Rite Aid (RAD) Given Daily Coverage Optimism Score of 0.08


26 May, 2017

Gabelli And Inv Advisers Inc reported 3.04 million shares. (NASDAQ:PSDO), its shares were trading at $14.59 a gain of $0.42, on the trading floor. About 871,984 shares traded. (RAD) stake by 2.11% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Mizuho reissued a "positive" rating and set a $6.75 price target (down from $9.00) on shares of Rite Aid in a research report on Monday, January 30th.

Execution Review: Taking an investigate the execution of RAD stock, financial specialist will come to realize that the week by week downbeat execution for this stock is esteemed at -0.27%, bringing about an execution for the month at -7.81%. The hedge fund run by Robert Emil Zoellner held 7.08 million shares of the medical and nursing services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $58.37M, down from 8.62M at the end of the previous reported quarter. Rite Aid Corp. now has $4.05B valuation. In terms of the mechanics underlying that movement, traders will want to note that the stock is trading on a float of 3.37% with $1.05 Billion sitting short, betting on future declines. About 1.02 million shares traded. Boston Prtn owns 0% invested in Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD) for 423,400 shares. It has underperformed by 71.88% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.92 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.26, from 1.18 in 2016Q3. 39 funds opened positions while 128 raised stakes. North Star Asset Mgmt owns 10,004 shares. These ratios are important while doing valuation of the company or the shares of the company. First Allied Advisory Inc holds 0% of its portfolio in Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD) for 10,650 shares.

Before that, quarter ending November 2016, Rite Aid Corporation also surprised analysts by beating the consensus estimate. Sg Americas Secs Limited Liability Co stated it has 1.37M shares or 1.33% of all its holdings. Destination Wealth Management owns 67,000 shares.

Analysts reviewing Rite Aid Corporation have recently updated their recommended buy/sell ratings and price targets on the stock. 781,717 shares or 148.35% more from 314,763 shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Finally, Cohen Capital Management Inc. increased its stake in Rite Aid by 3.4% in the first quarter. Moreover, American International has 0% invested in Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD). Keybank National Association Oh reported 0% in Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD). Winch Advisory Ltd holds 44,784 shares or 3.57% of its portfolio. Sciencast Management LP boosted its position in shares of Rite Aid by 56.4% in the fourth quarter. Analysts pegging the company with a rating of 3 would be indicating a Hold recommendation. Spdr S&P 500 Etf Tr (Put) (SPY) was raised too. A rating of less than 2 means buy, "hold" within the 3 range, "sell" within the 4 range, and "strong sell" within the 5 range. Therefore 36% are positive. Rite Aid Corporation P/E (price to earnings) ratio is 1220 and Forward P/E ratio of 46.92.

11/13/2015 - Rite Aid Corporation was downgraded to "neutral" by analysts at JP Morgan. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Friday, August 14 by Vetr.

01/06/2016 - Rite Aid Corporation was downgraded to "hold" by analysts at Evercore ISI. The rating was downgraded by Deutsche Bank on Friday, April 8 to "Hold".

Rite Aid Corporation is a retail drugstore chain. Vetr downgraded the shares of RAD in report on Thursday, August 6 to "Buy" rating. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Thursday, August 13 by Bank of America. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Thursday, October 29 by Goldman Sachs. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Thursday, October 29 by Credit Suisse. On Wednesday, April 26 the stock rating was downgraded by Guggenheim to "Neutral".

If you look at the company's income statement over the past years, you will see that the company is constantly posting gross profit: In 2014, RAD earned gross profit of 7.58 Billion, in 2015 7.83 Billion gross profit, while in 2016 Rite Aid Corporation (RAD) produced 7.77 Billion profit. They expect $-0.01 earnings per share, down 200.00 % or $0.02 from last year's $0.01 per share. It also reduced its holding in Klr Energy Acquisition Corp by 253,038 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 98,400 shares, and cut its stake in Valspar Corp (NYSE:VAL). New York State Common Retirement Fund invested in 0.03% or 2.72M shares. Covington reported 5,375 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Joel Isaacson Limited Liability Corp accumulated 97,749 shares or 2.28% of the stock. Vantage Investment Advsrs Ltd holds 712 shares. Princeton Port Strategies Gp Ltd Liability holds 0.77% in Mylan N.V. (NASDAQ:MYL) or 63,657 shares.

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