Are Analysts Bearish McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) After Last Week?

McDonald's Corporation
McDonald's Is Coming Back From the Dead, and It's Not Just Because of $1 Soda

10 June, 2017

Following the transaction, the director now owns 1,600 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $206,304. Mcdonalds Corp now has $123.01B valuation.

About 103,175 shares traded. Piper Jaffray Companies boosted their price objective on shares of McDonald's Co. from $140.00 to $153.00 and gave the stock an "overweight" rating in a research note on Wednesday, April 26th. It has outperformed by 1.55% the S&P500.

Edgestream Partners Lp decreased Xcel Energy Inc (XEL) stake by 79.14% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Zurich Insurance Group Ltd FI raised its stake in shares of McDonald's 21.1% in the fourth quarter.

Among 26 analysts covering McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD), 17 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 8 Hold. The stock rose 0.28% or $0.42 reaching $151.85. McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) has risen 18.25% since June 9, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.52% the S&P500.

Analysts await Washington Federal Inc. Tci Wealth has invested 0% in DX (Group) PLC (LON:DX). WAFD's profit will be $43.90 million for 17.99 P/E if the $0.48 EPS becomes a reality. Schwab Charles Invest Management reported 173,932 shares or 0% of all its holdings.

Since December 14, 2016, it had 27 buys, and 13 selling transactions for $6.48 million activity.

ContraFect Corp (CFRX) formed wedge down with $1.07 target or 7.00% below today's $1.15 share price. Mizuho Usa Inc owns 9,439 shares. Buy rating has been given by 5 analysts to the company stock whereas 2 analyst given UNDERPERFORM rating to stock and 20 analyst given HOLD rating. Therefore 38% are positive. Xcel Energy Inc. had 25 analyst reports since July 29, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) earned "Buy" rating by SunTrust on Tuesday, October 13. During the same period in the previous year, the company posted $1.23 earnings per share. Cantor Fitzgerald maintained the stock with "Buy" rating in Tuesday, October 20 report. The stock has "Neutral" rating by Longbow on Friday, March 18. Barclays Capital maintained the shares of MCD in report on Friday, October 23 with "Overweight" rating. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, June 1st. Citigroup has "Neutral" rating and $122 target. It is down 0.00% since June 8, 2016 and is. Its up 0.03, from 0.85 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 49 investors sold MSFT shares while 897 reduced holdings. 45 funds opened positions while 58 raised stakes.

Discovery Capital Management Llc decreased Kellogg Co (NYSE:K) stake by 1.19M shares to 2.10M valued at $154.61 million in 2016Q4. Westchester Inc has invested 3.62% of its portfolio in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD). Kayne Anderson Rudnick Inv Mgmt Limited Liability Corp stated it has 0.01% in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD). Pennsylvania-based Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania School Empls Retrmt Systems has invested 0.01% in Washington Federal Inc. Robert W. Baird reaffirmed an "outperform" rating on shares of McDonald's a research report on Thursday, February 16th. Swift Run Ltd Co reported 3,000 shares. The firm owned 47,540 shares of the fast-food giant's stock after buying an additional 420 shares during the period. Moreover, Ibm Retirement Fund has 0.42% invested in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) for 78,366 shares. Farmers Merchants Invs Inc accumulated 21,751 shares. Cetera Advisor Network Ltd, California-based fund reported 35,865 shares. 28,700 are held by Cbre Clarion Secs Ltd Com. Investors of record on Monday, June 5th will be paid a $0.94 dividend. Its up 0.01, from 0.99 in 2016Q3.

A number of other institutional investors have also bought and sold shares of MCD. The fast-food giant reported $1.47 EPS for the quarter, topping the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $1.33 by $0.14. Bancshares Of Ny Mellon reported 0.01% of its portfolio in Terex Corporation (NYSE:TEX). Blackrock Japan Co Ltd stated it has 10.49M shares or 2.15% of all its holdings. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department holds 0.42% of its portfolio in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) for 653,735 shares. Papp L Roy Assoc accumulated 9,705 shares. Ironwood Financial Ltd Liability Company accumulated 205 shares. The original version of this news story can be accessed at Carnegie Cap Asset Management Limited Co owns 2,480 shares. King Luther holds 0.04% in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) or 36,276 shares. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Tuesday, January 26 with "Hold". Braun Stacey Assoc Incorporated holds 0.05% or 5,650 shares. Rothschild Asset Mngmt owns 230,603 shares. Aqr Limited Liability owns 300,828 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Verition Fund Mgmt Lc owns 0.19% invested in ShoreTel Inc (NASDAQ:SHOR) for 302,739 shares.

In other McDonald's Co. news, Director John J. Mulligan bought 1,600 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, March 22nd. D Orazio & Associates Inc. now owns 1,090 shares of the fast-food giant's stock worth $133,000 after buying an additional 8 shares during the last quarter. About 561,809 shares traded. (NYSE:MCD) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, April 25th.

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