Brokerages Set BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (BDSI) Target Price at $3.80

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Barclays Capital Starts DXC Technology (DXC) Coverage with $90.00 Target; 4 Bullish Analysts Covering BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (BDSI)

27 May, 2017

Institutional investors own 53.57% of the company's stock. The Tyvor Capital Llc holds 187,066 shares with $7.96M value, up from 133,367 last quarter.

The stock increased 0.89% or $0.69 during the last trading session, reaching $78.64. (NASDAQ:BDSI) has risen 24.37% since May 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 10.34% the S&P500. (NASDAQ:BDSI) shares were sold by ODONNELL FRANCIS E JR. They issued a "buy" rating and a $4.00 price objective for the company. Therefore 60% are positive. DXC Technology had 4 analyst reports since April 4, 2017 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has "Mkt Perform" rating given on Wednesday, November 23 by Bernstein. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with "Buy" on Wednesday, July 20. (NASDAQ:BDSI) earned "Buy" rating by Janney Capital on Friday, September 23. The company was initiated on Tuesday, October 27 by Janney Capital. The company was maintained on Sunday, August 16 by William Blair. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Thursday, March 17 by SunTrust.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.93 in 2016 Q4. Broadfin Capital LLC now owns 5,398,794 shares of the specialty pharmaceutical company's stock valued at $9,448,000 after buying an additional 210,000 shares during the period. Independent Port Consultants invested in 11 shares. California Public Employees Retirement Systems reported 262,900 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Oxford Asset Management now owns 107,945 shares of the specialty pharmaceutical company's stock worth $189,000 after buying an additional 79,599 shares in the last quarter. Bailard owns 558,000 shares. Basswood Management Ltd Liability Corporation has 181,624 shares for 0.34% of their portfolio. State Street Corp stated it has 51,562 shares. Fosun reported 62,214 shares. (NASDAQ:BDSI). Susquehanna Grp Incorporated Limited Liability Partnership stated it has 0% of its portfolio in BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (NASDAQ:BDSI). Venbio Select Advisor Ltd Liability holds 0.23% or 644,176 shares in its portfolio. 1,323 were accumulated by Commonwealth Retail Bank Of. Therefore 80% are positive. BioDelivery Sciences International had 9 analyst reports since August 16, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Cantor Fitzgerald upgraded BioDelivery Sciences International from a "neutral" rating to an "overweight" rating and upped their target price for the stock from $3.00 to $4.00 in a research report on Tuesday, May 16th. (NASDAQ:BDSI) is a huge mover today!

H.C. Wainwright has begun its coverage for BioDelivery Sciences International (NDAQ:BDSI), this morning Friday, 26 May. Finally, Cantor Fitzgerald raised BioDelivery Sciences International from a "neutral" rating to an "overweight" rating and raised their price objective for the company from $3.00 to $4.00 in a research note on Tuesday, May 16th. (NASDAQ:BDSI) for 130,058 shares. The rating was initiated by Piper Jaffray with "Overweight" on Monday, February 8. The firm has "Hold" rating given on Wednesday, May 11 by Cantor Fitzgerald. Roth Capital maintained it with "Buy" rating and $9 target in Friday, March 11 report.

Since November 17, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 9 selling transactions for $616,568 activity. Vasisht Niraj sold 42,000 shares worth $83,190. ODONNELL FRANCIS E JR had sold 129,860 shares worth $247,551 on Wednesday, February 15. $247,551 worth of BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (NASDAQ:BDSI) for 503,697 shares. Another trade for 170 shares valued at $323 was made by De Paolantonio Ernest Robert on Wednesday, March 22. 12,000 shares were sold by SEARS SAMUEL P JR, worth $20,040 on Thursday, December 1.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.75 in 2016 Q4. It fall, as 17 investors sold BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. shares while 19 reduced holdings. Oxford Asset Management increased its position in shares of BioDelivery Sciences International by 280.8% in the fourth quarter. KCG Holdings Inc. increased its stake in BioDelivery Sciences International by 469.9% in the first quarter. (NASDAQ:BDSI). Next Fin Group Inc invested in 0% or 49,850 shares. Bancorporation Of Ny Mellon invested 0% of its portfolio in BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (NASDAQ:BDSI). Credit Suisse Ag holds 73,233 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corp accumulated 0% or 8,009 shares. Acadian Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability invested in 0% or 67,277 shares. FBR & Co set a $4.00 price objective on shares of BioDelivery Sciences International and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a research report on Tuesday, May 16th. The specialty pharmaceutical company reported $0.58 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.09 by $0.49. Cutter And Brokerage Incorporated, Missouri-based fund reported 38,280 shares. Deutsche Bank & Trust Ag stated it has 238,000 shares. (NASDAQ:BDSI) news were published by: which released: "BioDelivery Sciences to Host Conference Call and Webcast Reporting First ..." on May 09, 2017, also with their article: "BioDelivery Sciences Announces the Approval of BUNAVAIL® for Induction of ..." published on May 02, 2017, published: "Earnings Reaction History: BioDelivery Sciences International Inc, 25.0 ..." on May 15, 2017.

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: "HC Wainwright Begins Coverage on BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc".

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