Align Technology, Inc. (ALGN) Stake Decreased by Frontier Capital Management Co. LLC

These Are Align Technologies Key Demand Drivers in North America
Credit Agricole SA Has $6.56 Million Position in Align Technology, Inc. (ALGN)

14 June, 2017

The rating was maintained by Lake Street with "Buy" on Friday, August 28.

Relative strength index (RSI-14) for Align Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:ALGN) for 100 shares. Overall, 2.24 Million shares exchanged hands versus its average trading volume of 893.17 Million shares. (NASDAQ:ALGN) news were published by: which released: "Align Technology Announces TimeLapse Technology for Scan Comparisons and 1 ..." on May 31, 2017, also with their article: "Align Technology Reaches 1 Million Invisalign Teenagers" published on May 24, 2017, published: "Hilton Worldwide, Align Technology, ANSYS Set to Join S&P 500; Teradata and ..." on June 09, 2017. It has outperformed by 65.52% the S&P500.The move comes after 9 months negative chart setup for the $11.09 billion company. It was reported on Jun, 12 by PRESCOTT THOMAS M sold $6.73 million worth of stock. Leerink Swann reiterated an "outperform" rating and set a $149.00 target price (up from $118.00) on shares of Align Technology in a research report on Saturday, April 29th. Therefore 88% are positive. Analysts predict that Align Technology, Inc. will post $3.24 earnings per share for the current year. As per Wednesday, May 11, the company rating was initiated by Credit Suisse.

ALGN has been the topic of several recent analyst reports. As per Wednesday, November 18, the company rating was initiated by Piper Jaffray. Finally, Stifel Nicolaus restated a "buy" rating and issued a $130.00 price target on shares of Align Technology in a report on Tuesday, April 11th. Robert W. Baird upgraded shares of Align Technology from a "neutral" rating to an "outperform" rating and upped their target price for the stock from $105.00 to $155.00 in a report on Friday, April 28th. The rating was maintained by H.C. Wainwright with "Buy" on Wednesday, August 31. As per Wednesday, March 23, the company rating was maintained by Roth Capital.

Since January 25, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 9 sales for $23.01 million activity. Shares for $1.53M were sold by Wright Emory on Friday, February 24.

In other Align Technology news, VP Sreelakshmi Kolli sold 1,000 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, May 30th. The Sio Capital Management Llc holds 1.26M shares with $3.01M value, up from 1.02 million last quarter. 50,000 shares valued at $7.25 million were sold by LACOB JOSEPH on Tuesday, May 30.

Align Technology, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets a system of clear aligner therapy, intra-oral scanners and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing digital services used in dentistry, orthodontics and dental records storage. The stock has a market capitalization of $11.54 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 53.61 and a beta of 1.53. The Firm operates through two divisions: Clear Aligner segment and Scanner and Services (Scanner) segment. The Clear Aligner segment consists of its Invisalign System, which includes Invisalign Full, Teen and Assist (Comprehensive Products), Express/Lite (Non-Comprehensive Products) and Vivera Retainers, along with its training and ancillary products for treating malocclusion (Non-Case). Voloridge Inv Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0.1% of its portfolio in Align Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALGN) to report earnings on July, 27. During the same quarter in the prior year, the firm earned $0.50 earnings per share. ALGN's profit will be $57.51M for 48.21 P/E if the $0.73 EPS becomes a reality. Align Technology earned a daily sentiment score of -0.01 on Alpha One's scale.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.74 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.31, from 1.41 in 2016Q3. Renaissance Technologies LLC boosted its stake in Align Technology by 39.4% in the fourth quarter. 15 funds opened positions while 27 raised stakes.

Align Technology Inc. (ALGN) has been given an average price target of $148.58 from analysts, according to data collected by Finviz. (NASDAQ:RIGL) for 4.38 million shares. If LendingClub Corporation (NYSE:LC) shares can stay above the price resistance around $5.76 a share, that could help propel LendingClub Corporation (NYSE:LC) higher to the next line of resistance at $5.9 a share. The legal version of this story can be viewed at (NASDAQ:ALGN) will grow at an accelerated rate over the next five years. 302,696 were reported by Blair William Company Il.

Victory Capital Management Inc. lowered its position in shares of Align Technology, Inc. Ashfield Capital Ptnrs Limited Liability Co invested in 86,908 shares or 0.82% of the stock. GEORGE ROGER E sold $2.57M worth of Align Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALGN) on Tuesday, May 30. Morgan Stanley, New York-based fund reported 658,841 shares. Sabby Management Lc invested in 12,350 shares or 0% of the stock. Stephens Inc Ar stated it has 0.32% of its portfolio in Align Technology, Inc. $1.42 million worth of Align Technology, Inc. About 76,858 shares traded. Qumu Corp (NASDAQ:QUMU) has declined 23.14% since June 12, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.51% the S&P500. It worsened, as 21 investors sold RIGL shares while 36 reduced holdings. Blackrock Inv Mgmt Limited Liability holds 1,537 shares. Kcg has 10,217 shares. Marvin & Palmer accumulated 22,855 shares. Buckingham Asset Management Ltd Com holds 32,085 shares. Scott & Selber holds 19,418 shares. Deutsche Bank & Trust Ag reported 0% in Qumu Corp (NASDAQ:QUMU). State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement owns 111,187 shares or 0.03% of their USA portfolio. Ny State Common Retirement Fund invested in 0% or 220,064 shares.

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