Are Analysts Bearish CVR Partners LP (NYSE:UAN) After Last Week?


30 May, 2017

Copart had 13 analyst reports since January 15, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. TheStreet lowered shares of CVR Partners from a "c-" rating to a "d+" rating in a research report on Thursday. The stock of Copart, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group Inc upgraded shares of CVR Partners from a "neutral" rating to a "buy" rating and set a $6.00 price objective for the company in a research note on Monday, March 20th. The firm earned "Buy" rating on Wednesday, July 29 by TH Capital. (NYSE:CVI) to report earnings on July, 27. CVI's SI was 4.64M shares in May as released by FINRA. The insider Roberts David B sold $1.20 million.

CVR Energy, Inc. (CVR Energy) is a holding company. The SI to Cvr Energy Incorporated's float is 29.66%. The stock decreased 0.05% or $0.01 on May 26, reaching $20.73. 408628 shares were traded during the last session. Below is a list of CVR Partners LP (NYSE:UAN) latest ratings and price target changes. It has underperformed by 60.81% the S&P500. Its up 0.45, from 0.81 in 2016Q3. Finally, Zacks Investment Research lowered shares of CVR Partners from a "hold" rating to a "sell" rating in a report on Tuesday, May 16th.

Other hedge funds and other institutional investors have also added to or reduced their stakes in the company. On average, equities research analysts expect that CVR Partners will post ($0.14) earnings per share for the current year. (NYSE:CVI) for 289 shares. Manufacturers Life Ins The reported 10,730 shares. Ameriprise Fincl stated it has 0% of its portfolio in CVR Partners LP (NYSE:UAN).

Based on an average market stock price per share of $30.3, Trent Kamke, the Lemaitre Vascular Inc's Senior V.P. - Operations unloaded 15,780 shares of Lemaitre Vascular Inc worth approximately $477,822 U.S Dollars. Blackstone Gp Lp owns 16.90 million shares for 0.63% of their portfolio. 1,033 were reported by Parallax Volatility Advisers Limited Partnership. Citadel Advsr Limited Liability reported 25,789 shares. Cwm Ltd Liability Corp stated it has 0% of its portfolio in CVR Partners LP (NYSE:UAN). (NYSE:CVI) for 444,373 shares.

CVR Energy, a holding company. As of December 31, 2016, the Company's Coffeyville Facility included a 1,300 ton-per-day capacity ammonia unit, a 3,000 ton-per-day capacity urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) unit, and a gasifier complex having a capacity of 89 million standard cubic feet per day of hydrogen.

Among 2 analysts covering CVR Partners (NYSE:UAN), 1 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. It has a 28.52 P/E ratio.

CVR Partners, LP is a limited partnership formed by CVR Energy, Inc (CVR Energy) to own, operate and grow its nitrogen fertilizer business. Therefore 0 are positive. On Friday, September 9 the stock rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs to "Neutral". They now have a Dollars 15 price target on the stock. The company was upgraded on Monday, October 10 by Piper Jaffray. This represents a $0.08 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.81%. About 48,428 shares traded. LeMaitre Vascular Inc (NASDAQ:LMAT) has risen 101.07% since May 29, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.71% the S&P500. CVR Partners earned a media sentiment score of 0.21 on Alpha One's scale. 41 funds opened positions while 93 raised stakes. Alpha One also gave press coverage about the basic materials company an impact score of 90 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is very likely to have an impact on the stock's share price in the near term. 1,540 were accumulated by Us State Bank De. Moreover, Raymond James And has 0% invested in CVR Partners LP (NYSE:UAN) for 19,943 shares. The company has market cap of $1.80 billion.

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