Teekay Offshore Partners LP (NYSE:TOO) Move as Institutional Investors' Sentiment Increased


04 August, 2017

(TOO) traded down 2.82% during midday trading on Thursday, reaching $2.41. Fly Leasing Ltd (ADR) (NYSE:FLY) has risen 12.56% since August 3, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 13.55% the S&P500.

Analysts expect Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (NYSE:TOO) to report $-0.05 EPS on August, 3.They anticipate $0.27 EPS change or 122.73% from last quarter's $0.22 EPS. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC increased its stake in shares of Teekay Offshore Partners L.P.by 32.4% in the first quarter. About shares traded. Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (NYSE:TOO) has declined 43.83% since August 2, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.22% the S&P500. ValuEngine downgraded Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. from a hold rating to a sell rating in a research report on Friday, June 2nd. Therefore 67% are positive. TOO was included in 13 notes of analysts from August 4, 2015.

12/17/2015 - Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. was downgraded to " by analysts at Seaport Global Securities. The stock's market capitalization is 372.80M, it has a 52-week low of 1.65 and a 52-week high of 6.69. Cowen & Co maintained Fly Leasing Ltd (ADR) (NYSE:FLY) rating on Friday, July 29. The rating was upgraded by Citigroup to "Buy" on Wednesday, July 26. Citigroup downgraded the shares of TOO in report on Friday, August 7 to "Neutral" rating. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was upgraded by Global Hunter Securities. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of TOO in report on Thursday, December 17 with "Sector Perform" rating. The company was maintained on Monday, June 20 by UBS.

12/17/2015 - Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. was downgraded to " by analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.27 in 2016 Q4.

In terms of earnings per share, 1 analyst has a 0.04 EPS mean target for the quarter ending Sep-17, for the quarter ending Dec-17, 2 analysts have a 0.17 EPS mean target and for the quarter ending Dec-17 there are 1 estimate of 0.18 EPS. Stifel Financial Corp bought a new position in shares of Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. during the first quarter valued at $113,000. 115 funds opened positions while 706 raised stakes. Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. now has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $3.25. Eagle Glob Advisors Lc reported 1.5% stake.

Salient Capital Advisors Llc holds 5.72% of its portfolio in ONEOK, Inc. for 5.22 million shares. Creative Planning boosted its position in shares of Teekay Offshore Partners L.P.by 31.5% in the first quarter. Washington Tru Bancorp holds 0% or 300 shares.

Nuveen Asset Mngmt Limited Liability Company owns 4.39 million shares. National Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can has invested 0% in Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (NYSE:TOO). 800 are owned by Mcf Limited Company. (NYSE:T). Karpas Strategies Ltd Liability Corp accumulated 64,188 shares. Brown Brothers Harriman & invested in 2,500 shares. The stock rose 0.36% or $0.05 reaching $14 per share. Cullen Frost Bankers Incorporated owns 17,709 shares for 0.07% of their portfolio.

Teekay Offshore Partners L.P.is a provider of marine transportation, oil production, storage, long-distance towing and offshore installation and maintenance and safety services to the offshore oil industry in North Sea, Brazil and the East Coast of Canada.

02/28/2014 - Clarkson Capital began new coverage on Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. giving the company a "market perform" rating. The Firm operates shuttle tankers; towage vessels; floating, production, storage and off-loading units; floating storage and off-take (FSO) units; units for maintenance and safety (UMS); long-distance towing and offshore installation vessels, and conventional crude oil tankers. The Company's divisions include shuttle tanker segment, FPSO segment, FSO segment, conventional tanker segment, towage segment and UMS segment. Augustine Asset Management Inc has invested 0.69% in AT&T Inc. This represents a $0.04 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.59%. 1,079,842 shares of the stock were exchanged. The institutional investor owned 510,425 shares of the shipping company's stock after selling 340,401 shares during the period. The shipping company reported $0.07 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of ($0.05) by $0.12, Morningstar.com reports. Oregon Pub Employees Retirement Fund reported 1.24M shares stake. The Waverton Investment Management Ltd holds 333,181 shares with $54.78 million value, up from 206,164 last quarter. (NYSE:AMP). Guardian Co reported 0% stake. Walleye Trading Llc, a Minnesota-based fund reported 200 shares. Wellington Shields Cap Mngmt Ltd Com owns 28,900 shares or 0.55% of their U.S. portfolio. 613,255 were reported by Aviva Public Ltd Co. Tiaa Cref Trust Fsb Mo holds 130,841 shares or 0.12% of its portfolio.

Since February 3, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 13 insider sales for $16.13 million activity. Sweeney Joseph Edward had sold 5,889 shares worth $723,299. Shares for $497,672 were sold by VESSEY RUPERT. Kupper Randy also sold $441,244 worth of Ameriprise Financial, Inc.

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