Can analysts adopt a bullish outlook for Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST)?


29 May, 2017

With 336,700 avg volume, 15 days are for Epizyme Incorporated (NASDAQ:EPZM)'s short sellers to cover EPZM's short positions. The SI to Cbs Corporation Class B's float is 2.58%. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 73.12% of the company's stock. BlackRock Inc. increased its position in shares of Costco Wholesale by 2,521.9% in the first quarter. Unilever NV (ADR) (NYSE:UN) has risen 26.55% since May 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.65% the S&P500.

Bank Of Nova Scotia decreased Costco Whsl Corp New (COST) stake by 22.13% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing.

In other Costco Wholesale news, VP Timothy L. Rose sold 4,000 shares of Costco Wholesale stock in a transaction on Thursday, March 16th. Baystate Wealth Ltd Liability Corporation reported 501 shares stake.

Efficient Market Advisors LLC held its stake in Costco Wholesale Co. PICTET BANK & TRUST Ltd now owns 25,120 shares of the retailer's stock valued at $3,831,000 after buying an additional 4,380 shares in the last quarter.

On 3/13/2017 James D Sinegal, Director, sold 17,000 with an average share price of $164.52 per share and the total transaction amounting to $2,796,840.00. Costco Wholesale's dividend payout ratio is presently 32.79%. It has outperformed by 8.44% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.1 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.16, from 0.94 in 2016Q3. 10 funds opened positions while 21 raised stakes. Lord Abbett Company Ltd Liability, New Jersey-based fund reported 218,000 shares. Strs Ohio invested in 0.25% or 350,750 shares. Blackrock Advsr Lc owns 3,910 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Retirement Systems Of Alabama reported 266,017 shares or 0.1% of all its holdings. Fic Capital stated it has 3,235 shares. Following the sale, the vice president now owns 44,049 shares in the company, valued at $7,353,980.55. M&T Retail Bank reported 0.03% of its portfolio in CBS Corporation (NYSE:CBS). Alliancebernstein Ltd Partnership owns 0% invested in Epizyme Inc (NASDAQ:EPZM) for 41,700 shares. Capital Research Global Investors now owns 9,349,671 shares of the retailer's stock valued at $1,425,918,000 after buying an additional 199,619 shares during the last quarter. Wellington Mngmt Gru Llp holds 18.03M shares. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 792,594 shares in the company, valued at approximately $130,397,564.88. Chevy Chase owns 420,978 shares for 0.36% of their portfolio.

Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 13 sales for $38.45 million activity. The insider GALANTI RICHARD A sold 1,560 shares worth $249,943. PETTERSON DAVID S had sold 700 shares worth $112,794 on Wednesday, December 28. Vachris Roland Michael had sold 3,180 shares worth $514,302. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, seven have issued a hold rating, twenty have issued a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 77% are positive. They issued a market perform rating and a $170.00 price target for the company. Northcoast downgraded the stock to "Neutral" rating in Tuesday, November 3 report. The stock of Unilever NV (ADR) (NYSE:UN) has "Overweight" rating given on Tuesday, January 12 by JP Morgan. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with "Equal-Weight" on Thursday, March 31. Nomura has "Buy" rating and $74 target. The company has a market cap of $78.02 billion, a P/E ratio of 30.88 and a beta of 0.89. The Firm operates through four segment: Entertainment, Cable Networks, Publishing, Local Media. The Entertainment segment comprises the CBS TV Network; CBS TV Studios; CBS Studios International and CBS TV Distribution; CBS Interactive; CBS Films; and the Company's digital streaming services, CBS All Access and CBSN.

Among 26 analysts covering Costco Wholesale (NASDAQ:COST), 20 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 6 Hold. Gordon Haskett started coverage on Costco Wholesale in a research report on Tuesday, May 9th. Vetr has "Buy" rating and $158.94 target. Cleveland downgraded the shares of COST in report on Friday, February 26 to "Neutral" rating. S&P Research maintained the stock with "Hold" rating in Wednesday, October 28 report. Deutsche Bank has "Hold" rating and $144.0 target. Goldman Sachs has "Buy" rating and $175 target. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Monday, December 5 by Deutsche Bank. On Monday, December 19 the stock rating was upgraded by Citigroup to "Buy". As per Friday, May 27, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. Finally, Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. set a $185.00 target price on Costco Wholesale and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a report on Saturday.

State Street Corp increased its position in shares of Costco Wholesale by 1.3% in the first quarter. Its up 0.16, from 0.94 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 59 investors sold COST shares while 405 reduced holdings. The retailer reported $1.40 earnings per share for the quarter, topping the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $1.31 by $0.09. This is an increase from Costco Wholesale's previous special dividend of $0.45. Comgest Glob Invsts Sas accumulated 80,283 shares.

On 2/3/2017 John D Mckay, Insider, sold 4,948 with an average share price of $168.25 per share and the total transaction amounting to $832,501.00. Smith Salley And Associate has invested 0.27% in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Amica Mutual Ins Company holds 0.34% of its portfolio in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) for 23,542 shares.

On 10/12/2016 Costco Wholesale announced a quarterly dividend of $0.45 1.2% with an ex dividend date of 11/2/2016 which will be payable on 11/18/2016. Honeywell invested 1.66% in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Ally owns 0.54% invested in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST) for 20,000 shares. Henderson Group Public has invested 0.18% in Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST). Becker Capital Mgmt reported 36,401 shares. Fic Cap Inc holds 0.26% or 3,235 shares in its portfolio. Its up 6.19% from 4.89 million shares previously. Quadrant Capital Management Ltd Co invested in 2.11% or 15,381 shares.

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