Just Group PLC's (JRP) Buy Rating Reaffirmed at Shore Capital


11 June, 2017

Therefore 24% are positive. Bernstein maintained the stock with "Underperform" rating in Tuesday, February 2 report. The rating was downgraded by Numis Securities to "Hold" on Friday, November 27. In a note revealed on Wednesday, 7 June, Citigroup maintained their "Buy" rating on shares of GBG. Barclays Capital maintained Hargreaves Lansdown PLC (LON:HL) rating on Friday, January 22. Barclays Capital maintained it with "Overweight" rating and GBX 1340 target in Thursday, July 21 report. The company was maintained on Tuesday, September 8 by Jefferies. Investec maintained it with "Buy" rating and GBX 950 target in Tuesday, February 21 report. As per Friday, October 23, the company rating was maintained by Barclays Capital. The firm has "Hold" rating by Berenberg given on Thursday, January 12.

Lombard Odier Asset Management Usa Corp decreased Yy Inc (YY) stake by 62.11% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Intellicheck Mobilisa Inc now has $41.67M valuation. It closed at $13.37 lastly. About shares traded. Intellicheck Inc (NYSEMKT:IDN) has risen 109.45% since June 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 7.01% the S&P500.

JRP has been the subject of several other research reports. It also upped Monster Beverage Corp New stake by 20,000 shares and now owns 30,000 shares. Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX) was raised too.

Among 7 analysts covering IG Group Holdings (LON:IGG), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. The stock has "Buy" rating by Liberum Capital on Tuesday, July 5. The company has market cap of 4.58 billion GBP. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Tuesday, May 30 by RBC Capital Markets. As per Thursday, January 26, the company rating was maintained by HSBC. The legal version of this piece of content can be read at https://www.thestockobserver.com/2017/06/08/jrp-group-plc-jrp-receives-buy-rating-from-shore-capital-updated-updated.html.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION WARNING: "Just Group PLC's (JRP) Buy Rating Reaffirmed at Shore Capital" was published by Stock Observer and is the property of of Stock Observer.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.95 in Q4 2016. It's down -0.02, from 0.3 in 2016Q3. Stifel Fincl holds 0.02% or 324,425 shares in its portfolio. Lba Wealth Mngmt Ltd holds 600 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. State Of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D reported 125,000 shares. The Ontario - Canada-based Sprucegrove Investment Management Ltd has invested 0.75% in the stock. Meeder Asset Mgmt owns 5,738 shares or 0.01% of their U.S. portfolio. Creative Planning invested in 5,419 shares. Kcg Holdings holds 34,402 shares. Blackrock Gru Limited reported 43,100 shares. Manufacturers Life Ins The holds 11,154 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0% or 613 shares. Ghp Advisors owns 18,163 shares for 0.08% of their portfolio.

Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 6 selling transactions for $1.91 million activity. ADELGREN PAUL W also bought $9,945 worth of Land Securities Group plc (LON:LAND) on Wednesday, March 15. Its down 0.64, from 2.22 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 14 investors sold EVER shares while 37 reduced holdings.

The broker have set TP of GBX 300.00 on Boohoo.com Plc (LON:BOO) shares. Ameriprise Inc stated it has 11,163 shares.

Shares of BT Group plc (NYSE:BT) opened at 19.71 on Wednesday. Tower Capital Llc (Trc) invested in 3,418 shares. Blackrock Fund Advsr owns 0% invested in Land Securities Group plc (LON:LAND) for 28,103 shares. Magnetar Limited Liability owns 4.78 million shares. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa holds 0% or 6,693 shares. Marathon Mgmt accumulated 194,652 shares.

Pets at Home Group Plc is a United Kingdom holding company. The Firm is a real estate investment trust. It has a 49.05 P/E ratio. The Firm displays luxury cars as competition prizes in rented retail space within airport terminals, at shopping centers and online. Barclays PLC restated an "overweight" rating and set a GBX 475 ($6.14) price objective on shares of BT Group plc in a research report on Monday, March 13th. It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.

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