13 August, 2017
Therefore 91% are positive. The stock of Tetra Tech, Inc. Also Prnewswire.com published the news titled: "TETRA Technologies, Inc". The stock has "Buy" rating by Wunderlich on Tuesday, May 10. The company's market capitalization is $230.64 million.
12/16/2016 - Tetra Technologies, Inc. was downgraded to "sector perform" by analysts at RBC Capital. (NASDAQ:TTEK) on Wednesday, April 20 to "Neutral" rating. (NASDAQ:TTEK) traded up 2.45% during midday trading on Friday, hitting $41.80. The company was maintained on Sunday, August 6 by Stifel Nicolaus. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan on Tuesday, November 10 to "Overweight". See Tetra Tech, Inc. 351,335 shares of the stock traded hands. Insiders have sold a total of 70,396 shares of company stock worth $3,230,688 in the last quarter. ENSCO PLC (NYSE:ESV) has declined 23.23% since August 11, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 48.11% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment is 1.04 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.08, from 1.05 in 2016Q3. Shares for $156,895 were sold by CARTER BRIAN N. 51 funds opened positions while 113 raised stakes.
Ray Gerald L & Associates Ltd increased Salesforce Com Inc (CRM) stake by 79.79% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Guggenheim Ltd Liability Corporation holds 0% or 18,813 shares in its portfolio. The stock decreased 2.97% or $1.25 during the last trading session, reaching $40.8. (NYSE:CRM). Retirement System Of Alabama holds 441,409 shares or 0.18% of its portfolio. 29,568 were reported by Verition Fund Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability Company. Charter Co reported 0.01% stake. 1,015 were reported by Glenmede Tru Na. Tetra Tech Inc will pay its quarterly dividend of $0.10 on 9/1/17, Chemours Co will pay its quarterly dividend of $0.03 on 9/15/17, and Grace & Co will pay its quarterly dividend of $0.21 on 9/7/17. (NYSE:TTI) is -60.36%, -39.88% over the last quarter, and -59.72% for the past six months. 150,000 shares valued at $6.90M were sold by BATRACK DAN L on Thursday, May 4. Nomura Hldgs invested 0.01% in salesforce.com, inc. Ensco Plc had 64 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Jefferies maintained the shares of CRM in report on Friday, June 16 with "Hold" rating. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Tuesday, May 31 by Canaccord Genuity. The rating was downgraded by Seaport Global on Wednesday, June 21 to "Neutral". The company was initiated on Friday, October 9 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. On Friday, November 18 the stock rating was maintained by Mizuho with "Buy". The stock has "Buy" rating by Bank of America on Thursday, December 22. Analysts set a 12-month price target of $104.22 a share. The stock has "Buy" rating by Sidoti on Tuesday, April 19. Company insiders own 3.80% of the company's stock. $778,282 worth of Tetra Tech, Inc. MCDONALD KEVIN P sold $257,008 worth of stock or 5,500 shares. 137 shares were sold by Allanson Joe, worth $11,276. CHU RONALD J sold $1.52M worth of stock or 32,951 shares. No trade can occur until someone is willing to sell a stock at a price that another is willing to buy it at.
Institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Norges Bank bolstered its position by buying 1,123,927 shares an increase of 194.0%.
Waste Management, Inc (WM) is a holding company. (NASDAQ:TTEK). 14,302 are held by Jupiter Asset Mgmt Ltd. New York State Teachers Retirement stated it has 0.02% of its portfolio in Tetra Tech, Inc.
Receive News & Ratings Via Email - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings with our FREE daily email newsletter. State Of Wisconsin Inv Board has invested 0.03% in Tetra Tech, Inc. It is explaining range of a day's trading is high-low; ATR develops it to yesterday's closing price. Equities research analysts forecast that Tetra Tech will post $2.11 EPS for the current year. Tortoise Cap Lc accumulated 112 shares. Victory Capital Management Inc. acquired a new stake in Tetra Tech during the first quarter valued at approximately $185,000.
Managed Asset Portfolios Limited Liability Company has invested 4.69% in Tetra Tech, Inc. The stock has been active on the tape, now trading at $2.03, down from yesterday's close by -16.46%. The Other segment includes its Strategic Business Solutions (WMSBS) organization; its landfill gas-to-energy operations and third-party subcontract and administration services managed by its Energy and Environmental Services and WM Renewable Energy organizations; its recycling brokerage services, and its service offerings and solutions, such as portable self-storage and long distance moving services, fluorescent lamp recycling and interests it holds in oil and gas producing properties. It has a 44.36 P/E ratio.