General Electric Company (GE) Shares Bought by Boltwood Capital Management


26 May, 2017

The Argentiere Capital Ag holds 63,300 shares with $2.00 million value, up from 23,985 last quarter.

Here we'll take a quick glance at how the stock price is now trading in relation to some of its simple moving averages. About 838,073 shares traded or 461.91% up from the average., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has risen 37.41% since May 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 30.83% the S&P500. Sowell Financial Services LLC purchased a new stake in shares of American Electric Power Company during the fourth quarter worth approximately $113,000. POR's SI was 2.01 million shares in May as released by FINRA. General Electric Co now has $237.87 billion valuation. About 8,780 shares traded. It has underperformed by 9.07% the S&P500. Therefore 0 are positive. According to these analysts, the Low Revenue Estimate for General Electric Company is 28.76 Billion and the High Revenue Estimate is 29.56 Billion.

Analysts await Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) to report earnings on August, 2. Macquarie Research maintained the stock with "Underperform" rating in Friday, September 25 report. The current rate undoubtedly measures the productivity of the firm's investment alongside the indications on the stability of the company's share price.

01/28/2015 - Portland General Electric Company had its "hold" rating reiterated by analysts at Deutsche Bank. New York Life Trust Company has invested 0.11% of its portfolio in American Electric Power Company Inc (NYSE:AEP). Portland General Electric Company had a net margin of 9.64% and a return on equity of 7.99%. On Monday, April 4 the stock rating was downgraded by Bernstein to "Market Perform". JPMorgan Chase & Co. reaffirmed an underweight rating and set a $28.00 target price on shares of General Electric Company in a report on Thursday, January 5th. The company has a market capitalization of $34.81 billion, a P/E ratio of 49.65 and a beta of 0.23. Its service area allocation of approximately 4,000 square miles is located entirely within OR and includes approximately 51 incorporated cities, of which Portland and Salem. It has a 20.37 P/E ratio.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.67 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.07, from 0.89 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 21 investors sold Portland General Electric Company shares while 78 reduced holdings. 41 funds opened positions while 80 raised stakes. Cambridge Advisors reported 0.54% stake. Assetmark Inc owns 88 shares or 0% of their U.S. portfolio. Moreover, State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Systems has 0.14% invested in American Electric Power Company Inc (NYSE:AEP) for 736,766 shares. Finally, Wetherby Asset Management Inc. boosted its stake in American Electric Power Company by 0.4% in the fourth quarter. Huntington State Bank has invested 0.15% in Caterpillar Inc.

Everett Harris Company Ca, California-based fund reported 8,878 shares. Jackson Grant Investment Advisers Inc. boosted its stake in American Electric Power Company by 0.5% in the fourth quarter. Comerica Savings Bank accumulated 75,654 shares or 0.03% of the stock.

Fpr Partners Llc decreased Lpl Finl Hldgs Inc (LPLA) stake by 33.41% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Tiaa Cref Invest Mgmt Limited Liability invested 0.81% in General Electric Company (NYSE:GE).

The balance sheet health of any company plays a key role in its ability to meet its obligations and maintain the faith of its investment base. State Street Corp now owns 357,567,340 shares of the conglomerate's stock worth $11,299,139,000 after buying an additional 10,321,746 shares during the period. Segall Bryant Hamill Ltd holds 523,277 shares. 11,129 were accumulated by Prudential Fincl.

Since January 23, 2017, it had 5 insider buys, and 1 sale for $1.20 million activity. $135,030 worth of stock was sold by Henderson Campbell A on Tuesday, May 16. Shares for $270,600 were sold by Nicholson William O. Henderson Campbell A sold $135,030 worth of stock or 3,000 shares. On Friday, February 3 the insider Joyce David Leon sold $4.72 million. About 112,937 shares traded. On Monday, March 13 the insider Calder Tracy sold $254,117. (NASDAQ:AMZN) on Wednesday, March 1.

Investors of record on Wednesday, May 10th will be issued a $0.59 dividend. It has five natural gas-fired generating facilities, which include Port Westward Unit 1 (PW1), Port Westward Unit 2 (PW2), Beaver natural gas-fired generating plant (Beaver), Coyote Springs Unit 1 (Coyote Springs) and Carty natural gas-fired generating plant (Carty). It dived, as 68 investors sold GE shares while 818 reduced holdings. 104 funds opened positions while 291 raised stakes. Atlantic Gru Llc reported 6.76 million shares. Cape Ann Retail Bank accumulated 24,316 shares or 1.01% of the stock. The average EPS estimate of 7 Wall Street analysts is $0.25 per share, compared to the company's reported EPS of $0.51 per share in the year-ago quarter. Bkd Wealth Advsrs Ltd Liability Corporation invested in 0.05% or 6,428 shares. Tanaka Cap Mngmt reported 31,640 shares. 2,302 are held by Ironwood Management Ltd Co. Geode Cap Lc has invested 1.26% in, Inc. Wms Ptnrs Limited Company holds 57,946 shares. 264 are held by Mgmt Professionals Inc. First Bancorp Of Mount Dora Tru Svcs holds 46,419 shares or 1.73% of its portfolio. Tudor Corp Et Al invested in 17,899 shares or 0.02% of the stock.

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