Conagra Brands Inc (CAG) Shares Sold by Trexquant Investment LP


25 May, 2017

Endicott Management Company acquired 25,000 shares as Conagra Brands Inc (CAG)'s stock declined 4.77%. The company has grown -14.40% in past 3 months and in the last five trades has moved up 1.00%. Analysts predict that Conagra Brands Inc will post $1.72 EPS for the current fiscal year. The stock rose 1.14% or $0.43 reaching $38.49 per share. Moreover, Guyasuta Advsr Inc has 0.12% invested in Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG). It has underperformed by 8.31% the S&P500.

1PM INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED (OTCMKTS:OPMZ) had an increase of 244% in short interest. NTAP's SI was 8.44 million shares in May as released by FINRA. The mean target of $44.00 should be compared with the price when the stock was languishing around $33.08 a share. The SI to NF Energy Saving Corporation's float is 1.43%. The stock increased 0.34% or $0.32 during the last trading session, reaching $95.62. About 700 shares traded. 1PM Industries Inc (OTCMKTS:OPMZ) has 0.00% since May 25, 2016 and is. It has outperformed by 52.23% the S&P500.

Philadelphia Trust Company, which manages about $1.31B US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Spdr Bloomberg Barclays Interm Etf (ITE) by 66,550 shares to 16,100 shares, valued at $961,000 in 2016Q4, according to the filing. The last session's volume of 6.76 million shares was lower than its average volume of 6.91 million shares. Merck & Co Inc (NYSE:MRK) was reduced too.

Since January 5, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 2 insider sales for $374,265 activity. Norges Bank bought a new position in shares of Conagra Brands during the fourth quarter worth $210,860,000.

Investors sentiment increased to 6.44 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.97 in 2016Q3.

Hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. The company reported $0.25 earnings per share for the quarter, hitting the Zacks' consensus estimate of $0.25. Transamerica Financial Advisors Inc. now owns 11,533 shares of the company's stock valued at $544,000 after buying an additional 1,258 shares in the last quarter. The original version of this article can be accessed at Toronto Dominion National Bank invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG). Sfmg Limited Liability holds 0.11% in Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG) or 12,704 shares. Alpha Windward LLC now owns 3,382 shares of the company's stock worth $136,000 after buying an additional 247 shares in the last quarter. Northern Corp invested 0.06% of its portfolio in Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG). Andra Ap reported 78,800 shares. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) invested in 2,287 shares. Caprock Inc holds 0.09% or 8,820 shares.

Philadelphia Trust Company increased its stake in Conagra Brands Inc (CAG) by 20.45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Hanson Mcclain has 91 shares. Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG) has risen 8.39% since May 24, 2016 and is uptrending. Therefore 54% are positive.

ConAgra Foods, Inc. was downgraded to "sell" by analysts at UBS. The stock of Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG) earned "Neutral" rating by Credit Suisse on Friday, December 23. They now have a Dollars 35 price target on the stock. The stock has "Neutral" rating by Goldman Sachs on Thursday, February 25. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Friday, February 12 by Bank of America. RBC Capital Markets maintained Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG) on Friday, July 1 with "Sector Perform" rating. The company was initiated on Wednesday, February 15 by Deutsche Bank. The firm earned "Overweight" rating on Wednesday, September 23 by JP Morgan.

10/19/2016 - ConAgra Foods, Inc. had its "hold" rating reiterated by analysts at Stifel Nicolaus. Its down 0.05, from 1.01 in 2016Q3.

Several other institutional investors have also bought and sold shares of CAG. 68 funds opened positions while 118 raised stakes. Whittier Tru Of Nevada Inc stated it has 0% in NetApp Inc. Mackenzie Fincl owns 275,540 shares or 0.07% of their United States portfolio. Livforsakringsbolaget Skandia Omsesidigt holds 0.04% or 22,491 shares in its portfolio. Kcg Hldg invested 0% of its portfolio in NF Energy Saving Corp (NASDAQ:NFEC). Eaton Vance Mngmt accumulated 306,885 shares. California-based Globeflex Limited Partnership has invested 0.19% in NetApp Inc. Keeley Asset Mngmt stated it has 46,545 shares. Asset Management owns 39,349 shares for 0.06% of their portfolio. 300,369 are owned by Asset Management One Company. 3,987 shares were sold by Lauber Charles T, worth $216,707 on Wednesday, May 10. Therefore 100% are positive.

A number of research analysts recently weighed in on CAG shares. The company was upgraded on Thursday, April 6 by JMP Securities. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Friday, June 17 by Longbow. The stock of West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. Royal Bank of Canada raised their price target on shares of Conagra Brands from $42.00 to $45.00 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research note on Friday, March 24th. JP Morgan has "Overweight" rating and $55 target. (NASDAQ:NTAP) on Wednesday, November 30. It turned negative, as 31 investors sold WST shares while 97 reduced holdings. HELD GERALD sold $271,125 worth of stock. 7,406 shares were sold by Ackerman Patricia K, worth $365,874 on Thursday, March 9.

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