16 September, 2017
There have been three deaths attributed to the West Nile virus in the past two weeks, according to the Windsor-Essex County Heath Unit.
Fifteen confirmed cases and one probable case of WNV infection have been reported to the health unit. Provincewide there have been 65 confirmed or probable cases as of September 13.
"The results of our surveillance data suggest an elevated risk for disease transmission to residents in the vicinity", Angie Nakano, scientific programs manager for the mosquito control district, said in a statement. The majority of people infected will not have any symptoms.
Many people who are infected with West Nile Virus have no symptoms, but about 1 in 5 will develop flu-like illness.
Ogle County reported its first case of West Nile last week. The victims' identities aren't being revealed.
Residents are advised to remove all standing water from their property and take precautions to avoid mosquito bites when outside between dawn and dusk.
"Late summer is typically the time of greatest risk for contracting West Nile virus", she said "This is when mosquitoes can carry higher levels of virus, and it is also a time when people might not be as diligent about protecting themselves from mosquito bites".
-Use insect repellents that contain DEET, Icaridin or other approved ingredients on clothing as well as exposed skin especially when visiting green spaces such as parks, cemeteries, and walking trails.