Antero Resources Corp (AR) Position Maintained by USS Investment Management Ltd


27 May, 2017

Canada Pension Plan Invest Board holds 10 shares. The Commonwealth Financial Services Llc holds 36,691 shares with $941,000 value, up from 146 last quarter. The stock declined 1.86% or $1.35 reaching $71.41 on the news. It has underperformed by 17.57% the S&P500. Finally, Bourgeon Capital Management LLC bought a new position in shares of Antero Resources Corp during the third quarter worth about $225,000. Yale University sold 1.15M shares as the company's stock declined 11.29% while stock markets rallied. The Key Group Holdings Cayman Ltd holds 1.73 million shares with $40.80 million value, up from 1.23M last quarter. Polygon Management Ltd who had been investing in Shire Plc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $56.12B market cap company.

Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR) traded down 1.706% during mid-day trading on Thursday, hitting $21.035. Therefore 75% are positive. NeuroDerm had 9 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Barclays Capital maintained the stock with "Overweight" rating in Thursday, July 14 report. The rating was upgraded by PiperJaffray on Friday, January 13 to "Overweight".

Price targets show what analysts believes a stock will be worth at the end of a certain time period. Brandywine Management Ltd Co invested in 0% or 161 shares. The firm has "Market Perform" rating given on Tuesday, April 26 by Leerink Swann.

08/15/2016 - Antero Resources Corporation was downgraded to "underperform" by analysts at Jefferies. The company's market cap is $7.02 billion. (NASDAQ:SCSC) for 13,072 shares. Spdr Gold (GLD) was reduced too. Its up 0.78, from 0.81 in 2016Q3. The return on invested capital at -4.5%, which is good, compared to its peers. 88 funds opened positions while 189 raised stakes. Warren Glen C Jr had bought 250,000 shares worth $5.25 million. Morgan Stanley owns 454,519 shares or 0% of their U.S. portfolio. Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management invested in 11,542 shares or 0.01% of the stock. Grt Limited Liability Corp holds 1.54% or 229,398 shares. Catalyst Capital Advsr Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 37 shares. Manufacturers Life Insur The reported 0% stake. Bell Bancorporation reported 0.19% in Fastenal Company (NASDAQ:FAST). Ny State Teachers Retirement Sys stated it has 15,700 shares. Brown Advisory reported 226,995 shares. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, February 2 by Suntrust Robinson. Ftb Advsrs accumulated 633 shares or 0% of the stock. Gulf International Bank UK Ltd now owns 51,914 shares of the oil and natural gas company's stock valued at $1,184,000 after buying an additional 1,200 shares during the period.

Since November 30, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 4 selling transactions for $5.49 million activity. 2,000 shares valued at $50,000 were sold by Yoo K. Phil on Thursday, January 5. On average, analysts anticipate that Antero Resources Corp will post $0.51 EPS for the current fiscal year. Highbridge Capital Management LLC boosted its stake in shares of Antero Resources Corp by 113.0% in the fourth quarter. Hirschfeld Steven Isaac sold $9,025 worth of stock or 156 shares.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.25 in 2016 Q4. It turned negative, as 44 investors sold AR shares while 82 reduced holdings. Daiwa Securities Group Inc. raised its position in Antero Resources Corp by 29.4% in the first quarter. 263.24 million shares or 4.56% more from 251.75 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Landscape Mngmt Limited Co has 0.06% invested in Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR) for 18,987 shares. Fdx Advisors stated it has 0.01% in ScanSource, Inc.

Currently, the market capitalization of Antero Resources Corporation (AR) is 6.75 Billion. $10.56 million worth of Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR) was bought by RADY PAUL M on Wednesday, May 17. Poplar Forest Cap Ltd Liability Corporation owns 975,915 shares. Credit Suisse Ag has invested 0% in ScanSource, Inc. Invesco holds 0% or 153,266 shares in its portfolio. Vanguard Gru has invested 0.02% in Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR). The overall volume in the last trading session was 3.52 million shares, versus the average volume of 3.37 million shares. 38,800 were reported by Andra Ap. Therefore 59% are positive. Evercore ISI cut Antero Resources Corp to an "outperform" rating in a report on Wednesday, April 19th.

CVS Health Corp (NYSE:CVS) traded at a yearly high level of $99.71 during the last trading session. The rating was downgraded by Tudor Pickering on Friday, November 6 to "Hold". On Wednesday, October 14 the stock rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with "Hold". Zacks upgraded the stock to "Sell" rating in Wednesday, August 12 report. KLR Group upgraded Antero Resources Corp (NYSE:AR) on Friday, July 31 to "Buy" rating. Nisa Investment Advisors LLC's holdings in Antero Resources Corp were worth $814,000 as of its most recent SEC filing. Guggenheim upgraded the shares of AR in report on Thursday, March 16 to "Buy" rating. Deutsche Bank maintained the shares of AR in report on Tuesday, June 14 with "Hold" rating.

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