Credit Suisse Raises Nucor (NYSE:NUE) Stock To a "Outperform" Rating


27 May, 2017

Hartford Financial Mngmt holds 3,585 shares or 0.13% of its portfolio. Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) has risen 163.16% since May 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.06% the S&P500. Analysts anticipate that Nucor Co. will post $4.53 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd Partnership accumulated 4.10M shares. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Limited accumulated 0.02% or 39,325 shares. Nucor Corp now has $18.63 billion valuation. The stock decreased 0.48% or $0.28 during the last trading session, reaching $58.37. It has outperformed by 5.04% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 2.27 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.06, from 0.97 in 2016Q3.

Texas Permanent School Fund reduced its position in shares of Nucor Co.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS raised its position in shares of Nucor Co. The basic materials company reported $1.11 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the Zacks' consensus estimate of $1.14 by $0.03. Out of 7 Wall Street analysts rating Nucor, 5 give it "Buy", 1 "Sell" rating, while 1 recommend "Hold". Cape Cod Five Cents National Bank & Trust invested 0.08% of its portfolio in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). Moreover, Calvert Investment Management has 0.22% invested in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). 52,631 Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE) shares with value of $3.29 million were sold by Frias James D. Wells Fargo & Mn reported 53,934 shares. Russell Investments Group Ltd. acquired a new position in shares of Nucor during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $7,411,000. Financial Architects owns 110 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Cap Intll Ca has invested 0.11% in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). Da Davidson Co stated it has 0.08% of its portfolio in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). New York-based Oppenheimer & Co has invested 0.08% in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). Antero Resources had 63 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Insiders have sold a total of 67,863 shares of company stock worth $4,231,173 over the last quarter. NUE's profit will be $421.31 million for 11.05 P/E if the $1.32 EPS becomes a reality.

Since February 22, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 2 selling transactions for $4.08 million activity. Also, Director Victoria F. Haynes sold 3,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, April 27th. Also, Chairman John J. Ferriola sold 12,232 shares of the company's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, April 25th. Therefore 61% are positive. Six equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and eleven have given a buy rating to the company. Finally, Barclays PLC reissued a "buy" rating and issued a $73.00 price objective on shares of Nucor in a research report on Friday, May 5th. BMO Capital Markets reissued a "hold" rating on shares of Nucor in a research report on Friday, April 21st. Jefferies Group LLC reiterated a "buy" rating and issued a $75.00 target price (down from $77.00) on shares of Nucor in a research note on Wednesday, April 19th. Citigroup initiated it with "Neutral" rating and $55 target in Monday, August 22 report. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co with "Market Perform" on Monday, October 26. The rating was upgraded by Bank of America to "Buy" on Wednesday, November 9. The firm earned "Underperform" rating on Tuesday, November 29 by Macquarie Research. Amalgamated Bancorp owns 11,870 shares. The New York-based Art Advsr Ltd Liability Corp has invested 0.03% in Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG). Therefore 67% are positive. Potlatch had 12 analyst reports since September 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Wednesday, June 8 by Credit Suisse. The company has market cap of $6.53 billion. As per Tuesday, November 8, the company rating was maintained by Lake Street. The stock of Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) earned "Outperform" rating by Raymond James on Tuesday, May 2. DA Davidson downgraded the stock to "Neutral" rating in Wednesday, July 27 report. Following the sale, the director now owns 33,703 shares in the company, valued at approximately $2,073,408.56. It also upped Chubb Ltd stake by 2,487 shares and now owns 17,039 shares.

Analysts await Potlatch Corporation (NASDAQ:PCH) to report earnings on July, 25. The company's revenue for the quarter was up 29.6% compared to the same quarter previous year. Wright Investors reported 0.16% stake. Its down 0.16, from 1.94 in 2016Q3. Moreover, Davis Capital Partners Llc has 4.79% invested in the company for 2.30 million shares. 22 funds opened positions while 57 raised stakes. Cwm Limited Liability stated it has 979 shares or 0% of all its holdings. It is negative, as 44 investors sold Antero Resources Corp shares while 82 reduced holdings. The shares were sold at an average price of $61.52, for a total transaction of $184,560.00. California State Teachers Retirement System holds 199,536 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Alpine Prtnrs Vi Lc holds 0.1% or 3,676 shares. Following the completion of the transaction, the chairman now owns 349,855 shares of the company's stock, valued at $21,551,068. Clifford Swan Counsel Limited Liability Company holds 44,005 shares. Willingdon Wealth Mgmt reported 31,875 shares. Ameriprise Fin, a Minnesota-based fund reported 60,861 shares.

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