How Many British American Tobacco PLC (ADR) (NYSEMKT:BTI)'s Analysts Are Bullish?


21 May, 2017

It is down 30.37% since October 6, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 4.65% the S&P500. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of British American Tobacco PLC from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating and set a $75.00 target price on the stock in a research report on Friday, April 21st. The new target price indicates a possible upside of 0.06% based on the company's last stock close price.

Market capitalization is the total market value of all of a company's outstanding shares. The Company's tobacco product range includes cigarettes, fine cut (roll-your-own and make-your-own tobacco) and Swedish-style snus. The Stock is showing a P/E ratio of 21.81 and Forward P/E ratio of 17.3. Its segments include Asia-Pacific, Americas, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EEMEA). About 289,787 shares traded.

01/28/2016 - UBS began new coverage on British American Tobacco p.l.c. giving the company a " rating. It has outperformed by 1.11% the S&P500.

British American Tobacco PLC (NYSE:BTI) was the target of a large increase in short interest during the month of April. Therefore 64% are positive.

British American Tobacco PLC has a 52 week low of 4,072.00GBX and a 52 week high of 5,408.00GBX with a P/E ratio of 21.52 The company's market cap is now 0 GBX. The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 5,376 ($69.53) per share, with a total value of £161,280 ($208,587.69). Ameriprise Financial Inc. increased its position in shares of British American Tobacco PLC by 7.1% in the third quarter. The stock has "Buy" rating by Bank of America on Tuesday, August 4. The stock has "Overweight" rating by Barclays Capital on Wednesday, July 29. Credit Suisse Group AG lifted their price target on shares of British American Tobacco plc from GBX 5,100 ($65.83) to GBX 5,400 ($69.70) and gave the stock an outperform rating in a research note on Friday, February 24th.

18/01/2017 - British American Tobacco had its "Buy" rating reiterated by analysts at Citigroup. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and seven have assigned a buy rating to the company.

07/12/2016 - British American Tobacco had its "Buy" rating reiterated by analysts at Citigroup.

Whitman Howard reissued their hold rating on shares of British American Tobacco plc (LON:BATS) in a research note released on Thursday, April 13th. The company was initiated on Thursday, October 15 by Gabelli. Year to Date (YTD) performance of British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BTI) is 27.07 percent while its Performance (Week) is 1.87 percent and Performance (month) is at 3.19 percent. Lamb Weston had 4 analyst reports since November 16, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Benchmark with "Buy" on Friday, July 29. The rating was downgraded by Atlantic Securities on Thursday, February 23 to "Neutral". The firm has "Buy" rating given on Friday, May 5 by Oppenheimer. The rating was maintained by B. Riley & Co on Monday, August 24 with "Buy". The company has market cap of $565.36 million. The Firm is focused on women's intimate and other apparel, personal care, beauty and home fragrance categories. It has a 11.06 P/E ratio. The Company's divisions include Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, and Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works International. Its up 0.10, from 0.96 in 2016Q3. 59 funds opened positions while 159 raised stakes. The company had a trading volume of 1,469,161 shares.

Morgan Dempsey Capital Management Llc holds 3.91% of its portfolio in Marcus Corp for 432,076 shares. Moreover, Monarch Partners Asset Management Llc has 0.5% invested in the company for 188,762 shares. Benjamin F Edwards invested 0.04% of its portfolio in L Brands Inc (NYSE:LB).

Lamb Weston Holdings INC.

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