Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY) Quarterly Sales Review


23 May, 2017

Worthington Inds Inc now has $2.79B valuation. American National Bank now owns 1,919 shares of the biopharmaceutical company's stock valued at $104,000 after buying an additional 508 shares in the last quarter. About 40,133 shares traded. Worthington Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WOR) has risen 17.54% since May 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.84% the S&P500. (NOC) stake by 26.94% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing.

Now the shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) has a trading volume of 4.46 Million shares, with an average trading volume of 8030 shares - with shares dropping to a 52 week low of $46.01, and the company's shares hitting a 52 week high of $ 77.12. Over the last quarter, insiders sold 190,501 shares of company stock valued at $10,690,203. The company has a market cap of $89.13 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 18.79 and a beta of 1.00. The stock rose 0.26% or $0.14 reaching $54.16 per share. About 2.19M shares traded. More interesting news about Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) were released by: and their article: "Old Republic International Corp Buys VF Corp, Entergy Corp, Bristol-Myers ..." published on May 22, 2017 as well as's news article titled: "Athena Global Investors LLC Buys Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Sells Bank of ..." with publication date: May 16, 2017. It has underperformed by 39.89% the S&P500. Welch Investments LLC purchased a new position in shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb during the fourth quarter valued at approximately $119,000. It also reduced its holding in Qualcomm Inc (NASDAQ:QCOM) by 11,765 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 467,408 shares, and cut its stake in Jpmorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM). Vermilion Energy Inc Com (NYSE:VET) was reduced too.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.07 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.22, from 1.2 in 2016Q3. 47 funds opened positions while 94 raised stakes. The New York-based Quinn Opportunity Prtnrs Ltd Liability Co has invested 0.12% in Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores Inc (NASDAQ:SHOS). Portfolio Strategies holds 0% or 200 shares in its portfolio. (NYSE:WOR) for 5,000 shares. Tiaa Cref Investment Management Limited Liability Company holds 26,387 shares. Geode Mgmt Limited Com owns 81,903 shares. Arrowstreet Lp holds 0% or 66,051 shares. Nuveen Asset Management Limited Liability Corp reported 19,222 shares. Invesco Ltd invested 0% in Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores Inc (NASDAQ:SHOS). (NYSE:WOR). 5,648 were reported by Eqis. Oak Assocs Limited Oh, a Ohio-based fund reported 9,850 shares. Vanguard Grp Inc reported 176,626 shares. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, eleven have assigned a hold rating and eleven have assigned a buy rating to the company's stock. Therefore 41% are positive. The company was maintained on Thursday, March 30 by Jefferies. JP Morgan maintained CyrusOne Inc (NASDAQ:CONE) rating on Thursday, March 24. The stock has "Hold" rating by Berenberg on Thursday, August 11. Jefferies downgraded Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) on Thursday, January 12 to "Hold" rating. Macquarie Research downgraded the shares of WOR in report on Tuesday, November 29 to "Underperform" rating. (NYSE:WOR) has "Hold" rating given on Tuesday, April 4 by Jefferies. $85,182 worth of Worthington Industries, Inc.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) reported sales (ttm) of 19.97 Billion, whereas, 14 number of analysts estimated the mean sale of 5064.43 million. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co has a one year low of $46.01 and a one year high of $77.12. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company had 37 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel.

Shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) opened at 54.10 on Tuesday. Bristol-Myers Squibb presently has a consensus rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $62.57. The company was maintained on Tuesday, December 1 by Barclays Capital. The company was downgraded on Friday, August 5 by Morgan Stanley. As per Friday, September 9, the company rating was maintained by Barclays Capital. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Tuesday, August 11 by Deutsche Bank. Guggenheim upgraded Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) on Wednesday, December 2 to "Buy" rating. Piper Jaffray upgraded the stock to "Underweight" rating in Monday, August 24 report. Jefferies maintained the shares of BMY in report on Thursday, July 14 with "Hold" rating. UBS has "Buy" rating and $75 target. On Tuesday, September 20 the stock rating was maintained by Citigroup with "Buy".

Analysts await Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) to report earnings on July, 27. They expect $0.73 EPS, up 5.80% or $0.04 from last year's $0.69 per share. NOC's profit will be $503.61 million for 22.11 P/E if the $2.85 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.84 actual EPS reported by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -13.10% negative EPS growth. ANDREOTTI LAMBERTO had sold 34,000 shares worth $1.81 million.

In related news, Director Theodore R. Samuels II purchased 12,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, February 27th. Looking at this figure it suggests that the shares of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) may be overvalued, however, this can also depend upon the situation of the market; if the market is strong then it could suggest that Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) is a good investment, however if the market is weaker then it could suggest that the shares are undervalued. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) has declined 23.19% since May 22, 2016 and is downtrending.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.97 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.08, from 0.99 in 2016Q3. It worsened, as 86 investors sold BMY shares while 529 reduced holdings. Shufro Rose & Limited Co accumulated 461,480 shares.

Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE:BMY) last issued its earnings results on Thursday, April 27th.

Conning Inc increased its stake in Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY) by 3.98% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. $5.27 million worth of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) was sold by LEUNG SANDRA. 25,670 were accumulated by Cannell Peter B And Com. Regent Invest Mngmt Ltd reported 21,282 shares. Hartford Mgmt invested in 42,550 shares. Creative Planning stated it has 1 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Mitchell Mcleod Pugh And Williams Incorporated holds 0.28% or 5,852 shares. On average, equities analysts anticipate that Bristol-Myers Squibb Co will post $2.95 EPS for the current year. Parametric Llc holds 79,227 shares. Concert Wealth Mgmt Incorporated reported 36,893 shares or 0.48% of all its holdings. Headinvest Ltd Liability Corporation reported 0.22% stake. Savant Cap stated it has 11,084 shares.

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