09 September, 2017
Another problem that just popped up has to do with the quest that awards you the MIDA Mini-Tool Legendary.
Over the past few days, some Destiny 2 players on PS4 reported that the game would sometimes crash for seemingly no reason. Once completing the campaign, you'll notice that you have new Quest Missions on each planet that require higher power levels to complete. She will give you the quest to investigate a former captain's voice. The symbol indicates that there is an audio log nearby.
This section is made up of two separate missions one called "O Captain" and the other titled "My Captain". These will revolve around on you trying to discover the fate of Failsafe's crew and captain. Get ready to fight, as you will have to defend the harpy from enemies, and defeat a boss as well.
The first part of the quest can be time-consuming. Take the note to the Cryptarch Rahool and you will receive a new quest that focuses on meeting specific requirements shown on the note. Taking the note back to Rahool, you'll get three new objectives.
Earn 10 multi-kills against Fallen enemies on Nessus with Drang without reloading.
After this is complete, go back to The Farm's cryptarch who is waiting to give you an Exotic engram, This will decrypt into the Sturm hand cannon and finish off the Relics of the Golden Age questline. These include a bug on Nessus that can get your Ghost stuck in an unreachable place, non-Fireteam leaders being unable to skip cinematics, perks not triggering, not getting credit for participating in a Nightfall activity if you join it in-progress, and more. Powerful Fallen enemies are any Fallen soldiers with a yellow health bar.
Complete both objectives and return to Tyra Karn. Sturm's unique trait is Storm and Stress which grant bonus precision damage after each kill made with Drang until the next reload. When you are done talking to her, open up your Director Screen and look for a quest with the name "Relics of the Golden Age". However, you are not required to finish it, as your target is a Servitor named Kendricks-7 that's hanging around the nearly pitch black room. Destroy the Servitor, and complete the strike. After that, simply return to Tyra Karn and collect your Sturm exotic hand cannon in Destiny 2.