Growth Analysis of Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTEN)

Finally, Piper Jaffray Companies reiterated a “neutral” rating and set a $20.50 price target (down previously from $22.00) on shares of Patterson-UTI Energy in a research note on Wednesday, July 12th.

Shares of Patterson-UTI Energy (NASDAQ:PTEN) traded down 2.997% during mid-day trading on Wednesday, reaching $18.935. Patterson Uti Energy Inc now has $4.02B valuation.

Day traders strive to make money by exploiting minute price movements in individual assets (usually stocks, though currencies, futures, and options are traded as well), usually leveraging large amounts of capital to do so, therefore they trade on Stocks in Play. (NASDAQ:PTEN) has risen 32.91% since October 18, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 16.21% the S&P500. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, September 4 by BMO Capital Markets. Its last month’s stock price volatility remained 4.71% which for the week approaches 5.36%. Symantec Corp now has $19.85B valuation. Gemmer Asset Management Lc has 311 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE) has risen 21.74% since October 19, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 29.15% the S&P500. Its down 0.08, from 1.32 in 2017Q1. 79 funds opened positions while 248 raised stakes. Community Bancorporation Na has invested 0.31% of its portfolio in Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE). Proshare Ltd Co accumulated 26,204 shares. Hanson Mcclain Inc holds 835 shares. Old Republic holds 1.66% or 879,500 shares. Cibc Asset has invested 0.03% in Analog Devices, Inc. The Massachusetts-based New Generation Advisors Llc has invested 4.2% in the stock. State Of Wisconsin Inv Board invested in 0% or 41,516 shares. Vanguard owns 16.76M shares for 0.02% of their portfolio. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage holds 0.04% or 237,700 shares. Robeco Institutional Asset Mgmt Bv reported 23,984 shares stake. 3,741 shares valued at $111,890 were sold by Cappellanti-Wolf Amy L. on Monday, June 5.

Several hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Dfa Us Targeted Value Port (DFFVX) was reduced too. Patterson-UTI Energy Inc had 89 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Friday, January 8 by Macquarie Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Buy” rating and $1000 target in Monday, July 3 report. The company was maintained on Thursday, November 5 by FBR Capital. The company has market cap of $292.11 million. The firm has “Buy” rating by Citigroup given on Wednesday, September 30. On Friday, June 9 the stock rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Hold”.

According to Finviz reported data, The SMA20 of the stock is at -5.09 percent, SMA50 is 6.89 percent, while SMA200 is -12.36 percent. The company was maintained on Tuesday, June 6 by Jefferies.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.66 in 2017 Q2.

These funds have shifted positions in (PTEN). 200.72 million shares or 15.08% more from 174.43 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. PNC Financial Services Group Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of Patterson-UTI Energy by 11.7% during the 2nd quarter. (NASDAQ:PTEN) Earnings Growing Rapidly?

TRADEMARK VIOLATION NOTICE: “Somewhat Favorable Media Coverage Somewhat Unlikely to Affect Patterson-UTI Energy (PTEN) Stock Price” was originally reported by TrueBlueTribune and is owned by of TrueBlueTribune. Gp One Trading Lp holds 0% or 14,251 shares.

Among 11 analysts covering Raymond James Financial Inc.

Patterson-UTI Energy, an oilfield services company. This volatility measure use for multipurpose in judging the underlying price momentum as well as the rate of change in PTEN’s price. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted its holdings in shares of Patterson-UTI Energy by 39.4% in the 2nd quarter. (NASDAQ:PTEN). Voya Ltd Llc holds 0.01% or 230,229 shares. Ftb owns 70 shares. Weaver C Barksdale And Associate holds 0.01% or 250 shares. Azimuth Capital Management Limited Liability reported 0.03% stake. “(PTEN) Shares Sold by Sterling Capital Management LLC” was reported by Week Herald and is the sole property of of Week Herald. It represents the percentage of a stock’s tradable shares that are being shorted. Gluskin Sheff & Assoc Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of Patterson-UTI Energy by 7.1% during the 2nd quarter.

Energy Opportunities Capital Management Llc decreased its stake in Patterson Uti Energy Com (PTEN) by 32.96% based on its latest 2017Q2 regulatory filing with the SEC. It also upped Alibaba Group Hldg Ltd (NYSE:BABA) stake by 4,871 shares and now owns 24,041 shares.

Deutsche Bank began new coverage on Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. giving the company a “buy” rating. Therefore 36% are positive.

Analysts await Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. The company was maintained on Wednesday, March 9 by Susquehanna. J.P. Morgan upgraded Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTEN) on Thursday, January 19 to “Market Perform” rating. The company was maintained on Thursday, July 13 by Jefferies. After $-0.21 actual EPS reported by Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -14.29% EPS growth. (NASDAQ:PTEN) on Tuesday, September 5 with “Buy” rating. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Equal-Weight” on Friday, February 10.

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