Llc decreased Ascent Capital Group Inc (NASDAQ:ASCMA) stake by 24,100 shares to 164,400 valued at $2.67M in 2016Q4. Moh 1 5/8 08/15/44 (Prn) was reduced too.

EPS long term mean growth rate estimated by 5 analysts is at 9.41%, whereas, the high and low Long term growth rate estimated at 11 and 7.4. Therefore 14% are positive. Pinnacle Foods Inc had 15 analyst reports since October 19, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Robert W. Baird given on Thursday, April 28. The rating was maintained by S&P Research with "Buy" on Thursday, August 6. The rating was maintained by Topeka Capital Markets with "Buy" on Monday, February 8. (TSE:SAP) rating on Friday, February 3. The rating was downgraded by Jefferies to "Hold" on Wednesday, August 5. The firm has "Buy" rating by Credit Suisse given on Thursday, May 25. UBS initiated it with "Neutral" rating and $44 target in Wednesday, February 24 report. The rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley on Thursday, July 14 with "Equalweight". Its down 0.05, from 0.85 in 2016Q3. Shares for $312,580 were sold by BALLOU ROGER H on Monday, January 30. 113.24 million shares or 0.42% more from 112.77 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Bedell Frazier Inv Counseling Ltd Liability Corp accumulated 129,116 shares. Rhumbline Advisers owns 103,867 shares. Aureus Asset Management Lc owns 10,404 shares or 0.06% of their United States portfolio. The Massachusetts-based Wellington Management Gp Ltd Liability Partnership has invested 0% in Henry Schein, Inc. Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale has 4,100 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Washington Cap reported 0.53% of its portfolio in Henry Schein, Inc. 43,470 were accumulated by Wealth Enhancement Advisory Limited Liability Co. Bluestein R H & Co holds 386,876 shares or 2.63% of its portfolio. Stearns Financial Services Group increased its stake in Walt Disney by 0.8% in the fourth quarter. McQueen Ball & Associates Inc. now owns 22,502 shares of the entertainment giant's stock worth $2,551,000 after buying an additional 505 shares during the period. Walt Disney earned a news sentiment score of 0.17 on AlphaOne's scale.

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